
The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Is 《Harry Potter》 a fairy tale? In front of Anton was a dark wizard who released curses at will, is mutual deception, a stinkbug, and the edge of the wizarding world like a quagmire. In this place beyond the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic, even Snape's splendid reputation for murderous people resounded everywhere. How to survive? It was the only thing he needed to think about. Perhaps the arrival of the admission letter to Hogwarts will be sunshine piercing through the hazy clouds. But before that, he had to rely on himself. Only by himself! "Crucio!" The light of the magic spell illuminated Anton's face, and he smiled so cheerfully, "Well, I'm alive again." ... T/N: Hi everyone, this fanfic is a transition. Other websites like MTL don't have complete chapters, so I am translating raw source, using google translate or safari translate extension, also using some complete chapters from MTL, and post it here. Warning: From what I've read so far, I DON'T think it's a Harem. This translation won't be perfect. there might be some spelling mistakes like Lu Ping or An Dong. there might also be some mentions of China, but not to the point of nationalism. Some of Voldemort's name is written as Lao fu. Some of Dumbledore's name is written as Lao Deng. Tags: OP MC, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Ruthless mc

Kami_sama666 · Book&Literature
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168 Chs

Chapter 62: Magical Chocolate Frog

Anton and Ron were obviously a little late, and every carriage was full of people, and they had to go deeper down the narrow passage.

"Oh my God, Anton, come and see who I met!" Fred jumped out of nowhere, grabbed Anton mysteriously, and said excitedly.

"George, I'm your brother!" Ron was very angry and pouted.

Another twin, George, also ran over, "That's it, George, how can you ignore your brother?"

Fred shrugged, "Okay, brother, hello."

Then he turned his head and whispered to Anton, "We met that legendary boy, Harry Potter, he showed us the lightning scar in his hair, it was amazing!"

"It's in the last car, go take a look, he's sitting alone." Fred seemed to be busy rubbing his hands, "Of course, we can't take you to see it, Li Jordan got it Where's a big kangaroo, we've got to join in the fun."

George put a hand on Fred's shoulder, "Yes, I think that little furry animal will definitely come in handy."

Then the two happy children disappeared like the wind.

Ron stared at their backs.

Anton smiled, "Don't mind, let's go, the train is about to leave, we have to find a seat as soon as possible."

The train was full of frolics, and the rule that no magic could be performed during the holidays made the little wizards suffocated. They waved their wands and cast various spells. The freshmen watched on with excitement and fear.

A witch was sitting in the corner with a cart full of snacks, apparently waiting for the train to leave, but it was already crowded with people.

A little wizard opened a box of chocolate frogs, the chocolate frog jumped out of the box, and with everyone's exclamations, he quickly jumped onto the guardrail of the train.

But obviously he didn't grasp it, he struggled twice on the railing, leaving a trace of chocolate, and fell down.

"It's amazing!" Anton's eyes lit up.

He knew about this kind of snack, and there was even a pile of cockroaches that Dumbledore liked to eat, but only after seeing it would he realize the charm of this kind of snack.

Anton's favorite magic is the 'moving figure' he learned from the goblin, but it relies on his own will to show action.

But this chocolate frog doesn't need a wizard to maintain the spell!

It doesn't even need a drive center like a power stone, just relying on the power of the magic spell, it can move like a real frog on its own!

"There are too many people here, maybe we should find a place first." Ron tried his best to put on a smug look on his face, which made him feel like he was finally in front of this very good-looking cousin who looked a lot like him. There was a sliver of victory.

"No, I must buy it right away!" Anton's eyes lit up as he watched a little wizard eat the chocolate frog in one bite.

He handed Ron the fried chicken nuggets and drinks that Lupin had prepared for him, and tapped the two of them with his wand, making them float behind Ron.

"Ron, I can't wait." Anton rubbed his hands, "Can you find the seat yourself? I'll leave the suitcase to you for safekeeping, and I'll give you the food."

The hot fried chicken nuggets were fragrant, and Ron swallowed, "Okay, you will come to me later."

"Okay." Anton also surrounded him excitedly.

Ron could only walk to the depths of the train alone.

Obviously, he still couldn't find a vacant seat, and finally he could only come to the last section, asked a question at the door, and walked in excitedly.

"Harry Potter..." Anton pursed his lips, staring at Ron's back.

He had no interest in the protagonist of Harry Potter, and even said he was a little scared.

After finally getting a stable life, he has no interest in following this little boy to all kinds of death and facing Voldemort.

Using his two years of experience in the wizarding world to re-examine the content of the novel, he can only say that Harry Potter has the aura of the protagonist, and most of the time people are already dead.

He just came to study and learn knowledge, not to fight for his life.

Stay away from Harry Potter.

There are so many exciting things in the wizarding world, and it is still exciting enough without Harry Potter.

"Give me ten chocolate frogs!" When he finally squeezed in, Anton smiled brightly.

If the above techniques can be researched, can the magic trick of the 'moving figure' be upgraded?

He was looking forward to it.


Randomly found a position at the railing and looked out.

The train slowly drove out of London, cattle and sheep all over the fields, vast grasslands, and European-style huts with pointed roofs, passing by one by one.

Countless ripples rippled, as if wearing a magic-sided magnifying glass in front of him, Anton's pupils were enlarged to the extreme, with starlight rippling inside.

The 'fairy eye' secret technique.

He took out the small bottle he carried with him and took a sip. This is the magic potion for 'Wizard's Eyes'.

Under the double control, Anton finally saw the wizard's will attached to it on the chocolate frog.

It was a kind of happy magical animal that hummed and tapped on the chocolate pot, and countless chocolate frogs jumped out.

This is not the curse of human wizards.

Nor is it fairy magic.

Very unfamiliar, but Anton can boldly guess that this is a natural magic attached to some kind of magical animal, and it may not be used in chocolate originally.

He doesn't understand the magic spells under different principle schools for the time being, but he still habitually memorizes the magic images above.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and the chocolate frogs all jumped into his hands.

One on top of the other, they quickly melted and condensed into an oversized chocolate frog.

Well, it looks a bit like a toad.

Although he couldn't learn this magic for the time being, Anton still pushed it according to the characteristics of magic, and made these chocolate frogs fuse into one.

He was about to try more, when hurried footsteps approached.

"May I ask if you saw Neville... God, I found it, and it's in your hands!"

Anton looked up and saw a little girl with fluffy hair and front teeth, who looked like a cute nutria.

"No, you made a mistake, it's mine."


Anton suddenly stuffed the whole toad into his mouth, leaving only one hind leg beside his mouth, kicking wildly.

He raised his eyebrows at Miss Beaver, and gave him a sharp bite.

The toad's hind legs fell, twisting on the ground. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Anton's eyes lit up, he chewed hard, the rich chocolate aroma rushed to his brain, he gave a thumbs up.


Miss Nutria widened her eyes and leaned back, her eyes full of terror.

As Hermione screamed and fled in a panic as if she saw something terrible, Anton gave a wicked smile.

Yes, no matter what the protagonists are, they are just children after all, and the original book is just a fairy tale.

At least he was much happier about entering Hogwarts.

Chocolate frog tastes great.

It's not that I haven't eaten chocolate in my previous life, but I've never had such a rich chocolate flavor, like the cooking that shines in a young master's home.

Over the past year, despite all the hardships, Anton's mouth has always been good.

At first, I followed the old wizard. Although only wheat flour can be used to make noodles and steamed buns, it is also wheat flour from the wizarding world. It has a natural, unique and rich wheat aroma, and it actually tastes pretty good.

Later, he lived in the Leaky Cauldron, and Old Tom changed his method to make all kinds of delicious food to supplement his nutrition.

Later, he went to France. With some money, he never treated his stomach badly.

After buying a house, they signed a food delivery agreement with a Chinese restaurant for a long time.

At the back, Miss Ilsa checked in, and they entered a life of alternating French and Chinese meals.

In general, although I wandered around the UK and around, I just never had a chance to eat a legendary dark dish.

It didn't take long for a sound from the horn on the train.

-Please change into your school uniforms and robes. You will arrive at Hogwarts in ten minutes. Please leave your salute in the car and we will send you to the school.