
The Greatest Shinobi [Sasuke SI]

An unknown soul found themself as Sasuke after the Uchiha Clan Massacre. What changes will he make to the plot? PS: I only own my OCs Disclaimer: The cover is not mine, I'll take it down on the owner's request. Disclaimer: I do not own rights to Naruto or any of the other fictions mentioned within this fanfic.

One_Salvation · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Setting Records

Another two weeks had already passed.

At first, it was hard to maintain my distinguished persona. Thankfully, the absurdities of the troublemakers' pranks (the idiot and mutt) and obsession of the fangirls that made even an 'adult' like me feel unsafe had constantly pushed my limits, leading to rapid improvement in my acting.


Of course, I also practiced by standing in front of a mirror with my Sharingan activated and imagining different scenarios to perfectly correct my body language and facial expressions in accordance to the circumstances.


All of this, while good for my long term plan, also had some unexpected benefits. As I continued to act and gain numerous experiences, my spiritual energy slightly improves little by little. Even if this just skews my chakra problems even more because my spiritual energy is so far above my physical prowess due to the fusion of all three souls, it's still a welcome benefit since I'll eventually catch up and reach chakra-equilibrium when I hit puberty.


Shifting my thoughts back to the present, I noticed the entire class looking at me while Iruka's face had turned red with anger, veins almost popping in rage.

Realising that I had completely zoned out and missed whatever Iruka-sensei had said, I shook my head and asked him about what I had missed.

Putting on a slight smirk, I lifted my head slightly and asked him flamboyantly.

"What's wrong, Iruka-sensei?"


In a flash, the fangirls swooned over me, resulting in my smirk growing just a tad. Something that he clearly noticed because, almost immediately, the hands that were clenching on the edges of his desk began to crush the wood itself as his face contorted in ways I didn't realise was possible.

"Uchiha Sasuke! This is the 4th time I've asked you to come with me to take your exams, you've forced the entire class to wait because you're the first one to be tested. Aren't you embarrassed?"

Turning on my Sharingan, I used a minor wind style just to form a gust of wind and made it seem like it came from the open window next to me, slightly blushing as the sunlight brightened my ruby-red eyes and my robes fluttered in the wind, I put on my signature gentle smile and spoke to the class.

"I zoned out for a moment, could you please forgive me just this once?"

In an instant, they went atomic. I wasn't surprised. After all, if the original Sasuke, who could act like an asshole to everyone could still get girls that loved him so much that they forgave him for trying to kill them, had a looks rating of 14/10.... I, after all of my enhancements with proper nutrition, bodily sculpting, and overall enhancement from soul fusion resulting in a looks rating of 20/10, combined with my impressive persona would easily charm quite literally anyone.

Ah, the struggles of a good looking man. If it wasn't for the worry that Itachi might quite literally cull the clan over and over until I deliver judgement on him, I would be going around learning the arts from Jiraiya and single-handedly restoring my clan to its prime.

Anyway, with the class buttering me up and simping for me, Iruka had nothing to say and just led me outside with everyone else.

*Haaaah* "You really are... It's fine, just take the exam."

Reaching the field, I noticed various sites. The accuracy stage that had targets all around, the obstacle course that tested agility, the fighting ring, training dummies, and two desks, one with a paper on it and the other being used by what seemed to be an examiner.

Coughing, Iruka quickly summarised what I had to do.

"The rest of the class have already taken the written exam while you were on leave, so I asked a friend to watch over you do it after you finish the rest of the exams"

Damn. Good thing I had already 'studied' (memorised with my Sharingan) the school syllabus so all I had to worry about was the practical.

"-First of all, you'll be testing your throwing skills on the accuracy stage, before quickly moving on to see how fast you can pass the obstacle course and then, after everyone else is finished, you will be put in a tournament style bracket."

It seems the throwing skills will be accurately graded, obstacle course will just have rankings, and so will the taijutsu section.

"I know what you are thinking, but no, there are specific times that you need to reach to get their respective grade, and the fighting stage will be graded based on how well you perform, winning or losing won't affect the score."

Good, very good. With this, I'll be able to further solidify the idea in my classmates that I am unparalleled, their worship will turn them into my tools as I stand above them all. Experiencing those memories had made me thought I was plagued with misfortune, but it seems that I was blessed all along.

In this life, everything is coming together. Is it fate? No, it's simply a combination of one circumstance and the next, and who is it that created those circumstances? It's me.

Breaking out of my thoughts, I looked at the targets around me. It didn't even take me a second to memorise their locations. I slipped 2 kunai into each of my sleeves and closed my eyes, sharpening my focus.

Iruka, understanding what I wanted to do, suddenly started reaching out towards me, yelling "You just need to aim at the target in front of you, the other ones are too advanced, it'll only hurt your grades if you miss them!"

Having shifted my mind into gear, I looked back at him and smirked, my onyx black eyes showing everyone that I wasn't going to be using Sharingan for this either.

Then, I vanished.

No, in truth, I had jumped into the air with a boost from incorporating the body flicker into a burst type movement. Flipping around so that I was upside down, I held the 8 kunais between my fingers for the right moment before beginning to flick them.

"Hah, look at this idiot. He tried to act all cool but none of the kunai are even going close to the targets."

"Woof woof!"

"Sasuke... you bastard, don't let us down like this, I know you can do it"

""Nooo, Sasuke-kun!! That's the wrong way!""

"Cha! I believe in you Sasuke!"

"So troublesome, still, I can tell by the look on his face that he isn't done yet."

"Really, Shikamaru? I thought he was finished!" *Munch*

"Logically, it appears that Sasuke tried to look cool and messed up, however I believe that he will do something that surprises us, why? Because he has never failed before, and his confidence shows that he won't this time either"

"Woah, Shino, you can actually talk?"


"Damn it, Sasuke. I cancelled all of your homework and kept your grade because I knew you would have done well, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to give you a second chance just because you wanted to look good"

Hearing their voices, I smirked, letting the 4 kunais slip from my sleeves into my hand, I flipped around again and threw them full force at the intersection between the other kunai.

Watching this, the class went silent in complete awe, with one thought collectively going through their minds.

"No way... I didn't even know that was possible. Is he really that much better than us?"

Doing one final flip, this time vertically, I and the class watched as the kunai hit each other and ricocheted off of each other to perfectly hit the bullseye of all 12 targets just as I landed on my feet.


With that, the class roared, cheering as they saw me accomplish the impossible. Iruka, too, was completely shell-shocked. It was only my words that brought him out of his stupor, as he awkwardly told me that I had full marks and led me to the obstacle course.

Looking at the two different obstacle courses, the regular one and the elite one, I decided which one I wanted to do.

"Iruka-sensei, I'll do the regular obstacle course."


He was visibly surprised, expecting me to go and make a record in the elite obstacle course too, but what he didn't know yet was that while my skills and chakra/ninjutsu based proficiencies were far beyond the academy, my physique was still lacking because the original Sasuke hadn't trained anywhere near as well and hard as Itachi did and 4 weeks of training is not enough to close the gap of years.

If I was allowed to use ninjutsu, then I'd ace the obstacle course with rapid bursts of shunshin because of my mastery over it combined with my special jounin level chakra reserves. Unfortunately, that wasn't allowed so I'm not going to bother with the elite obstacle course. Not to mention that Minato, Kakashi, and Itachi had all only done the elite version, so I could set my own record for the regular.



Leaning my body forward, I prepared myself to do the signature naruto run. My shoes began to dig into the soil as I tensed my body for a explosive acceleration right from the start.



I ran. The wind blew against my face as I evaded traps and wires, jumping across tree stumps and branches while occasionally swinging about to keep my momentum during sharp turns.

Faster. Faster. I have to go even faster.

Quickly ducking under the rain of kunai and shuriken, I jumped through two logs and sprinted across the last section.

"Time! 10.04 seconds. A new record."

Hmph, pretty good for a 800m course. If I were to use the shunshin, I would've been able to easily do it in 4 seconds.

Looking at the bright sun and clear sky, I basked in the awe of the people surrounding me, before going onto the most boring part of this. The written exam.

Watching me walk towards the examiner, Iruka quickly began testing the other students, though, unlike what I would've expected, Naruto and Kiba didn't even attempt to copy what I did. I had thought they would be as stupid and insecure as in the anime, where even if they knew they couldn't do it, they would still try because they couldn't accept being worse than someone else (me).

It seems that while the canon information will still be useful, I can't expect the people here to behave just as cartoonishly stupid as they did in the anime/manga.

Turning my head back to the paper, I began to concisely write out the answers, only momentarily struggling on ones like 'What is the Will of Fire?'

A thought came to my mind while I was finishing the third question, quickly flipping the page, I saw an entire second page.

It seems I'll be stuck here for a while.