

They finally pulled up at the den, and got off the car, and walked inside the school, Shawn signed a talk telling them they are there, they got up and hugged them. " my love came home to me, said. Shawn, " Shawn, Tony, and Tim we glad to see you, what is that on your face? asked. Yoko, " last time you both said to become a man first, we are nineteen that become a man, this is proof my goatee. said, Shawn, " this is my beard baby, said. Tony, " my mustache. Said, Tim, they looked at each other, " we see you had aged into man boys, said. Yoko, " you got the proof for it, said. Kanae, " there a but coming, said. Shawn, " no, we accept your offer, to make it official you going to need two things first, they hi-fi each other, " what's that? asked, Tony, " permission from your parents and grant from our father and mother, said, Xiong, " who would we get in contact with yours to ask? asked. Tim, Yoko pulled out her phone and speed dialed home and hand him the phone, " do not forget to ask your parents today at the party as well, they walked up the steps into the office, " ( My tigress you have arrived safely?) asked. Shao, they looked at each other, " (yes sir they at the den now, how are you?) asked. Shawn, " (they told us about you three, that good they arrived safely there, what can I do for you Shawn, Tony, and Tim?) answered, Shao, " ( Mr. Tiger sir we turn nineteen last week, and just changing into man, ) said. Tony, " ( I don't know about them sir, but what they said about us? we like to take them out,) said Tim, " ( that you are cute and funny, oh, did you ask them?) asked, Shao, " (yes, they said they accept but we need your permission and our parents, that all they said we cute?) asked, Tony. " ( put my daughters on, yes that you are cute and funny.) said, Shao. " ( sir which one oldest middle or youngest?) asked, Shawna. " ( you got my youngest phone put her on then told her to put on speaker so I can talk and hear all three, ) he walked up the steps, and knocked on the door, Kanae open it, " he wants to talk to all three, really you couldn't tell him that stole your heart away and sweep you off your feet, we are cute and funny, Complained Shawn, they got up, " will you re cute and funny, said, Yoko. she put it on speaker, " ( yes, poppy we told you they are cute,) said. Yoko, " ( sound like they are sweet on you three, girls, they kids nineteen is barely a man.) said, Shao. " ( we know poppy, we only accept, just to treat them out for their late birthday,) said. Xiong, " huhu, but they know that is the only reason why?) asked, Shao. " (poppy you raised us, not to hurt but to show good faith, ) said. Kanae, " ( yes we did, what a father say to three men who are interested in his Tigresses?) asked, Shao. " ( how about yes have fun and call me,) they looked at Shawna, " (the students of the claw and teeth poppy,) said. Xiong, " ( we just humoring them poppy,) said. Kanae, " (you raise us not to date age poppy, the masters are taken their students out to eat, ) said. Yoko, " ( then you got our blessing to take them out on their birthday, I agree they are cute and funny, see you when you get home,) said, Shao. " (bye poppy we love you,) they said. " all you need is your parent's permission Shawn, yes all three of you are cute and Funny, said. Xiong, they got up and walked out of the office, he sat back down, " today is the annual f the Tiger tournament, said. Xiong, " which means you wall will show us what you learn this week, said, Kanae. " there is now win or lose to us, everyone will get a trophy and we surprised together, means lunch will be servers and a party afterward, said. Yoko, " how many new students do we have this year? Asked, Xiong. " over twelve million new students. answered, Magen, " we are growing we going to need a new den, for those are new this year, allow us to introduce ourselves to you, I am Kanae this our my sisters Xiong Tiger, and Yoko Tiger, as you would say on a blue moon we fly down to see how you are doing, said. Kanae, " we do that by hosting a Tiger defensive tournament, said. Xiong, " since you are new and your defensive skills is not mastered yet, we want you to set and watch your fellow sister and brothers of the paw in the tournament, said. Yoko, " any questions for our masters? asked, Kaitlynn. they raise their arms, " yes what is your question? asked, Xiong, " do we get to compete against other countries, asked. Susan, one of the new students. " no, this is not a cross country tournament this is a den tournament just for you, answered. Kanae, " that you compete against each other, said. Yoko, they start the tournament, first up the teenagers, defensive punching, Kevin and Micheal, " there are no rules, in defending, said. Xiang, " the first lands outside of the circle wins, said. Kanae, " all about defending yourselves, and blocking and countering offensive moves and throwing defensive moves, said. Yoko, they start to fight each other, trying to get each other out of the circle, as the sun sets in the sky the tournament is going o nicely, Xiong steps aside and calls the order of food in, after they did well in the tournament and everyone got a trophy and was time to party, their parents came, " it always delighted to see you three, Susan is thought of you, said. Mrs. Christophers, " they all good kids here, always a pleasure to see them, Mrs. Christophers, said. Xiong, " so how long are you here for Xiong, Kanae, and Yoko, asked. Mr. Smith, " just today after we promote the movie then we are on our way back home, answered. Kanae, "