
The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Is 《Harry Potter》 a fairy tale? In front of Anton was a dark wizard who released curses at will, is mutual deception, a stinkbug, and the edge of the wizarding world like a quagmire. In this place beyond the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic, even Snape's splendid reputation for murderous people resounded everywhere. How to survive? It was the only thing he needed to think about. Perhaps the arrival of the admission letter to Hogwarts will be sunshine piercing through the hazy clouds. But before that, he had to rely on himself. Only by himself! "Crucio!" The light of the magic spell illuminated Anton's face, and he smiled so cheerfully, "Well, I'm alive again." ... T/N: Hi everyone, this fanfic is a transition. Other websites like MTL don't have complete chapters, so I am translating raw source, using google translate or safari translate extension, also using some complete chapters from MTL, and post it here. Warning: From what I've read so far, I DON'T think it's a Harem. This translation won't be perfect. there might be some spelling mistakes like Lu Ping or An Dong. there might also be some mentions of China, but not to the point of nationalism. Some of Voldemort's name is written as Lao fu. Some of Dumbledore's name is written as Lao Deng. Tags: OP MC, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Ruthless mc

Kami_sama666 · Book&Literature
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168 Chs

Chapter 65: Good boy who loves to learn

When I woke up early the next day, the three lovely roommates had disappeared.

Anton came to the school cafeteria leisurely with the books he needed for today's class.

There are a total of 142 staircases in Hogwarts, almost all of them move on their own, sometimes even disappear suddenly, and some doors are actually just a door with a thick wall behind it. Even if it was used to defend against Muggle witch hunts in the past, it is obvious that the greatest impact can only be on the occupants.

It still remains.

Anton really didn't know how to complain.

Slytherin's first class was the history of magic, a ghost named Professor Binns.

It's amazing. It was a ghost who guided Anton into the magical world.

After entering the magic school, the first professor was also a ghost.

Fate is so wonderful sometimes, it seems to be quietly telling Anton something with this arrangement.

Professor Binns is obviously a pure ghost. Unlike the old wizard, this professor lacks a lot of agility. When he lectures, it seems like a stereoscopic projection video tutorial.

He doesn't call names and doesn't care about the students below, as if the whole world is the only classroom and himself left.

The monotonous voice, reading the contents of books that are obviously older than the textbooks in hand, sounds a bit like an audio reading program for AI mentally retarded, and the whole class is boring and suitable for sleep.

In fact, even though there are many children from good families in Slytherin, they still can't help falling asleep.

In the whole class, only one person listened in high spirits.

It's Anton.

While listening, he took notes quickly, and he suddenly realized that as long as he endured the professor's intonation and the long tortoise-speed tone, he actually spoke a lot of magical content.

"...Wizards don't have as much resistance to Muggles as they imagined, especially after Muggles raised their flaming weapons..."

"...The wizards who had to hide in the dark corners of the world finally couldn't bear the fate of being caught and burned in public at any time. They invented a magical spell..."

"...This is the most critical turning point in the history of magic, the Muggle Exorcism Curse has appeared...."

"...After the spell was cast, the Muggles without magical power could only leave the wizard's eyes without any resistance, as if nothing had happened, even the well-trained army, with a large number of risky Weapons of fire, they can't find the enemy, yes, they don't even forget who the enemy is..."

"...let's remember this turning point and reiterate the importance of the Muggle Banishment Charm. The wand turns three times, hoisted up and then lowered quickly, saying aloud, Aladimobi Uda Ampa, so simple, we conquered …"

Anton never imagined that he could learn magic spells in the history of magic class.

He couldn't help but picked up his wand and tried the Muggle Expelling Charm in front of the classroom. The charm flashed and he couldn't see any effect.

But he had a feeling that he seemed to have succeeded in releasing.

Muggle Repelling Curse...

Anton has a new insight into the old wizard's saying that "a wizard is a god".

Just by developing such a spell, Muggles are no longer a match for humans. Now all the streets, houses, schools, the Ministry of Magic, etc. of the wizarding world have cast this spell, and for Muggles, it is even equivalent to another world dimension.

Anton even had an idea, if he cast such a spell on a tank or even a missile launch base, would everyone leave with a confused look.

No wonder Muggles are discriminated against in the eyes of wizards.

No wonder there is no shortage of careerists in the wizarding world who are eager to rule and enslave Muggles. After all, Muggles are much easier to deal with than goblins.

War always promotes the development of technology, and the same applies to wizards.

If even the top wizards such as Dumbledore were studying how to deal with human technology and developing spells one by one, then everything would be different.

Anton benefited a lot from his first class at Hogwarts.

Not because of learning the Muggle Repelling Charm.

Instead, he found that when the wizarding world encountered a huge problem, the best way was to research the targeted spell.

It's not an easy problem, but the idea of ​​​​this thing is completely different from the previous one.

"Wizards are gods..."

Anton thought about whether Lupin and Nagini could finally develop a spell, and then everything would be normal.


If it was Nagini's powerful witch mother, the blood magic spell would really be the light of a wand.

The road is long and the road is long~

I will search up and down~

In this way, within a few days, Anton quickly became an alternative to Slytherin.

Most of Slytherin's students come from pure-blood or mixed-race families. Many families have already started preschool education when the little wizards can't release the spell. The superficial knowledge in the first grade really can't make most people focus on the classroom.

"The undercover agent from Ravenclaw!"

A classmate laughed loudly at Anton.

very good!

Anton just looked at him with a smile. It's only been a few days since the school started. He didn't care about learning knowledge.

It's very Slytherin.

Of course, in the evening, he took his lovely roommate Draco Malfoy and his entourage to the door to send warmth together and teach this classmate what Slytherin is.

There is a point that is wrong:

Gryffindor is the most serious violation of school discipline.

Obviously, this is not the case, every college is violating the school level.

In private, the Slytherin classmates get along well, which is not found in other colleges. Of course, everyone tacitly limited this kind of thing to the dormitory and common room.

The sconces in the Slytherin common room are solid!

Because this classmate was hanged for one night.

Well, the magic flame in the wall lamp is very warm.

The next day, everyone would stop disturbing Anton's studies.

The learning atmosphere directly breaks through the sky, which is very beautiful!

Of course ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Not every class Anton likes.

Flying lessons.

In a class that Anton found extremely boring, he preferred to sit in the history of magic class and listen to Professor Binns casually tell all kinds of mysterious historical knowledge.

Rolanda Hooch is teaching the flight class. Mrs. Hooch has exquisite flying skills. Correspondingly, it is the terrible teaching method and the stupid poor response to various emergencies in the flight class.

Anton felt that this one was more suitable to participate in Quidditch matches than to be a teacher.

"In this terrifying moment, I quickly lowered my broom, a skid, and quickly dodged a Muggle helicopter, you don't know, the stupid propeller of this weird Muggle machine was only a foot from my hair at the time ."

On the day of flying lesson, Draco had been bragging almost all morning.

Ps: The helicopter is indeed what Malfoy said, the content in the original book.

When he finished talking to everyone, he would look at Anton proudly, as if he had a great sense of superiority.

In order not to hurt the heart of this arrogant roommate, Anton could only follow along and exclaimed two words, and then continued to bury his head in the stack of books.

Fortunately, this little boy finally had a better person to brag about.

"Harry Potter!" Draco raised his head at a 45-degree angle and swayed towards Harry.

Then, as always, there was a quarrel, Decora took Neville's memory ball, Harry Potter rolled up his sleeves, Ron drew his wand, Hermione's eyes widened, and Professor McGonagall walked away over here...

Everything was noisy beside him like a glimmer of light.

But the fun is theirs, and Anton just wants to learn.