
The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Is 《Harry Potter》 a fairy tale? In front of Anton was a dark wizard who released curses at will, is mutual deception, a stinkbug, and the edge of the wizarding world like a quagmire. In this place beyond the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic, even Snape's splendid reputation for murderous people resounded everywhere. How to survive? It was the only thing he needed to think about. Perhaps the arrival of the admission letter to Hogwarts will be sunshine piercing through the hazy clouds. But before that, he had to rely on himself. Only by himself! "Crucio!" The light of the magic spell illuminated Anton's face, and he smiled so cheerfully, "Well, I'm alive again." ... T/N: Hi everyone, this fanfic is a transition. Other websites like MTL don't have complete chapters, so I am translating raw source, using google translate or safari translate extension, also using some complete chapters from MTL, and post it here. Warning: From what I've read so far, I DON'T think it's a Harem. This translation won't be perfect. there might be some spelling mistakes like Lu Ping or An Dong. there might also be some mentions of China, but not to the point of nationalism. Some of Voldemort's name is written as Lao fu. Some of Dumbledore's name is written as Lao Deng. Tags: OP MC, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Ruthless mc

Kami_sama666 · Book&Literature
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168 Chs

Chapter 55: Christmas

Anton met the Weasleys at the intersection of Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley in August 1989. At that time, he had just passed through for two months and spent more than 60 days when he could be killed at any time.

Later, he experienced some things, and unknowingly, there was a group of 'people' beside him, and they all crossed the ocean together and arrived in France.

And because of a job promotion, he returned to the UK from France.

Before I knew it, the time had come to Christmas at the end of 1990, and within a few days of Christmas, it would be 1991.

For more than a year, whether it is long or short, Anton and the others have never had the habit of celebrating festivals.

But this year there is.

Mr. Lupin and Miss Ilsa energetically dressed up and downstairs.

An Dong, who was asked to blow up the balloon, had a bitter face, "Maybe I shouldn't let you come to this house!"

Ilsa trimmed a Christmas tree by the fireplace with scissors. "It's useless to say more, Anton. Blow up the balloons. This is the favorite thing for all Christmas children to do."

"Damn, something that can be easily done with just a spell." Anton sighed and rubbed his cheeks, "At least you should buy a pump, why blow with your mouth?"

Anna helped bring the Christmas tree ornaments over and giggled as she watched this scene.

It's really interesting, Anton, who was vaguely a parent among a group of adults, was actually suppressed by this crying woman.

"No, if you don't let me use the wand, you must buy me a pump!" Anton blew a balloon so hard that it exploded too hard, startling himself, and stood up very upset, "You If you don't buy it, I'll tell you what the finale of "Wait until we meet again" is."

"Merlin's beard!" Ilsa was stunned, "You damned child!"

Since Miss Ilsa moved here, she was quickly taken away by Lupin. The two of them liked to huddle together on the sofa with a lot of snacks and watch TV shows.

Recently, they are chasing the drama "Wait until we meet again". The two of them watched other people's sad stories and shed their own tears.

"Spoilers are shameful!" Ilsa could only give in, and finally found a pump from a box.

"Damn it!" Anton was stunned, "You actually bought a pump?!!!"

"I hope you have a full childhood, Anton." Miss Ilsa's words were always so plausible.

It really shocked Anton for 10,000 years.

Angrily, he took over the pump, and he looked at the whole box of balloons with a sigh, "The house is almost filled with balloons!"


The goblin Pedro appeared in the hall, staring at Anton with his red eyes, "Anton, you always say what you say, right?"

Anton smiled, and hurriedly took the opportunity to throw the pump on the sofa, "Yes, Mr. Pedro."

Pedro nodded vigorously and took out a mechanical watch from his arms, "This is the secret treasure of the 'Time and Memory Collector', dialing the time on it allows you to peep into your past, maybe you can rely on it It finds your childhood memories, at least how old you are."

Anton raised his eyebrows and took it over, "Is this a Christmas present?"

"Christmas?" Pedro seemed to have heard something outrageous, "No, we fairies don't have Christmas!"


Mr. Rozier also appeared, holding a pile of gift boxes and laughing, "No, Pedro, you spent Christmas."

He stretched out his hand laboriously from the gift box and shoved a small box into Pedro's hand, "Your Christmas present this year!"

"This year?" Pedro looked at him in shock.

"Yes, my old man, I give you gifts every year, but unfortunately you never give me gifts." Rozier shrugged and didn't mind, and piled the gifts in the corner. Rubbing Anna's little head, "Everyone has it."

"Huh?" Pedro stammered, "I do have something for you today, but I didn't know it was Christmas, but, I mean, um."

He took out a small fine china bottle with two openings from his arms, "Okay, let's take it as a Christmas present."

Rozier laughed and took it quickly, "Merlin's beard, after thirty-five years, I finally received your gift. Tell me, what is this?"

"It's the 'closed prison' potion and antidote, maybe you can make Nagini turn back into a human body occasionally, I..."

Before Pedro could finish speaking, Rozier held him tightly in his arms, "Old man, I love you to death!"

Ana also grabbed the hem of Pedro's suit jacket excitedly, "Ana likes this Christmas present."

The house gradually became lively, and Lupin's shouts from downstairs were faintly heard from the stair aisle, "What's going on in your restaurant, this is Chinese food? I haven't eaten this kind of food at all, don't think I I don't know, Chinese food doesn't have broccoli at all."

Now Lupin is not a decadent uncle, he is more spiritual than a spiritual boy.

Tsk tsk tsk, a man in love.

Anton shook his head, but saw the old wizard floating around beside the windowsill, looking tangled.

"Teacher, it's not necessary. Although Lupin is of the opposite **** and inhuman, you can also find other friends." Anton teased with a wicked look on his face.

"My poor teacher, he never had a life of his own, he died..."

The old wizard interrupted him, "You stupid apprentice, I do have friends!"

Anton was shocked, "You, have friends?"

"Yes, today is Christmas, and I want to invite them to my house." The old wizard looked at Anton with some anticipation, "They are all ghosts, I don't know if I can?"

"Hahahaha..." Anton laughed, raised his hands high, turned to the crowd, and shouted, "My stupid teacher has finally learned to make friends."

"Let's cheer for him!"

There was a wailing and wolf howling.

"Teacher, this is not just my home, this is your home too!"

The old wizard's eyes lit up, "Great, we will be in my room and won't disturb you."

"No no no, teacher, this is your home." Anton said solemnly, "You should invite them in the hall~www.mtlnovel.com~ instead of hiding in the room."

Ilsa was obviously flustered beside her, "I don't know what to prepare for the ghost?"

"No, no." The old wizard also laughed happily, "I ordered ghost drinks and food at the ghost bar."

It didn't take long for Anna to hold Nagini in her left hand and Rozier in her right, and she smiled very happily.

A group of ghosts also came to visit. They know how to be a ghost better than the old wizard. They not only brought a band, but also let Anton open the door and enter through the gate solemnly to complete the etiquette of the visit.


Ghost Band...

Anton couldn't understand it. Anyway, he just thought the music was noisy, but everyone liked it.

Outside the window, I don't know who set off fireworks, which exploded in the sky, a fire and silver flowers.

Ilsa brought in a lot of fireworks in a Muggle style, saying that she wanted to play with the two children Anton and Anna, and it turned out that Lupin had the most fun.

Anyway, that's it, this year's Christmas is extraordinarily lively and interesting.



After the uproar.

The old wizard was taken by a ghost friend to a ghost bar to renew the stall.

Ana's family sat around the big bed and whispered, and Pedro was also dragged by Rosier to join.

Lupin huddled on the sofa with Ilsa in his arms, and the two burst into tears with the sad music on the TV.

Anton sat at his desk and flicked the watch that Pedro gave.

Bang, countless smoke lingered.

In the smog, the motor car drove past the boundless field. An Dong, who was wearing a plaid shirt, begged his girlfriend not to be angry with a bitter face. His girlfriend pouted and turned her head to ignore him, but smiled secretly.

"I really miss it..."