
The grey witch

Amy_221 · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Black....? Gaunt.....? Peverell...!? How in the world was she supposed to be the last of the three? Thoughts swirled around her head, trying to make sense of it all.

"Well miss Black, it seems that you have quite the legacy. I will get the account manager for the Black vault."

"Yes, thank you..."

Hookfang left her sitting there while contemplating her newfound situation. She did of course know of the three houses.

The most noble and most ancient house of Black. One of the most ancient and noble 28 wizarding houses. It was a family filled with dark wizards and witches. This was also the house from which Sirius Orion Black and Regulus Arcturus Black came from.

House of Gaunt was the last remnant of Salazar Slytherins descendants. They were the main family line directed from him. This was also the house from which Tom Marvolo Riddle, AKA Voldemort, descended from. More specifically his mother Merope Barsk, daughter of Marvolo Gaunt.

Finally was one of the oldest houses that she knew of, the house of Peverell. This was the house from which the three brothers, Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus Peverell came from. They were the ones responsible for the deathly hallows, the elder wand, the invisibilty cloak, and the resurrection stone. All of which Amanda knew the location of. They were also the ancestors of many pureblood families, mainly the Gaunt that came from Cadmus. The Potters from Ignatus, and none from Antioch.

There were many things to consider when accepting the heirship that comes from the three houses. Many would most likely see her sudden appearence as a way for them to gain access to the vaults through her. Some would try to manipulate her into letting them get her seat at the Wizengamot. The worst however, would be the old goat Dumbledore. He would try to get magical guardianship over her which would allow him access to her newly aquired wealth and properties. She knew he most likely would attempt it since she never liked him, mostly because of his "greater good" bullshit that he kept spewing.

At these thoughts, an idea started to form, but she needed funds first which was perfect since a new goblin had just entered. She decided to try her luck with something she once read in a fanfic.

"Greetings Master Goblin, may your vaults fill with gold and your enemies fall by your blade." She greeted. The goblin looked surprised, but nonetheless pleased with her greeting.

"And may your gold pile higher and your enemies blood flow red, young witch. I am pleased to know that the lost heiress of the most ancient and most noble of house Black is one such as yourself."

"Thank you. I dont believe I have gotten your name." She said, trying to keep her cool as to not blow her cover.

"Ah, yes indeed. I am Ironclaw, the manager of the house of Blacks vaults."

"Well, it is nice to meet you Ironclaw. As Hookfang might have told you, my name is Amanda Parker, or rather Black, now."

"Indeed, a pleasure."

"Im curious however as to how I`m a Black as well as the other two."

"That can be solved easily." The goblin said as he put forth another ink like jar.

"How many this time?" She sighed. It felt to her as if she would need to prick her hand an awful lot.

"10 should suffice."

She nodded and grabbed the ornate knife from beside the jar, put it to her index finger, and pressed down until she drew blood. She then hovered her finger above the jar and squeezed 10 dropletts of blood into the inky substance. Finishing up, she removed her hand while observing as the finger healed itself without a trace of the former wound.

She watched as Ironclaw grabbed a piece of parchment, put it on the table, and spilled some ink on it. She almost believed something bad would happen since she thought he spilled on accident, but to her surprise the ink started to move in intricate patterns and started to form what looked to be a family tree.

Once the ink settled down, she could clearly see how it all hung together.

"Father... Regulus Arcturus Black.... Mother.... Bella Parker, née Gaunt."

She was dumbfounded. She was the niece of Sirius? Not much was known about Regulus when she lived her other life, so to her, he was just really a name.

"Well, that was certainly interesting." Ironclaw said with mild shock in his voice.

"I believe that there are only two things left. First is the vaults. The second would be to take up the heir rings. Which do you want first?"

"Lets start with the heirship rings. You never know what to expect down there."

Ironclaw nodded with what could almost be seen as a proud smirk. He walked over to the safe in the far corner an started to dial the code. A few minutes later he came waddling back while carrying a silver tray with three boxes on top. He put it down on the table between them and opened the boxes one by one.

First was a ring with a thorny outline and celtic symbols inside the shield.

Next came one ring that she did not exactly want to put on. It was a golden ring with a smal pyramid shaped stone on top. It was the Gaunt ring, the horcrux of Voldemort, and the resurrection stone.

Finally came the Black ring. It was a dark silver ring with the crest for house Black on it along with the house motto, Toujours pur, meaning Always pure. Good fit considering that until Sirius` generation, all from the house of Black was pureblood supremacists.

"These are the heir rings for the three houses you are to inherit. Each ring has a piece of ancient magic in them that might test your worth. Please, begin." He said while holding out his hands to indicate to start the testing.

Amanda took a deep breath and started with the Peverell ring. When she put it on her left little finger, she felt her surrounding vanish from her sight, and she woke up near a bridge. The bridge wasnt anything special, but on top of the bridge you could see three people.

Amanda walked near them and stood in front of them as they spoke.

"As heiress, you need three things to succeed." Said the one to the left which was also the smallest of the three. The next spoke.

"The things you need allign with the tools we had." Said the one to the right who was the second tallest.

"Speak their meaning and take your place as one of us." Said the middle one.

Amanda thought for a few minutes before figuring it out. Three things you need that is aligned with their tools. This was the ring of Peverell. The Peverell had the deathly hallows. That means that she need the three qualities that the hallows represented.

"Power." She said, causing the largest of the three to stand more straight.

"Love." The second tallest stood straight.

"And finally, wisdom." The shortest now stood straight with the others.

"Good. Remember those words. Power is nothing without love to protect and wisdom to wield it." Was the final words of the tallest before she found herself back in the office. She was a bit disoriented, but came to her senses fast.

"How.... How long was I gone?" She asked.

"Gone? You only put on the ring a few seconds ago. It might be a world inside the ring that will be used for testing."

"I...I see." Was the only reply she gave before grabbing the next ring, the Gaunt ring.

When she put it onher left long finger, nothing happened other than a voice in her head.

"You are passable....." Came a hazy voice.

She half expected to get the same curse as the original Dumbledore, but it seems that as an actual Gaunt, she had some form of immunity. Maybe Tom didnt expect any other Gaunt to appear.

"Well, that was something."

"Hmmm? Something happened?" Ironclaw asked.

"No, nothing. Was just accepted as a Gaunt." The goblin just nodded.

She took a final look at the last ring before her, the ring of house Black. This was the ring she wanted the most. Not only was Sirius her favorite character back then, but she also felt like it would be the perfect place to be as to future events.

She grabbed the ring and placed it on her left ring finger, between the other two. She waited for something to happen, but nothing. She heard Ironclaw chuckle in the background and turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah, my apologies heiress Black. The ring of Black has no test other than to put it on."

"What if I wasnt actually a member or rightful heir?"

"Well, your hand would be no more for starters. There is a curse on that ring to remove all non-Black from wearing it."

"I see. Well if thats all, then whats next?"

"Next comes the final part of recognising you as heiress."

"And that is?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Here at Gringotts, we have certain goblins that are trained in the art of medicine. They will give you a potion as to help you against any known magical illnesses. After that, you will be brought before a goblin that will test you for any and all magical traits you might have inherited from your houses."

"Got it. Lead the way then."