
The Grey (Dramione)

Dramione AU It's the summer in between fourth and fifth year that Hermione Granger was finding it harder to tell who she can trust and who she shouldn't. She's soon going to learn that someone isn't simply light and dark, some people fall into the grey. That same summer, after weeks of his Father pressuring him to take the Dark Mark, Draco Malfoy made his final decision. For the first time in his young life, he told Lucius no. Knowing full well his Father had his own ways of getting what he wanted, Draco ran that night.

EmpressAlysha · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

The First Morning

"What is that Death Eater doing here!" A gruff voice exclaimed in anger.

"Death Eater? He's just a boy. He doesn't even have a dark mark!" A second man's voice said trying to reason with the other.

"Well that boy has done enough without one! Just ask my God son!" The first man bellowed.

Due to the loud argument being had nearby, Draco Malfoy woke up quickly. Last he remembered, some wankers were trying to pick a fight with him. He had never been one to hold his tongue and next thing he knew, he was bleeding on the cold pavement before everything went black.

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked around the room for some clue as to where he was. The room was pretty dark despite the sun shining through a nearby window he noticed. Once Draco's eyes adjusted to the lighting he could make out some things around the room.

There wasn't much in the room, just the usual things but 10x more expensive. The color scheme seemed to consist mainly of dark green and black. "Slytherin colors," he couldn't help but think to himself. This room actually reminded Draco of his own room back at Malfoy Manor, at this realization he couldn't help but vaguely miss it.

Against his body's wishes Draco got out of the comfiest bed he's slept in since he left his home. He looked around the room and found a photo of two black haired, pale skinned boys with only subtle differences in appearance. He found the photo in a box in one of the dresser drawers.

He couldn't help but feel like he recognized these boys from someplace but he couldn't recall from where. As he picked up the photo to examine it closer, he heard foot steps start to come closer to his door. It was then that Draco realized the arguing and yelling had finally stopped.

Draco quickly placed the photo in the dresser drawer he found it in and hurried quietly to the bed. Maybe whoever it is will think he just woke up and wasn't looking through all this stuff?

"Ah Mr. Malfoy, I'm glad to see you're finally awake," he heard a very familiar voice say as he was 3/4 of the way to the bed. Draco looked to find none other than his very recent Professor, Remus Lupin.

"Professor Lupin?" Draco asked confused.

"Why don't you call me Remus, I'm not your Professor anymore if you remember," Remus Lupin suggested.

"Ok, then I suppose you can call me Draco," Draco said awkwardly. "Um Remus, where-where are we?" He asked the older man.

"Someplace safe, that's all I can say right now," Remus answered.

"But how did I get here? When? I was just on the streets," Draco questioned while his mind began to race.

"Here, why don't you take a nice shower, get changed into these and then come downstairs to have some breakfast before I answer any more questions," Remus suggested kindly.

"Where would that be?" The blond boy asked.

"Well the bathroom is out your door and down the hallway," he said gesturing to a door Draco hadn't noticed, "and since we are on the 4th floor you'll have to go down the stairs to the ground floor before going into the room with double doors."

"Ok, thank you Prof-I mean Remus," Draco said correcting his mistake.

"You are quite welcome, Draco. I'll leave you to it," Remus said giving him a smile before getting up and heading out the door.

Draco looked around the room for a moment so he could tell it from other rooms in the house before standing back up. He slowly walked out of the room he woke up in and turned down the hallway as Remus had said to. Only to be met with two different doors. He stood there debating which door the ex Professor had meant until deciding to try the one closest to him.

He opened it and looked in to see if it resembled a bathroom but was met with what appeared to be another bedroom. Draco began to close the door until he heard a sniffle and saw a man with long shaggy black hair sitting on the bed turned away from Draco.

"Go away, Remus," the man said tiredly.

Draco quickly shut the door when he saw the man move to look in his direction, he didn't want to be on the end of another wand so soon. He then opened the other door and was relieved to see that it was the bathroom. He felt his excitement grow at the idea of a nice warm shower.

A few minutes later Draco was walking down the staircases and went over everything that's happened to him within the last 24 hours. He still didn't know how he ended up in this place nor did he know what place his was. As awful as it sounds, he didn't think it could be Lupin's home.

While Draco didn't know much about werewolf Rights and politics, he knew it'd be hard for them to find a job. It'd especially be hard for one to get a job that paid enough to get a place like this. Perhaps it was that other man's house? The man Remus was arguing with. Was that the same man he caught crying?

Before he knew it, Draco had reached the very bottom of the staircase. Regaining his bearings, he tried to remember what Remus had instructed him. 'Go down the stairs to the ground floor before going into the room with double doors' Draco remembered him saying.

He looked around for the double doors but he didn't even see any doors at all, let alone a double doors. Just as he realized he must've walked into the wrong floor, a creepy old house elf suddenly popped up right next to him. Even though he's lived with house elves his entire life, Draco still jumped in surprise.

"The Werewolf told Kreature to help Mr. Malfoy find the dining room," the house elf, who he assumed was named Kreature, said uncharacteristically happily.

"Ok, lead the way then," Draco suggested.

"Yes of course Mr. Malfoy, anything for a true Black, oh Mistress would be so pleased," Kreature kept saying as he began walking up the stairs.

"Wait, um Kreature is it? What do you mean by a true Black?" he asked.

"Would Master be angry with Kreature for telling him? But Kreature owes it to the great House of Black.." Kreature began to say seemingly to himself conflicted.

"House of Black? Are you saying this is where my mother grew up?" Draco asked curiously.

If Draco was being honest, this house elf was seriously starting to freak him out. The thing must've gone insane and if he is apart of the House of Black then he has probably been alone long enough to have.

"Oh no Mr. Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy didn't grow up here. Narcissa Malfoy's cousins Sirius and Regulus Black grew up here, yes. But Mr. Malfoy is the last true Black to come back here in so long," Kreature informed him.

"This is where Sirius Black grew up?" Draco asked intrigued.

Draco had only ever seen Sirius in pictures he had seen that his mother had kept and he had only ever heard about him from papers or his family preaching blood purity. He had always been curious about his second cousin, him and his aunt Andromeda were the only ones who got out. He made it out if their insane family and even joined the light with the old crack pot Dumbledore.

It was too bad he had still turned out just as insane and murderous as the rest of the family.

"Oh yes, Mr. Malfoy," Kreature assured him.

Draco grew quiet and stayed that way until they reached the double doors Remus had spoken about. He walked through the door and saw a large table with breakfast foods of all kinds. With the anticipation on the house elf's face, Draco could only assume he had prepared it especially for him.

Remus was sitting down in one of the chairs with a plate of food looking at him expectantly and there was another plate across from him. The ex professor gestured for Draco to come sit in the spot across from him so that's what the blond did. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kreature droop slightly at his lack of reaction.

"Hello again, Draco," Remus said kindly.

"Hi," he answered as he began to awkwardly fill his plate with as much food as it could hold.

Draco ate faster and sloppier than he probably ever has in his life but at the moment, he really didn't give a damn. He hadn't had a proper meal in a very long time and besides, he wasn't Ron Weasley sloppily eating.

"Draco, you'll need to slow down unless you want to throw all this back up and after what you've been through, I'm sure you wouldn't want to waste this food Kreature has kindly made," Remus said gently.

He nodded embarrassed at his behavior before significantly slowing down his pace. This food really was delicious and he didn't hesitate to let Kreature know. Even though the house elf may very well be insane, it made Draco feel good to be the cause of someone's happiness for once.

"Now let's get down to business."