
The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Is 《Harry Potter》 a fairy tale? In front of Anton was a dark wizard who released curses at will, is mutual deception, a stinkbug, and the edge of the wizarding world like a quagmire. In this place beyond the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic, even Snape's splendid reputation for murderous people resounded everywhere. How to survive? It was the only thing he needed to think about. Perhaps the arrival of the admission letter to Hogwarts will be sunshine piercing through the hazy clouds. But before that, he had to rely on himself. Only by himself! "Crucio!" The light of the magic spell illuminated Anton's face, and he smiled so cheerfully, "Well, I'm alive again." ... T/N: Hi everyone, this fanfic is a transition. Other websites like MTL don't have complete chapters, so I am translating raw source, using google translate or safari translate extension, also using some complete chapters from MTL, and post it here. Warning: From what I've read so far, I DON'T think it's a Harem. This translation won't be perfect. there might be some spelling mistakes like Lu Ping or An Dong. there might also be some mentions of China, but not to the point of nationalism. Some of Voldemort's name is written as Lao fu. Some of Dumbledore's name is written as Lao Deng. Tags: OP MC, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Ruthless mc

Kami_sama666 · Book&Literature
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168 Chs

Chapter 132: you were tricked

"You were tricked by Tom!"

Dumbledore's face was full of light of wisdom, he ate Bibi Duo Beans with a smile, suddenly frowned, turned around and spit it out.

"Tom has deliberately ignored a lot of conditions."

"In fact, the large-scale emergence of Muggles and hybrids has been in recent decades. Under the previous management of the Ministry of Magic, wizards and Muggles were not allowed to marry."

"You'll get caught and go to jail."

Dumbledore squinted and looked out the window, his eyes blurred, "At that time, children born with mixed-race and Muggle backgrounds will be killed, and orphans whose backgrounds cannot be found will also be killed to ensure the purity of wizard blood. ."

"In this context, there are no so-called powerful hybrids or Muggle wizards at all, they are all killed."

"All orphans try to hide their magical riots. It was an era of silent and frequent occurrences."

Dumbledore crossed his fingers on the table and looked at Anton seriously, "This is why we protect the Muggle world. If those children can grow up smoothly and enter the school, the population violence brought to the wizarding world will be affected. The increase in strength brought to the wizarding world will be completely different."

"The Muggle world is the source of the wizarding world."

Anton suddenly realized, "No wonder you fought with Grindelwald back then. No one would say that it was the first wizarding war. It turns out that everyone knew that Grindelwald was right!"

Dumbledore's eyes became sharp, staring at Anton closely, "What did you say?"

Anton blinked, "Isn't it?"

"Pure blood began to combine with Muggles, children of mixed blood and even Muggle families were able to grow up to be able to enter wizarding schools, the balance between the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle world..."

He spread his hands, "Just because Grindelwald was here."

"Really?" Dumbledore slammed his fingers hard, his knuckles turning white, and muttered, "He's been here..."

The silver-haired old man who looked extremely tough and calm showed a rare look of confusion and weakness.

Even the whole person exudes a kind of 'helpless' atmosphere.

Yes, this is the effect of emotions and magic. After Anton mastered several kinds of eyes, he became very sensitive to things like emotions.

Anton's mouth twitched, "Sorry, Dumbledore, I seem to be talking too much, sorry."

Dumbledore pursed his lips and shook his head lightly, "No, you are right."

I don't know why, but Lao Deng's face burst into a bright smile, smiling so proudly, "Because he has been here!"




"You were deceived by Dumbledore!"

Voldemort's snake body roamed the office quickly, and finally turned his head to stare at Anton coldly, "This is a compromise!"

"Wizards don't need too many people, and wizards don't need any wisdom from so-called Muggle blood!"

"A powerful wizard, as long as he wants to live, it's not a problem to be hundreds of years old. Population is always a ridiculous topic!"

"Indulgently condoning the proliferation of Muggle blood in the wizarding world will eventually lead to these ants-like Muggle bloodlines occupying the entire wizarding world!"

Voldemort's tone was sharp, and the possessed rune head looked down at Anton from the desk.

"Have you ever heard of any fairy tale in which the number of gods can't be counted?"

"A small group of people occupying the top of the world's detachment is enough!"

"When all wizards have Muggle blood, the wizarding world will become completely wiped out, and they will be completely dragged into the Muggle world by so-called ridiculous love, family, friends, etc. reasons."

Voldemort stared at Anton,

"My student, can you imagine that all Muggles know wizards, and that Muggle-born wizards don't kill them?"

Anton nodded seriously.


He pursed his lips, the world of mutants, uh, that's not so beautiful.

Anton still prefers the wizarding world.



"You were tricked by Tom!"

"The decision to decide the fate of the wizard has always been firmly grasped."

Dumbledore smiled, "There will always be some wizards who can't figure it out. The Ministry of Magic is just an ordinary management agency, and it does not represent the wizarding world."

"As a matter of fact, the International Confederation of Wizards, Wizengamore, the management of the School of Magic and the Board of Trustees..." Dumbledore sneered at the corners of his mouth. "These are much higher ranks than the Ministry of Magic."

"We deliberately downplay our authority, but we hold all the important links all the time."

"The supremacy of wizards is our belief, and it is also our consensus to treat Muggles kindly. The International Confederation of Wizards Secrecy Act is our attitude towards Muggles."

"On the issue of being able to control the fate of wizards, it is always ours to decide."

"Tom knows, but he doesn't say it."

"He thinks you, an orphan who came out of the Muggle world, will be like him back then, thinking that the management department is the highest department, no, the Ministry of Magic? Huh."

"!!!" Anton suddenly realized and nodded.



"You were deceived by Dumbledore!"

Voldemort screamed!

At this time, he was possessing Quirrell's head, and the surging and extreme emotions caused magic, and the whole office was shaking.

All items were shaking violently.

It was as if a storm had come on a small boat in the sea, and Anton shrank pitifully on the high-back chair.

So weak and helpless.


"We just need to cast the Muggle Banishment Curse on the whole of Britain..."


"Has he never heard of nuclear bombs? Even a hundred-year-old man like me knows."


And just like that, Anton was going to and from Dumbledore and Quirrell's offices all day, his whole head being squished like a mush of arguments.

It wasn't until he looked at the sky where the sunset began to smudge, and suddenly he woke up.

He looked up at the sky from the huge window of the castle without saying a word, and exhaled deeply.

"None of my business!"

Yeah, the wizarding world turns into any bird, whatever.

You guys like to be noisy, can't you just sit down and have a good chat?

Call me the middleman to pass the word?

For some reason, Anton thought of a TV series he had seen in his previous life. There was a plot like this, Xiao Ming's parents had a fight.

"Go and tell your father, come and eat, or he will starve to death!"


"Go and tell your mother that today's food is too salty. Does the salt at home cost no money?"


"Go and tell that dead ghost, if you don't like it, cook it yourself!"




Dad was stunned, "I haven't said anything yet!"

Xiao Ming looked at his father blankly, "Huh?"

Finally Dad sighed and said, "Tell your mom that it's time to wash the clothes at home and ask her when the washing machine will be ready."


"Hehe~www.mtlnovel.com~ suffocate him! Tell your dad to let him wash his hands!"


Look, Anton is that poor and helpless Xiao Ming.

Domestic cold violence is terrible!

But he still reluctantly pushed open the door of Quirrell's office, there was no way, he couldn't afford to offend either of them for the time being.

Eyes blank, "Dumbledore asked when the washing machine will be repaired?"

"Hehe, you were deceived by him. Huh?" Voldemort looked puzzled.

"!!!" Anton felt that he was about to collapse.

ah ah ah ah...

When is this a head! ! !