
The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Is 《Harry Potter》 a fairy tale? In front of Anton was a dark wizard who released curses at will, is mutual deception, a stinkbug, and the edge of the wizarding world like a quagmire. In this place beyond the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic, even Snape's splendid reputation for murderous people resounded everywhere. How to survive? It was the only thing he needed to think about. Perhaps the arrival of the admission letter to Hogwarts will be sunshine piercing through the hazy clouds. But before that, he had to rely on himself. Only by himself! "Crucio!" The light of the magic spell illuminated Anton's face, and he smiled so cheerfully, "Well, I'm alive again." ... T/N: Hi everyone, this fanfic is a transition. Other websites like MTL don't have complete chapters, so I am translating raw source, using google translate or safari translate extension, also using some complete chapters from MTL, and post it here. Warning: From what I've read so far, I DON'T think it's a Harem. This translation won't be perfect. there might be some spelling mistakes like Lu Ping or An Dong. there might also be some mentions of China, but not to the point of nationalism. Some of Voldemort's name is written as Lao fu. Some of Dumbledore's name is written as Lao Deng. Tags: OP MC, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Ruthless mc

Kami_sama666 · Book&Literature
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168 Chs

Chapter 53: Werewolf arm

Time passed by little by little, and the night, which originally passed in the blink of an eye, seemed so long at this time.

Ilsa gradually stopped crying. She tried her best to face the werewolf, trying to get herself used to Lupin's appearance as a beast.

"It's not easy." Anton still stared at the werewolf's arm, the light and shadow recording magic beside him flickered, and the lines were so complicated that it seemed like a mess.

"My teacher, what you have seen is the ghost at home, whose name is Alex Fiennes."

"It took me the greatest effort and perseverance in my life to accept a ghost."

"At that time, he especially liked to float past me when I was looking in the mirror, or stared straight at me. For this reason, I was afraid when I saw all the reflective things, and felt that as long as I looked in the past, I could see a A ghost without a head."

"That was a really bad experience."

Ilsa could imagine that terrifying picture, and couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic, "Then what happened after that, why did you two live together?"

Anton turned his head to look at her and smiled brightly, "I accept him, we get along well."

Ilsa held her arm tightly and looked at Anton firmly, "I can do it too."

Anton shrugged, "I'm looking forward to it."

"Poor Lupin is so lonely. He was bitten by a werewolf when he was very young. If the great Dumbledore didn't give him the opportunity to study at Hogwarts, he might not even have a friend."

Ilsa's eyes lit up, "Can you tell me about Lupin? Like his friends? I'll get along well with them, as Lupin's wife."

Anton laughed, very unscrupulous, "He died, he died of old age, and another one was imprisoned in Azkaban. It is said that he will be imprisoned until he dies of old age."

Ilsa was silent, looking at Lupin with some pity, "In this case, isn't he the only one left?"

Anton nodded, "Wandering for ten years, helpless, excluded everywhere, because of his status as a werewolf, he has no lucrative job, and suffers from scorn."

He looked at the complex pattern beside him with some satisfaction, and sighed.

Then, he looked at Ilsa sternly, "I don't know if it's right or wrong to bring you here, Lupin is very pitiful, he needs to be redeemed."

"But it doesn't have to be you!"

In the original book, Lupin met Tonks. Thinking of this, Anton looked a little weird, "I don't know if he met you under my influence, whether it was good or bad."

"Miss Ilsa, you have been to my house. There are werewolves, ghosts, and goblins. You should know that I am not an ordinary person."

"I am a dark wizard, and I am proficient in Cruciatus."

Ilsa looked at him in shock, swallowed, and took a step back.

Anton looked at her sternly, "Your arrival may save Lupin or kick him into hell. You can choose to accept this werewolf, but it's not easy, I hope you can think about it , think about the cost of being with a werewolf."

"The price is heavy. You will live the same excluded life because of him. Although you may seem to be doing well now, you are all wizards. You can imagine the exclusion of the wizarding world, unless you plan to cut off the wizarding world. Contact. If you don't want to implicate your parents, even stay away from them."

"It's really not easy, just think about it."

"Love is sweet, but reality is not necessarily. It is always full of bitterness. If you really make up your mind to be with him, then when you give up, he will be destroyed."

"And at that time, I'll give you a Cruciatus!"

An Dong's eyes were full of coldness, and his eyes shot at Ilsa like a knife, "I'm serious, I'm not a good person, I can do it."

He thought that Ilsa would be afraid and shrink back.

But he guessed wrong.

Ilsa held her chest out proudly, "I will become Lupin's wife, and then I will teach you as an aunt, not to use the Unforgivable Curse!"

Anton was stunned.

Ilsa stared at him not to be outdone, "Since I have chosen a werewolf, I know what I will face. You don't have to worry about my family, they are all Muggles."

"Muggle?" Anton blinked curiously.

"Yes, my parents are both high-ranking officials!" Ilsa looked at Anton's surprised eyes and smiled smugly, as if she had pulled back a game, "I was magically awakened when I was a child, and the school had to let me go to school. "

"But in order to prevent wizards from interfering with the politics of the Muggle world, my parents signed an agreement with the Ministry of Magic before enrolling in school, and they cut ties with me."

Said, she stroked her beautiful long blonde hair proudly, "I refused, and finally the Ministry of Magic compromised and agreed to let me see my parents once a year, accompanied by officials of the Ministry of Magic."

"No one can affect my family because I marry a werewolf, and the Ministry of Magic is the first to disagree."

"Wow~" Anton exclaimed.

"And you will find out." Miss Ilsa looked at Anton proudly, "After I become your aunt, you will be on the right track, instead of being led by a ghost into a dark wizard, you are still young, there will be An opportunity to be a good and upright person."

Anton's face was weird and wonderful.

"I didn't know that Lupin's finding a wife would still affect me. I really saw a ghost." He muttered, and continued to stare at the werewolf's arm.

The preparation cost of the 'Wizard's Eye' potion is particularly high, and he can't waste any more time.

Time passed quietly.

The sky above the cave gradually lit up.

The werewolf is also changing a little bit, becoming a human.

This is the most amazing time.

Anton stared closely at Lupin's arm, daring not to miss the slightest bit. Hundreds of light and shadow recording magic images were floating beside him, and his brain was running frantically.

Under the vision of the 'wizard's eyes', those filamentous lines collapsed violently and quickly, forming dark green filamentary concave cracks, and then rapidly expanded, flipped, and quickly twisted into the magic curve of a normal wizard.


Lupin looked at Ilsa with a complicated expression, "I heard it all."

Ilsa looked at him excitedly, "Lupin!"

Lupin exhaled forcefully, "When I turned into a werewolf, I seemed to have become a ghost floating beside the instinct of the beast, and I could only helplessly watch the werewolf hurt people, and then wait for me to take over the body and face him. All the consequences for oneself. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"So, I heard it."

Ilsa clenched his hand tightly, her eyes full of pity, "Don't say more."

Lupin looked at her deeply, smiled, and smiled brightly, as if this man who was gloomy every day suddenly had sunshine, "Following a werewolf, the price is not small."

"I'm happy!" Ilsa also smiled.

She pulled Lupin up and smiled happily. She wanted to throw herself into Lupin's arms and express her excitement with a long French kiss, but unfortunately there was a light bulb beside him who kept staring at Lupin's arm. It made her feel a little embarrassed.

Lupin walked over and patted Anton's head in annoyance, "You kid, it's abhorrent for me to say that you are weak and pitiful."

"and many more!"

Anton took a step back, still staring at his hand tightly, and finally closed his eyes deeply, as if thinking about something.

He raised the corner of his mouth, opened his eyes, and looked at the two of them mysteriously, "Are you interested in witnessing a miracle?"

Anton raised his right hand high.

Waving his wand in his left hand, he muttered words in his mouth.

In the end, he raised his eyebrows proudly.

I saw that countless wolf hairs grew out of his hands.

Then, his arms began to expand rapidly.


All the clothes on his arms were torn. From the shoulders to the palms, the huge werewolf arms were covered with wolf fur.

The two-meter-long werewolf's arm was extremely sturdy. Anton moved his fingers and stretched his sharp wolf claws, making a "yeah" gesture.

"Tsk." Anton looked at his hand in amazement, "Ness!"

Lupin and Ilsa opened their mouths in shock, both of them stunned.