
The Greyest Man Alive... So he thinks.

Hello, Meet Mr. Grey. The man who always lives in a grey world where he believes that nothing he does, no matter how evil, is okay as long as he does his job. He is a man of intelligence and will always proclaim his small bits of goodness, claiming he is good because even though he is a contract hitman, he has helped poor women get back on their feet. Even if he kills the innocent, he says he is good because he raised an orphan. Wow, a man like that is surely delusional. Watch as God tries to convince him that he is not as good as he perceives himself to be.

GutiePie_TTV · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Mr. Grey

Mr. Grey is a man who reads science fiction novels and fairy tales.

He works as an archeologist digging up fossils like he's always wanted.

It must pay well, but greed happens to have always been his Judas-Weakness.

Mr. Grey also works... As a hitman.

Mr. Grey was always bad, he'd kill people for crimes from little to large, no matter what it was.

Over time, it just became more and more about money.

He believed that morality was subjective, he believes that if people are fighting over whether genocide is evil,..

Both are on opposite ends,..

One justifying genocide...

The other opposing genocide...

Since Mr. Grey has always been the one committing genocides and has always been the one who never went through one, he says they're both correct.

Mr. Grey cannot make up his mind on what is wrong or right, but when he does, it's always what he is doing as being chosen as the right path.

Mr. Grey has an adopted Orphan, so he claims to be a good man deep down.


Mr. Grey has given to the poor to get people on their feet, he claims that proves he's a good man deep down.

What about the men he killed? Well, he doesn't think about them at all.

His orphan daughter has no idea of his illegal activities.

Mr. Grey always tries to convince her that his way is the right way, ruining his daughter's childhood and behavior.

Mr. Grey doesn't bother hiring a babysitter. She's usually a parent to herself like she was when she was an orphan since he works two jobs as a hitman and an archeologist.


Her name is Brenda. She is black and considers herself a mini adult.

Mr. Grey is Mexican. Mr. Grey never judges others, he has deemed every horrid behavior as okay except rape and torture.

Mr. Grey has standards and sees himself as good because of those standards no matter how low they are.

The only type of racism he won't justify is racism against his race. He is okay with being a bystander to racism against any other race except his black daughter, Brenda.


He's allowed people to be racist toward OTHER black people.

However, he says he's a good man for sticking up for his race and kids and that he isn't racist.

Mr. Grey believes that the good outweighs the bad.

Timothy Grey AKA Mr. Grey has always been a catholic.

However, he didn't care about God or Satan and never willingly took sides.

Mr. Grey accidentally took the side of Satan.

Mr. Grey didn't see being a hitman as Satanic, so he never thought of himself being on the Devil's side.

So, when God reprimanded him today on 4/28/2022 at 11:59 P.M.

Mr. Grey naturally objected and called God a bad person for not understanding his reasons.

God was simply infuriated since none of his reasons were even valid.

None of them even landed on needing to save the daughter he adopted yet hardly sees, like having to pay for food or cancer.

Mr. Grey has an amazing job as an archeologist which would surely pay for it.

His daughter doesn't have cancer, by the way.

Mr. Grey's just a greedy crap-pot who loves money and has no guile.

He kills people for extra money which shows you how much he values life.

Mr. Grey has never been a pedophile, or homosexual, he's stolen $50,000 from his clients, and he's pickpocketed and broken ATMs to get money.

He's a man whore. He's a liar. Mr. Grey lies a lot to everyone. Mr. Grey mocks people's dead relatives.

Mr. Grey has lied to man, woman, children, angels, animals, demons, fallen angels, bugs...

Even to himself.

Mr. Grey will never save a life.

Brenda is still alone at home as Mr. Grey is about to kill a man but The Almighty God, Jesus Christ, stopped him to scold him.

Mr. Grey has mocked mankind, even his daughter to a lesser degree.

Brenda both loves and hates her dad and is destined to be an angsty teenager.

Brenda is 11.

Mr. Grey is told by God that for killing people, God will punish him.

All Mr. Grey thought was "Oh, crap. He'll either threaten my life or Brenda's."

Mr. Grey forces himself to still believe he's an amazing person.

What's worse is that is why he's worried for Brenda.

Mr. Grey can't imagine God punishing him for his desires so Mr. Grey thinks God will blame Brenda since Mr. Grey believes God doesn't have the heart to punish him.

This lie to himself was to protect his ego.

To be continued...

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