
The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Is 《Harry Potter》 a fairy tale? In front of Anton was a dark wizard who released curses at will, is mutual deception, a stinkbug, and the edge of the wizarding world like a quagmire. In this place beyond the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic, even Snape's splendid reputation for murderous people resounded everywhere. How to survive? It was the only thing he needed to think about. Perhaps the arrival of the admission letter to Hogwarts will be sunshine piercing through the hazy clouds. But before that, he had to rely on himself. Only by himself! "Crucio!" The light of the magic spell illuminated Anton's face, and he smiled so cheerfully, "Well, I'm alive again." ... T/N: Hi everyone, this fanfic is a transition. Other websites like MTL don't have complete chapters, so I am translating raw source, using google translate or safari translate extension, also using some complete chapters from MTL, and post it here. Warning: From what I've read so far, I DON'T think it's a Harem. This translation won't be perfect. there might be some spelling mistakes like Lu Ping or An Dong. there might also be some mentions of China, but not to the point of nationalism. Some of Voldemort's name is written as Lao fu. Some of Dumbledore's name is written as Lao Deng. Tags: OP MC, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Ruthless mc

Kami_sama666 · Book&Literature
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168 Chs

Chapter 164: old fu playing pussy

The train came to a slow stop, and Hogsmeade station arrived.

Except for the school day, Hogsmeade Station mainly serves the village of Hogsmeade.

Just like the school's prohibition on detection and apparition, a powerful spell has been cast here, and no villagers have responded to why everyone didn't take the train this day, or that there were fewer wizards who chose to appear on the train.

On this day, a small and dark path will appear in the grove next to Hogsmeade Station. When the little wizards walk in from this path, they can see the Hogwarts Castle opposite the huge Black Lake.

Different from rowing with a sense of ritual in the first grade, you can take a carriage to school from the beginning of the second grade.

It was the Thestral who pulled the cart. This mighty magical beast had an eye on the whole of England, and Hagrid, the sorcerer, had the ability to tame it.

It is said that when Dumbledore travels, if he does not want to Apparate, he will choose to ride the Thestral.

But Hagrid specifically reminded that the Ministry of Magic prohibits travel by Thestrals, which is illegal. In addition to being worried about being seen by Muggles, the wizarding world generally regards this magical animal as an unknown, representing death.

The skinny horse-shaped body has dark dull skin, a skinny dragon head, a huge skinny bat wing, a pair of pale eyes without pupils, and a mouth full of fangs.

I like the smell of blood, I can smell blood from a few kilometers away, I can perceive human thoughts, and I like dark corners.

If Death has a mount, it must be Thestral.

By the way, the core of the Elder Wand is Thestral tail hair.

By the way, the body of the Elder Wand is made of elderberry. According to legend, the owner of the elder wand will be attracted by the owner of the rowan wand. Interestingly, Dumbledore's previous wand is made of rowan wood.

As the information in his mind crooked a little bit, Anton grinned wickedly.

So interesting.

He reached out and stroked testral's cheek lightly.

testral sneezed, feeling the love in Anton's heart, and rubbed Anton's palm with his cheek affectionately.

Neville glanced at Thestrals with some fear, "Let's get in the car, it looks so scary."

Anton raised his eyebrows, "Can you see?"

Only those who have clearly felt the process of life fading can see the Thestral.

"Well..." Neville looked a little sad and pursed his lips. "My grandfather, I held his hand tightly when he left. He is the person who loves me the most in this world..."

"After he left, I lived with my grandmother. I know that they all love me. My grandmother, my parents, my uncle..."

He took a deep breath. "I've always missed my grandfather."

Anton patted his shoulder with a sigh, "I don't intend to comfort you, but people will die. Maybe when you enter the world of the dead in the future, you can tell your grandfather that you have a good life."

Neville nodded vigorously.



"Thank you!"

An Dong was stunned for a moment, laughed loudly, and hugged the silly child, "Thank you, we are good friends!"


Anton jumped out of the carriage halfway, went to the hut beside the forbidden forest alone, and handed the suitcase containing his research materials and experimental items to Elephant Vine.

The vines will drag suitcases very deep into the ground.

Having a secret base of his own at Hogwarts was the proudest thing Anton did last year.

He has always maintained a good relationship with Filch. Although Old Deng has acquiesced to Anton's use of this place, Anton is still helping the poor administrator attentively.

For example, giving Filch a sign prohibiting stinky eggs, this anti-curse sign for stinky eggs, will stop the stinky eggs from popping.

Although they usually provide students with a new product after half a month - Stinky Dung 2.0 (with an anti-curse for the anti-curse of the cue card).

Now their stinky egg product has been updated to 5.0.

A great virtuous circle formed between Filch and his classmates.

The twins once felt uneasy about doing this, whether to consider whether to lower the price of stinky eggs, but their experiment was so expensive that they had to earn Jin Galleon with tears.

There is a huge piece of parchment in the hut, which records the curve of Filch's emotions. From the very beginning of Stinky Dung 1.0 and Cue 1.0, to now Cue 4.0 and Stinky Egg 5.0, the curve has fluctuated up and down. It can be seen that Filch has been living in a stressful and exciting life rhythm.

And judging from the change in the curve, they may have to provide the administrator with a reminder card 5.0 as soon as possible, and it can be seen that the stinky dung egg 6.0 can be sold for a longer time.

Simply put, Filch is a little numb.

This interesting little topic of the hut has always been the most interesting and fun thing for the five members.

It is worth mentioning that the anti-curse of the anti-curse of the anti-curse of the cue card 5.0 is provided by Neville.

This stupid child memorized the books on the book list provided by Anton with great perseverance, and kept asking friends and professors about the knowledge points he didn't understand in the books.

Insufficient talent, relying solely on hard work and sweat.

The twins were amazed by that terrifying perseverance.

In this regard, Neville's explanation is embarrassing. His dream is to study the counter-curse of the Cruciatus and heal his parents.

This kind of person exudes the brilliance of humanity and charisma, and there is no reason not to let a few friends like him.

Compared to...

Draco, who was also from a pure blood family, hated it a lot.

Anton, who rushed to the dining hall on the first floor of the castle, frowned and looked at Draco. After the child who had become a little timid, he found a lame reason to sit in the farthest corner of the long table.

Proud Draco always has to sit in the most eye-catching position in the middle of the crowd!

"What's up with him?"

Facing Anton's question, Crabbe also looked inexplicable. With only the brain capacity of a troll, he didn't quite understand what was going on, and grinned.

Then went on to gulp down a whole roast chicken.

"Delicious, hehe."

Anton frowned and leaned back.

what the hell!

It's hard to understand how this product releases high-end black magic.

Has Lihuo become so cheap these days?

And this guy is actually a Quidditch hitter for Slytherin, no wonder he lost to Gryffindor, tsk tsk tsk.

Anton looked at him with the eyes of caring for the mentally handicapped child, "eat more if you like it."

"Yeah! You can eat it too!" Crabbe nodded with a smile, stretched out his radish-like fingers and pulled a chicken leg and put it on Anton's plate.




Success made me lose my appetite!

Anton had to grab the cup on the table and drink the watermelon juice inside.

Like his Bread Charm and Chocolate Frog, Hogwarts' watermelon juice is made with the help of magic, a unique craft of house elves.

This thing is obviously more advanced, and Anton can hardly eat any trace of magic.

No emotion, no wizard's will, no trace of magic.

Of course, Anton is not in the mood to study this now.

There's something wrong with Draco, there's definitely a situation!

I definitely have a problem myself!


I seem to have forgotten something!

The black mist filled the pupils, the blue electric light surged, and the line of sight traveled all the way with the colorful mist, and finally came to the depths of the soul.

Voldemort stayed in a small doll-shaped Horcrux.

His soul was still so shattered that he could barely see the human form.

It was at this time that Anton keenly discovered that the soul was covered with a layer of magical fluctuations that were so faint that they could hardly be detected.


"Confusion Charm!"

"Professor!" Anton looked at the Horcrux coldly, "You cast the Confusion Charm on me, that's true, you've become a Horcrux and you're in a mood to stir up trouble."

Lao Fu continued to play dead.


Anton sneered.

Playing asshole, right?

Since you don't know how to praise, I don't need to treat you as a respected professor. He has already had countless conjectures about the Horcrux experiment, but he just hasn't done it.

Like he said, everyone maintains a decent look for each other.

Give you face you don't want, wait!

He squinted at the Confusion Charm magic power on his soul, his expression changed.

One thing he was very clear about was that Lao Fu had absolutely nothing to do with his own will, and he had this confidence.

The Confusion Charm would definitely only slightly affect his misjudgment of a certain piece of information.

Moreover, the importance of this information to me ~www.mtlnovel.com~ is dispensable, which will make Laofu's sneak attack successful.


What does Lao Fu want to forget about himself?

Something to do with Draco?


"Hahaha, fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth, fighting with the dear teacher, it is endless fun, the thief is exciting." Anton had a cold smile on his face.

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

The black line between him and the Horcrux was filled with cursed rays of light, which stimulated the Horcrux to tremble.