
A shadow within an eye

They say life is blissful sunlight that warms everyone's heart. Christian's love life was a mountain he wanted to climb when people saw a hill. His love at first sight was first tainted. It was a heartbreaking lesson he endured for the rest of his life.

Realizing that many people's crap had infiltrated his life, he ended the party without even realizing when it had started.His parents had faced the same dilemma and now he imagined himself in the same boat they were living in. Trying to control Lovemore was a disaster as he exploded in anger like a category three disaster.Christian had realized that he had spent his entire life diluting it with unnecessary partnerships. His fiancée tried to explain herself. She made the situation complicated. Some of the people tried to control the situation but it turned out to be in vain. It was like draining water from the Mississippi river with a straw. They were all dragged into the same catastrophic tornado of secrets. Some of them realized that their friendship had crumbled on top of their heads.To tell everyone that the party had a grand master plan behind it was a pain . Aaron had fallen over hills for Rachael. To tell Lovemore that the plan had been planned by Roselyn was now trouble as Roselyn was now pregnant.She was pregnant with Lovemore's child. Hell was unleashed under the same roof. A shadow had been cust over someone's life. Realizing that the whole team was under the same roof and many people accusing Christian , Aaron said with a low voice "it was me, ".

"Excuse me?, " Lovermore asked what the boy was saying.

"I tricked and drugged Christian , "Aaron stammered . He gazed down in fear that Rachael would walk away

"He slept with Lydia so I would get Rachael, "the boy said. He was interrupted and could not exonerate himself from what was buried deep inside his heart.

"Don't you dare finish that statement , "Roselyn interrupted the boy.

"What? It was your plan also don't expect me to keep my gut shut and I'm not taking the blame , "Aaron shouted

"She did what?, " Lovemore asked.

"Yes I know. I deserve it whatever is coming. I ruined your relationship but now I can't take it anymore. Children are involved and I've got more problems. I can barely support my family, "Aaron said.

"Point of correction. I slept with Christian, " Rachael said . She unleashed all her emotions . She came to understand that the person she had been devoting her anger towards was not responsible.

"My boy a rose may smell better than a cabbage but it doesn't mean a rose can make better stew, ". Those were the words of a father to his troubled son

"Well father I can pull it off but what's the point of school when I don't know anything about life. I believe we learn from our mistakes so that we can grow to become who we are meant to be, ? " the son said.

"Christian nobody likes a smart know it all, you got it from me not your mother , "the father said

"Hey I heard that. Your father copied me every time in school, "the mother said.

"That wasn't copying those were discussions, "the father said

"Oh yes honey so I was the leader since I raised all the points , "the mother said.

"Look son what's the point of knowing it all then end up doing the wrong stuff. It's like giving a motivational speech then you end up not believing in your own words. If you don't believe them how do you expect someone to believe them? , "the father asked

"Ah father I was talking about a little bit of fun , "Christian said. As they were done talking the father laughed , he lifted himself up and went to the table to see the fine delicacies his wife was having.Going to school with the hope of making his family better, Christian would study like an insane person. Many people had already started to call him names that he didn't like. Harvard , he was called because of the vast knowledge and wisdom he had in his thick scow. Day in and day out knowledge would infiltrate or leak out when he presented papers and what the teacher would like. Reading the papers of the previous students was his game and he made every student at school a joke. He managed to get many passes while going through a rough patch at school .While he was busy attending to his family matters he didn't realize that in his love life he had a C pass. Having fun with his friends every time, their lives seemed to be an adventure they didn't want to end.As they enjoyed their lives one day his friend Ronald suddenly became curious about christian's girlfriend .This question pushed Christian into a corner as he realized the grade he had when it came to love life. To bother to think of telling the truth he couldn't as he knew the disaster that would emerge out of a dramatic and stupid joke Realizing that charming his way into the belly of the beast was going to be a hard one to crack , he launched a lie.So to cover a lie he told his friend Ronald about a girl he had a crush on.

Ronald without hesitation didn't realize or know the whole truth. He had a master plan to confront the girl but little did he know that the story he was told was just a tip of the ice bag. Christian had told a lie that he had a crush on Roselyn without realizing that his friend Ronald had the same feeling towards Roselyn . So Ronald had to see if his friend would step up to the challenge .They all went to her house to see if he would say what he needed. Christian spoke of the truth in front of the boys. When they met he couldn't as he realized that the boys would call him a bluff. While they were on their way to the house, Christian's mind was restless as he thought of the perfect plan to do.Little did he know that a simple lie would cost him a lot.

As they arrived he could hear his own pounding heart increasing every second .Every step in finding the truth only meant being called a chicken by his friends. When they arrived there were visitors he did not know. His plan was to knock on the door and introduce himself as a friend.Planning this master plan in his head , he didn't know that fate had other plans for him. Overcome by joy and eagerness to meet his friend's girlfriend, his other friend Jeremy whistled and called out the girl's name. Christian saw this twist of fate then began to breathe heavily . Deep in his mind it was like his friend was calling out the monster he was trying to avoid. Christian then grabbed his friend's mouth tightly. He was trying to avoid him from swallowing his own tongue the moment the dragon came out of the house.

They began arguing why he had grabbed his mouth. Christian brought a master plan. He said

"don't you see the cars and people surrounding the house, it may be a funeral or a gathering that the family is doing, "He continued saying

"Imagine if the father stumble out or the brothers, ''.When the excuses kept on sky rocketin, his friend understood what his friend was afraid of .

"so what's the plan, "he asked

''How about I go in then convince her to come out,''Chris said . He gazed at each one of them.

"That's a good idea, " they all said

" well boy what are you waiting for hop to it, "Andrew who had been eager to see the girl said

Jeremy took a breather .In his mind he had dodged a bullet . He took four steps towards the direction of the house, Roselyn's father came out saying ,"who is calling my daughter's name ?". Furiously the father came out . The boys didn't realize that they had disturbed an arranged marriage the girl had been trying to avoid. He took a glance at the road and he saw the boys. In the father's eyes it was a destruction to his daughter who was about to be married. To deal with the boys he summoned his sons and other boys to handle the boys who were whistling and calling Roselyn 's name. As Christian and his friends saw the angry mob, there was no option but to run.

Hearing the sounds of the footsteps runthe people who were chasing them made them to run even faster .To the boys it was like running away from a pack of wolves .Absorbed by the tyrant of imagination fear , Christian stayed behind .Back at the ceremony everyone was silent. Among the in-laws was someone who spoke out of turn. He behaved like a wild animal while everyone was silent. They all wondered why Rose's parents were so eager to get rid of her despite being an under age. Beauty was there but what else were they hiding. In the back of Rose's mind was freedom. The thought of having a house of her own was all she could think about. Sinking in her thoughts she never got to wonder the kind of marriage she was going to have

Growing up without a parental figure in her life was hectic. It just happened that distant relatives showed up in a foster home and took her. It bothered many people why they were so late and why they didn't take her when her parents passed away. Diluting her life with unnecessary friends was useless. Her future had been written the moment she was born. Fate would intertwine Chris and her but their lives had been written by their families the moment they were born.

"It seems our deal is done right here, I never thought the girl you had a crush on was such a slut, " the guests said.They stood up.

Commotion and tension rose as the aunties and the mothers stood up to protect one of their own.When the father heard the noises he begged in and found everyone in deep emotions. As he tried to make sense out of the argument , the girl's father was shown the massage then he slowly set down.

"See what I meant, she's an uncontrollable freak , "the soon to be husband said.

"Get out! , "the girl's father said.

"Excuse me, "the in-laws said .

"You heard me, no one insults my family in my own house, "he said . He stood up slowly then went to the bedroom.

"Dad please, I had nothing to do with this , "Rose said.

"The nerve she's even trying to deny , "the fiancée said .

Rose's mother came close to her , she touched her shoulder and said " you've got what you were yearning for, "

"Mom please I had nothing to do with it , "she continued to say.Her tears ran down her soft cheeks.

The boys came back to the house only to find the house in disaster. They wondered what had happened and even wondered why their father was silent. Realizing that the situation in the house was tense they all walked out then they went to the pub to drink some beers. Back at the house everyone was silent and some of them didn't feel the edge to eat.

"I wonder what the neighbours are saying right now ,"the mother said to herself.

They all set at the table and the father said "let's say grace, "

The words could not come out as he stared at the daughter sitting at the table. He stood up and said "I'm no longer hungry, ".

The day ended in bitterness but what they didn't realize was that their daughter was planning the demise of the boys who had caused her pain. The next day she was covered by the smell of the new blanket she took a pick at her window, and noticed that there were clouds in the sky. Realizing that the sky was eluding her mind with false time, she woke up, reached out to her phone to take a glance. It was past seven and her lecturers were to start nine am. With the desire to feel the cold air that had been outside the house, she opened the windows, she noticed that there was a cold that was nibbling through her bones. Realizing that she was about to be late, she took a bath and went to the mirror to look at herself. When she was done she changed and left the house without taking a bite at the fine delicacies her mom had been cooking.She arrived a lot of her friends were eager to hear how everything had gone .She could not speak as her tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Okay we can talk about it later, "they all said and stared at the girl.

"I wonder what traumatized her , "they all said.

When Jeremy was excited to talk to his friends about what had happened the day before he accidentally bumped into Rose.

"Hello, I'm Jeremy I'm a friend of your boyfriend , "he said smiling

"Excuse me, "Rose said and stared at Jeremy

"Oh sorry, we didn't get the chance to meet yesterday we came by to meet yo. I had to send a massage so that you could come out, "Jeremy said and chuckled

"You don't say, "Rose said but the boy did not know the anger that was bubbling inside the girl

"I hope I didn't over do it. It's just that I'm a big charmer unlike my goofy friend. Jeremy said as he pretended to be a player.

"Wait who is your friend again?, "Rose asked curiously . She came close to Jeremy

"Christian ,"Jeremy said . He looked around to see if he could spot Chris

"I'm going to end him, "Rose said as she stared around to see if the boy was present.

As she looked around one of the friends of Rose grabbed Jeremy and told him to leave. As he tried to make sense out of everything Rose's friend dropped a bomb on him. He told him that they had disrupted Rose's marriage. Realizing that they had done an unspeakable thing he began to take steps slowly. He moved towards the cafeteria that was nearby to look for Christian. The day passed but Rose could not see Chris who had messed up her life. As her mind drilled at the concrete of her heart it seemed as the best opportunity to escape the hell her bloodline had left her in.The other mind had been reminding her about how life was going to be without the man her father had found. One day at school she bumped into Chris.

"Damn I was just, "Chris said as he sounded agitated

"Avoiding me huh, "Rose said . Her lips were shaking like a person on crack

"No I was not, "Chris said and she gazed down

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it, "Rose said as her tears slowly ran on her soft cheeks

In anger she grabbed him by the collar then slapped him.

Everyone was eager to hear about their commotion . Christian tried to narrate about what had happened but the more he talked the more he sank into tight pit his friends had dug. Realizing that the love of his life was breathing in front of his eyes , he ended up making the situation worse. Rose could not bother to hear what the boy had been saying .She took a Pepsi container someone had been guzzling then poured the whole cold fluid on Christian's dusty head. Everyone die laughed and made jokes.Some even took videos. Realizing that he was embarrassed he ran out to look for a towel.

As Rose changed bit by bit , it started as the small stuff. She would get home late and lie about where she had been. Days passed then she began to skip classes. Her friends wondered what had been happening to her. They all tried to calm her and lecture to her about life.Other times they would argue about ways to handle situations not realizing that hell had decided to make her home a place to stay .On the other hand Christian wanted so bad to tell the girl of his dreams about his feelings . One day when they were in school, he tried to apologize for what he had caused . She turned him down as she looked down on him. He would wonder what he was supposed to say regarding his situation and the disease he had been carrying for that time was not helping . He would hide his situation from everyone and sometimes thought of making everyone like him so that they would feel the same pain he was feeling. Not knowing that the things he had been told were just the tip of the ice bag, he would wonder around the school with a shadow of a secret he didn't even know about. The demise of everyone was all he could think about but when he saw the girl, his rage and anger would defuse. Sadly to go back home was all he could do as he realized that he was in a world he didn't belong. Each day he would get in the house and notice fine delicacies at the table but could not ask. What he didn't realize was that the father had managed to get himself into trouble with the neighbors. The father would lie about his profession and that he was a mastermind when it came to fixing stuff.

One day after his daily chores he managed to get himself a gig he did not think of. The job had the financial payback so massive to the extent that he could pay his bills as well as paying for the children's tuition .As he tasked himself to handle the job , he fixed power cables in a newly designed house. Everyone admired the house. Stumbling new neighbors got to town they accidentally spilled coffee on some cables they thought was not important. The fuse was supposed to blow to protect the house but the boy's father had managed to remove the fuse and had replaced it with a wire so that he would use it one day to fix another house and sell the fuse.

The house blew tremendously and caused the flames. It burned every shade of hope the family had luckily they escaped out in the thick smoke. As they got out they watched from a distance as their house was reduced to piles of ashes.

"Did everyone manage to escape? "The neighbours asked questions as they watched and waited for the fire fighters to arrive.

"What a shame, "another chubby woman said as she gazed at the red flames

"Well that's what you get for showing off , "another woman said with a low voice.

"Tasha come on, that's not nice someone could've died, " Another neighbour said

"Set your jealous asid. Just because your husband failed to build you a house like that it doesn't mean everyone gets to suffer from it" Majory said

"It's alright, a house unfinished is better than a broken marriage, "the chubby woman mumbled.

"She thinks she's better than everyone else, "an old man said

"Oh shut it old man you've got no idea what your old hag says about you "the chubby woman said

"Oh Lord this young generation, "another old man said as he stared at everyone

As the tension rose another child shouted tremendously then said "oh get over yourselves, it was never about you, what do you think the family over there are thinking right now? , "She asked.

"Where are they going to sleep?, "a drunk infested man said. Everyone stared at him.

"What? You all were thinking about it. You're just mad I beat you up to it , "he said. He guzzled the small bottle of liquor he had in his palm. As they stared at the man, the fire fighters arrived and began to fill their tank with water.

"Lord have mercy they are getting water when the house is being reduced into a pile of ash, "someone In the crowed said looking at the smoke

"It's their job. On another note do you think a man like that who is able to build a house like that could not cover it?, "Nicholas said as he shook his head

When the fire fighters finished up they asked if the house was covered. No one responded as they were all stunned by the turn out of events.

"Can you ask all those questions latter? It's not a good time to do that, "a police officer said. Their relatives were contacted . Questions began to rise and sky rocket the next day as everyone wondered how the fire had started . In order for the insurance cover to be done investigations were carried out to see how the house had caught fire in the first place. Days passed by then the news hit the family that had suffered the massive tragedy.