
The Greatest North Star

Alexander a dragon the Protector of mankind was put into a life he never expected after sleeping for hundreds of years he awakens and goes to the continent of Ignia where trials and fate play or favor him. along with his companion they met a terrible fate causing the death of one of them. but ultimately the adventure had only began for the curse the Gods have put on Alexander perished. note:The grammar may not be correct I do make a lot of mistakes

AztarothThe13 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

There must be a Reason


It's was hard to breathe, my body feels numb my eyesight became blurry. Is this death?, did Xavier and varia escaped?, where are they now.

Those thoughts occupied my mind until the end; my mission wasn't completed. Even at my last breath, all I thought about was Xavier and Varia, if they are safe.

With worry, my eyes slowly closed. It was near, with one last sip of air, I drew my last breath and finally rested.

Or so I thought. Something strange happened to me; I was surrounded by a black mist. It covered me from the feet to my neck. It was a void of emptiness, but in the far distance, the darkness began to dissipate, and a bright light emerged.

The light came closer and closer, and upon reaching it, my eyes were covered in bright, blinding light. I couldn't see for a few minutes, but after a while, I heard voices, unfamiliar ones.

"Dear, will you give him a name?" There was a woman's voice. Is she talking to someone?

"Hmm, a name? Let's see... ahh, Theodore?" My eyes slowly opened, and the first thing I saw was a man. His age was around mid twenties, and from what I saw, he was smiling.

"Theodore, from now on, you're our little Theo," the woman's voice was heard beside me. I looked towards her and saw a beautiful woman. She was smiling as well.

It seems like I have been reborn as an infant. There is nothing to be surprised about; as a dragon, I lived for years, and these types of things do happen from time to time. It's a strange world after all.

But one thing concerns me: this isn't my original world. There were a lot of compacted buildings as high as the sky, houses at every corner, and moving objects and carts that don't require horses.

I need more knowledge! Since this isn't my original world, I should at least gather information and learn more about this world. But I couldn't do anything as an infant; all I could do was eat, sleep, and poop. Nothing more. All I could do is wait and grow.

3 years passed.

I could now walk on my own, but it's still risky considering I am still under my parents' vision. That's why I devised a cunning plan: sneak out of bed.

There was one thing in this household that holds valuable information, and my mother just leaves it on the table every day. Since my father is at work and leaves my mother at home, I could try to steal the precious device called a phone. While she is doing chores, I'll just swipe it and go.

The first time I saw this phone was when I was 2 years old. My parents would always use this as a communication device to connect to the all-powerful internet, a place where people all over the world can gather around, talk, and share wisdom.

It was noon. Now it's time to start the plan. As a 3-year-old, I couldn't casually go to the table and take the phone, so I had to climb a chair to get to the top of the table. I need to be fast as well; my mother is doing the dishes, so I need to be quick.

As I arrived at the table, I started to pull the chair outward. I was trying my best not to make a single sound. After that, I climbed the chair and looked for the phone. I saw it and immediately jumped off the chair and ran to my bed.

I opened the phone, and it said "password required," but it was fairly easy. The password is my birthday. Nice, the phone is unlocked now. Time to research. Upon opening the phone, I tapped into a random app, and it brought me to the most interesting thing I've seen.

"Hey, Theo, did you see the new anime?" a guy's voice spoke to me. "Yeah, I did. The fight scenes were the only good thing about it though." Twelve years ago, the moment I opened my mother's phone and tapped on a random app, I discovered new and wonderful information!

Anime, the moment I saw it, I was immediately hooked, and a bit of nostalgia struck me every time I watched it. It was like looking back into my previous life, which I had slowly forgotten.

But anime wasn't the only thing I learned. I learned about this world as well, called Earth. As years passed, I adapted to this place and decided to act as an ordinary person.

But right now, I am being subjected to this hell which they called school. Not that it really matters to me since I just sleep every time I have the chance. I do have friends, but they are a bit weird, so I tend to avoid them most of the time.

At last, it was home time. The bell rang and the teacher dismissed us.

As usual, I would just walk home since it was near my school. Every single time, I would think, "there must be a reason." Until now, I didn't know what brought me here and made me alive again. Was it dark magic or Divine magic? There were hundreds of possibilities. It kept my mind busy until I arrived home.

I opened the door to the house and was greeted by my mother. Her name was Elizabeth, 38 years old, and she was still stunning. No wonder my old man bangs her every 2 am in the morning, thinking that I was asleep.

But anyways, it was another long and boring day. "Theo? Would you like to have dinner now? I cooked quite early today."

"Okay, I'll be back. I just need to change." I went to my room and changed into my casual wear. This world's clothing was much better than my old one.

And the food is much better as well. Time to dig in. "Thanks for the food." I went back up to my room and laid down on my bed. I opened my phone and began to watch anime and read a few manga and manhwa.

I was typically fond of the fantasy and action genres since they kinda reminded me of my old world. Most of the fantasy genre takes place in a medieval world similar to mine.

I spent a few hours watching anime, and when I saw the time was 1 am already, I realized it was time for bed. I put down my phone and slept. I always had a problem sleeping since I had to imagine scenarios in order to sleep, but I do get enough sleep. Slowly, I fell asleep.

"Run!" Huh? Where is this vivid memory coming from? It was a dark place. I looked at myself - I'm bleeding? It doesn't hurt, though. I looked in front and saw the backs of two people running away. Strange, they looked familiar. Just then, my body began to ache. It was burning, but there was no fire.

No matter how much I cried in pain, my voice didn't come out. It was pure hell, then I opened my eyes. I was sweating all over, my bed was covered in sweat. Was it a dream?

I looked at my hands; they were trembling. I felt fear.

"What is happening to me?"