
The Grim Reaper

Lucan a god turned grim reaper meets a woman that would forever change his immortal life.

Deborah_Nzenwata · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A low life..

Running she slams the door trying to catch her breath. " What did I just see".

A black silhouette walks into a place clouded with white mist. A figure is seen leaning atop a white long sofa with his eyes close. "Meditating again aren't you " Lucan suddenly voiced out his thoughts, but the figure ignored him. "Fine I'll be straight, why did you save her". " She called my name ", the figure finally voiced out but with his eyes still shut. Lucan couldn't believe what he had just heard, "she's not the only person who has called you" he replied with a straight face. Calmly the figure opened his eyes "this one's different she called me by my real name, no one's supposed to know my name and her cry touched me. Lucan heaves a heavy sigh "well you intervened in my work, don't do it again", he replied coldly and disappeared. Luhan looking at the black remnant of the disappeared figure closes his eyes back and continues to meditate.

A silhouette is seen leaning on a long red sofa with his legs crossed. Sounds of clicking heels is heard immediately a lady in red walks in. Lucan holding the tip of his black bowler hat raises his head a little "miss Lilith, what a surprise" he said coldly. Lilith slams the door behind her, takes her seat on the sofa opposite his and crosses her legs. "Grim reaper, ha" she replied sarcastically," what a low life. You are a god we all know that yet you choose to be low". Lucan replied coldly "such words shouldn't be coming from a witch". I'm not a witch " Lilith replied calmly. "You're a demon and we all know that " he responded smiling mischievously. Lilith took a deep breath making sure she doesn't make a mistake that ends her life, no matter what he choose to be he could still end her life in seconds, he was not a god to be played with. Looking at him with squinted eyes she said" I just came to tell you grandma wants to see you and the Oracle also wants to see you". " I have places to be", Lucan replied and disappeared .

Diana steps out of her bathroom with a towel tied around her body. Suddenly her phone rings, she checks the caller ID. "Hello, who is this " she questioned after answering the call, but there was no response, she asked again but there was still no response . The call disconnected, she drops the phone and goes to her walk in closet, the phone rings again, she steps out and picks the phone again this time angrily. "Hello who is this?" . The background of the phone call begins to make sounds like it has lost radio signal, skrrrh skrrrh. She removes the phone from her ear and stares at it in confusion , " what the heck ". She puts the phone back and begins to hear voices of the dead calling unto her, at least that's what she thinks. She throws the phone away scared, "what the hell was that" she whispered to herself shaking in fear. She bends and picks the phone putting back to her ear to be sure of what she heard . "Argh!!!".

The next morning............

At DHL empire......... 8:00am

Diana holds on to her cup of coffee staring at the lady opposite her, she looks around the cafeteria and back at the lady . " You wanted to see me?". Bernice the woman opposite Diana stared at her for a while before replying "I'll be straight, so I want you to be straight". "Ok" Diana responded dropping her cup. "What has happened in this last few days" Bernice stared at Diana praying her visions were wrong. "What do you mean", Diana asked pretending to be confused, she wasn't sure about what exactly was happening to her, so how could she explain it . Bernice stared at Diana and decided to just go with it sensing her hesitation," whatever that has happened in this last few days has ultered your destiny . I can see a spirit, no a god", her eyes changes to white completely, "that wants you dead, you double crossed him by escaping death once, he won't let you go free this time. "Bullshit , I own my life and not some god" she walks out angrily. Immediately after she left Lucan appeared beside the woman "why did you tell her?". Bernice bows her head down "I'm sorry for interrupting my Lord, but please pardon her" . The woman suddenly changes to an old lady. "I can see a path". Folding his arm across his chest "is this why you want to see me?". "I promised her mother I'll be nice ". "That isn't mine to bear". He disappears and reappears at the edge of the table, adjusts his coat and walks away.

Standing at the edge of the rooftop of the thirty storey building, Lucan stared at the bottom with a somewhat sad look, "you finally choose to reincarnate but refuse to die, you won't go unpunished" he whispers to himself and jumps of the building.