
The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Is 《Harry Potter》 a fairy tale? In front of Anton was a dark wizard who released curses at will, is mutual deception, a stinkbug, and the edge of the wizarding world like a quagmire. In this place beyond the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic, even Snape's splendid reputation for murderous people resounded everywhere. How to survive? It was the only thing he needed to think about. Perhaps the arrival of the admission letter to Hogwarts will be sunshine piercing through the hazy clouds. But before that, he had to rely on himself. Only by himself! "Crucio!" The light of the magic spell illuminated Anton's face, and he smiled so cheerfully, "Well, I'm alive again." ... T/N: Hi everyone, this fanfic is a transition. Other websites like MTL don't have complete chapters, so I am translating raw source, using google translate or safari translate extension, also using some complete chapters from MTL, and post it here. Warning: From what I've read so far, I DON'T think it's a Harem. This translation won't be perfect. there might be some spelling mistakes like Lu Ping or An Dong. there might also be some mentions of China, but not to the point of nationalism. Some of Voldemort's name is written as Lao fu. Some of Dumbledore's name is written as Lao Deng. Tags: OP MC, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Ruthless mc

Kami_sama666 · Book&Literature
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168 Chs

Chapter 137: Pulling will

Anton is a nice guy.

For the lack of knowledge of Neville's potions, he expressed his heartache and was willing to take the trouble to give him a good lesson.

"The horn of a unicorn is a good potion material. Grinding the horn in a bowl and soaking it in water is the simplest universal antidote. At the same time, it has powerful magic power and is widely used in many potions. ."

"Any part of a unicorn has magic power. In addition to being used as a wand core, its tail hair is also a potion material, such as the beauty potion that female students like."

"The best quality tail hair is 10 gold Galleons, oh, by the way, this kind of tail hair will not change hair, there are only a few tail hairs. Almost a bag of tail hair, a small cloth bag, Also 10 Galleons."

Every time Anton spoke, Neville's expression paled a little.

But Anton continued to speak.

"Of course, it also has unique physical properties, such as being extremely tough, which Hagrid used to use as a rope for bandaging wounded animals."

"Because this powerful magical animal is so easy to use and easy to catch, the International Federation of Wizards once had a proposal to protect the unicorns that were about to be killed."

Neville gradually listened too, and asked curiously, "Easy to catch?"

"Of course, don't take it too easy. You should remember the description of unicorns. They mainly eat grass and leaves. They will eat the leaves of flowers, but they will not hurt the flowers, and they can only accept the touch of pure girls."

Neville nodded vigorously.

Anton spread his hands, "This is the way to catch, the unicorn likes to sleep on the girl's skirt the most, and then the pure girl can take out a sharp dagger and stab it lightly, the unicorn is in a beautiful dream. Live the perfect life."

Neville couldn't believe it, "I... I've only heard of such a plot in fairy tales. I thought it was just a fairy tale, but I didn't expect it to be a way to deal with unicorns."


This time it was Anton who couldn't believe it, "Fairy tale?"

Neville looked at him inexplicably, "This is one of the most famous bedtime stories, don't you know?"

Ha ha.

do not know.

I don't want to know either.

What inexplicable fairy tales and bedtime stories have such a discordant plot.

"All in all, in order to protect the dwindling number of unicorns, wizards try not to kill unicorns that grow in the wild, except those on farms."

"Reduce the use of potions on other parts of the unicorn."

"Promote the unicorn's message about the good and holy side."

"In fact, Dumbledore gave me a list of books to borrow from the forbidden section of the library, and one of them had a description of unicorns."

"Their blood, heart, bile, vertebrae, tails, skulls..."

that's it.

Anton gave Neville a complete lesson.

Hundreds of uses of unicorns have been described over and over again, inside and out.

At the end, Neville also began to accept that it seemed that bleeding a unicorn was not an unforgivable sin.

Do not!


"That's not right." Neville insisted, "Anton, you are an evil wizard."

"Quack quack."

"Just kidding, maybe in your eyes, unicorns are holy, but in my eyes, unicorns are the most filthy animals, and they will be cursed if they are contaminated with blood? Hehe, hell, I don't want to touch this kind of magic. animal."

"We're just going to see and see."

Neville finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Anton really didn't lie, they really just looked.

They didn't do anything bad except turn into muscular werewolves, hold down a lone unicorn and pluck a precious tail hair that never grows again.

Three days passed in a flash.

There are always so many surprises in the Forbidden Forest full of unknowns.

For example, a large clump of devil vines savagely growing in the gloomy ravine, Neville's terrified struggle was almost dragged in and smashed, which was so exciting.

Devil's vine and elephant-eating vine have completely different biological characteristics, elephant-eating vine likes the sun and likes exposure. Devil's vine, on the contrary, likes the dark and damp, and is afraid of strong light and high temperature.

All kinds of magical animals and plants, plus Anton's unique introduction full of dark wizard bias.

Neville felt that the whole person had undergone a baptism in the past three days.

The whole person is transparent.

But he was still a little guilty. In the past three days, they ate too many runes, and Anton always said, "This is for the ecology of the Forbidden Forest!"

What can Neville do, he can only pick up the bowls and chopsticks in frustration, "It's really fragrant~"

If you want to say the biggest receipt in the past three days, in addition to 'all petrochemical', he has also practiced good snake soup and barbecue skills.

Anyway, except for the first day, Neville was always doing the tricks, and Anton was beside him.




A branch was thrown onto Quirrell's desk.

Anton squinted at the back of Quirrell's head and frowned. Voldemort has been in a particularly bad state recently, and he has been asleep all the time.

"What's this?" Quirrell looked at the branch with some puzzlement.

"Can't you feel the pulling will above?" Anton rolled his eyes.

"Tractor will?" A blank face.

"Leave the Rope Curse, that's your strength." Anton looked at Quirrell carefully, and seeing that he didn't seem to understand, he had to pick up the branch and put it on a finger.

I saw that the branches turned on the fingers for a moment like a compass, pointing firmly in a certain direction.

"This was broken off from the tree next to the unicorn gathering place. When it was broken down, I used 'pulling will' to add some magic power to it, and it would point to its mother tree." Anton put down the branch, "You It can be used as a door key weakened to the extreme, or a compass."

"But I still don't understand. I didn't see the rope, what is pulling the will, what is going on?" Quirrell stared blankly at the branch, and then at Anton.

"Ha ha."

With your IQ, it's hard to explain it to you. It's just traction, literally, an invisible rope. Is it hard to understand?

"I found the unicorn for you, and you can do the rest yourself."

Anton turned around and left, thought for a while, then turned around and explained, "There are many unicorns in the unicorn gathering place. If you don't want to be besieged and fail, find one that is alone and start at a farther place. "

That's all.

Bye bye.

Anton has some regrets.

Obviously, the high-end private teaching class taught by Tom Riddle is completely over.

Even if Quirrell drinks the blood of the unicorn and Lao Fu wakes up, he will definitely put all his energy into the Philosopher's Stone.

For the remaining two months of the semester, he will not come into this office again.

Quirrell tried to kill him twice.

Anton didn't have such a big belly and smiled and forgot.

At the end of the semester, if Quirrell hadn't died at the hands of Harry Potter, Anton would definitely have gone to make up for it.

He has already figured out how to die~www.mtlnovel.com~ and he has also quietly figured out Voldemort's Dark Mark. When it comes time to put such a tattoo on Quirrell's arm, even if he accidentally exposes the murder, he also has it. an account.

Dumbledore would understand him. For such a person who tried so hard to revive Voldemort, if Anton didn't do anything, Lao Deng would also do it.

Voldemort would also understand him, just as Lao Fu understood himself, and Anton also understood Voldemort. It is reasonable and reasonable for a person who planned to kill himself to be killed in revenge.

The timing is also very clear.

The night after the final exam, when the trio of Quirrell and Harry would break into the Chamber of Secrets containing the Philosopher's Stone, perfect timing.

Just like killing the old wizard Fiennes back then, Anton had no psychological burden to kill Quirrell.

"Professor? Huh~"