
Chapter 243: Teach Me…

Translator: 549690339


After hearing Li Shiyun's words, Ling Feng was totally flustered!

A Hua Energy master, and two of them at that!

Has this level become so common? To kidnap two young girls, they actually sent such characters?

While he was still in a daze, Li Shiyun continued, "Don't panic yet, my grandfather and I just discussed it, and we think that they kidnapped Xun Qianqian and Li Fei'er to threaten you, so for now, they should be safe."

"Mm, I know, but I don't have much time left. Someone is likely to exploit this situation during the noon birthday banquet," Ling Feng nodded and said.

"I think you should inform Luo Beihai about this and let him use the Luo Family's influence to search for Qianqian and the others. Maybe they can be saved earlier!" Li Shiyun suggested.

Ling Feng's brows furrowed tightly: "Let me think about it, don't worry about this. I'll call you once there's any progress!"