
The Greek Pantheon: A New God Born In Olympus

Olympus the home of the gods in mythology a place where the gods live in peace and prosperity...well usually unless they are plotting or killing or...love making Olympus is usually a peaceful place however recently events have made some of the gods aware of a new development as to wether it is worth their attention or not remains to be seen.

TheLonelyNephilem · Anime & Comics
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The Birth Of A New God

(Mount Olympus)

(I will be using some traits of their myths and personalities but most of this is my interpretation so it won't be strictly true)

Mount Olympus the home of the gods where only the gods live with some exceptions for honoured humans and heroes as well as noble lords one of those being a man by the name of Lord Michaíl of a long line of kings, currently at a banquet with the gods with one of his sons Grýlos. He looks around the table to numerous gods with the main ones being Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Ares, Athena, Heracles and Aphrodite. He thinks about some of his kingdoms issues in his head when he is wrestled from his thoughts by Zeus "So Michaíl you find anything useful upon your recent travels?" He thinks back to when he saw the orange flash and the Crystal fall from the sky right next to him "Indeed though it sounds unbelievable when retold" Zeus laughs while the others turn to him in intrigue "Most things that find you seem to be inexplicable just give us what you remember" Michaíl nods.


I was wandering the plains at night when I swore I saw a orange glint in the corner of my eye, I turned to it and just barely avoided losing my eye to the glint that passed by though it did slightly cut my cheek. I turned to observe what had just passed me and I saw an orange Crystal sparking with...orange, yellow and black energy not electrical...in fact I don't even know what kind of energy it was but I could have sworn when I picked it up I heard a heartbeat within it. I took it back to my palace and left it in storage where it still lays now.

(End Of Flashback, Banquet)

Zeus's eyes light up with more intrigue "Could you perhaps show us this Crystal?" Michaíl nods "Grýlos my son would you be so kind?" His son nods and leaves to go get the Crystal while Athena turns to Michaíl "You said this Crystal appeared at night yes and it exuded powerful energy that you couldn't recognise" Michaíl nods "Yes" Athena puts her hand on her chin "A metor fragment perhaps" Ares laughs "Never seen a meteorite with crystals especially orange with that unique colour blend" they hear footsteps and Grýlos appears with a black linen wrap tied tightly around something that seemed to sparking with energy. The gods look with intrigue as Michaíl carefully takes the linen from his son and slowly unravels it revealing the Crystal in all its glory. Zeus and the other gods marvel at it before a sound is heard echoing through the hall. The familiar sound of a heartbeat, Athena looks at it closely before Eris appears and the other look at her with a scowl as she looks at the Crystal "My, my what a beautiful Crystal. Where did you find that?" Michaíl sighs "In the plains out near my kingdom, the thing nearly took my eye out" Eris looks at the Crystal with intrigue "Is it safe to touch?" Michaíl nods "Yes but I don't really wanna mess with it" Eris carefully picks it up and it begins glowing brightly and the sparks become more powerful and Eris gasps as she feels the Crystal shock her hand. She gives it back to Michaíl and holds her arm in discomfort "Ouch, that thing has one hell of a bite...I know it's supposed to be mysterious but can't we destroy it it's clearly unstable". Michaíl nods "I don't mind the idea...what do you think Zeus should it be kept it destroyed?" Zeus narrows his eyes "If it can harm a god then destroy it" Michaíl nods and Zeus takes the Crystal before throwing it at the wall near a golden statue only for the Crystal to change trajectory and stab into the statue before causing a small explosion which knocks the banquet table over and sends Michaíl and his son flying back a few feet. Aphrodite approaches the smoke as the other gods watch from a distance each holding their respective weapons incase they need to fight. Aphrodite gasps and everyone looks in shock as she comes out of the smoke with an infant which she promptly wrapped up using the orange robe of the statue, Michaíl and the other gods gasp with Hera in particular being shocked "What was an infant doing inside a Crystal?" Athena's widen at the sight of the infant "It's not a normal infant" Ares laughs "We can see that sister" Athena sighs "I'm well aware brother" Zeus sighs "Enough, both of you...I assume this infant is...a god" Aphrodite nods "He has the soul of one" Zeus turn to Athena "Athena are you familiar with the energy from the Crystal" Athena nods "Judging by how it easily changed trajectory and caused a shockwave Id say it was kinetic energy or motion energy" Michaíl gulps "So...he's the god of motion then" everyone turns to him with Zeus nodding "I believe so" Athena nods "Yes and his power is far greater then all of us put together" Everyone turns to her. Aphrodite looks at Athena with surprise "How so?" Athena responds "Kinetic Energy or Motion energy is the very energy that allows an object to move via external force for example an apple falling from a tree or a sword slashing against another sword...everything is in motion which makes him one of the...primordials" Zeus sweat drops upon hearing the mention of the word Primordial remembering when Nyx appeared in his palace and told him to halt the pursuit of her son Hypnos after the god tried to put him to sleep on Hera's orders "We give him to the primordials then...they will be best suited for his care" Athena nods "Yes...but who do we give him to" Zeus thinks to himself before smiling "I know someone".

(Underworld, Tartarus)

Michaíl breathes deeply as he walks across Tartarus carrying the infant in the robe from the statue heading for Gaia hoping that Zeus's message arrived before he does. He approaches the gate and is met by Gaia, Tartarus and Nyx, he breathes nervously "I assume you got his message then" Gaia nods "Indeed, so where is this new primordial" Michaíl unwraps the robe gently to reveal the orange and black haired boy within and the three look in shock and surprise, Gaia gently takes him from Michaíl's grasp "Yes we will do our best...do know what his powers will be" Michaíl nods "He will be the god of kinetic energy or in other words motion itself" Nyx looks at the infant "He'll be troublesome if we don't do this properly that kind of power can put almost all of the gods at risk including most of us considering motion is constant" Gaia nods "Agreed" Tartarus scratches his head "Should we take it in turns and teach him separate things or do you wish to look for him full time Gaia" Gaia thinks to herself before responding "We should take turns if he is to learn discipline he must first understand why he needs it" Nyx nods "Indeed, I will take him tomorrow after Gaia then Tartarus will have him after he goes back to Gaia he should be fully developed and ready" everyone nods and Michaíl leaves thinking to himself "I wonder what created him?"