
The Greatest Kage

Born in a small hidden village, Shinja Asahi dreams of one day for his village to be the greatest shinobi village there is! Armed with the knowledge of his past life and a magical gift, watch as Asahi embarks on his dream journey. ******** NOTE: 1. OC is prevalent in this story 2. Asahi's village is an OC village located in the land of tea therefore making the story AU 3. The protagonist is the same age as Minato 4. If you like stories where the MC solves all the problems by himself, then this is not for you Disclaimer: I do not possess any rights to Naruto or its affiliated content, with the exception of my original characters, storyline, and techniques.

YELLOWPIKACHU · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 1

In the dimly lit room, the only sound was the soft whimpering of the child as he lay on the cold, hard floor.

His hand trembled slightly as it cradled his head until the pain slowly disappeared.

"W-what..." With a trembling voice, the boy stares at his small hands in disbelief.

A bunch of memories are still vividly playing in his mind, his struggle, as a rouge-nin, the sole survivor of his destroyed village. Yet he lived, and he got to witness the start and end of the Third Great Shinobi War as a passerby while various ninjas became heroes of their respective villages, ex. Sasori of the Red Sand, Konoha's Yellow Flash Minato, and Han the Jinchuriki of the Five-Tail Beast.

Meanwhile, he, Shinji Asahi remained on the sideline as a passerby, jealous of these people's achievement, contributing to their village as he was forced to swallow the sour truth that his village was gone.

Still, Asahi lives on, as an average Chunin rouge-nin, he lived to witness the start of the Fourth Great Shinobi War far from the battlefield, only hearing news from the murmurs of the people around him.

In the end. a fast falling object from the sky falls directly onto him, taking the pathetic long life of his.

This should've been his end, and yet here he is, staring at his reflection on the worn-out mirror glass, reflecting the image of the now 7-year-old Asahi.

He went back in time!

Observing his surroundings gives Asahi a familiar feeling as the place is still engrained in his mind, this is his home, the sole inheritance left by his deceased parents.

A surge of mixed emotions rises deep in his guts which were released in the form of tears as the poor boy cried his heart out.

He knows this is his chance to fix all of his regrets, a second chance to fulfill his dreams.

And so, he cried until the tears on his face became dry and after releasing all of the frustration he built up in his past life, Asahi's mind was now more clear.

Laying on the floor which was cold yet for Asahi, it was warm and so comforting just laying flat, staring at the dark ceiling with a lot in mind.

It was at this moment that Asahi noticed the small blue box with the big letter 'A' in the middle, placed at the very corner of his eyesight, and no matter where he looked, the box remained at that spot.

Curiously, he focused his attention on the small box when all of a sudden, a vibrant blue hologram appeared in front of him, startling the boy and prompting him to stand up.

[Greetings User-099, I am 'Artificial Virtual Reality Simulation', AVRS for short and I am glad to help you, good luck!]

As soon as Asahi finished reading the message written on the blue hologram, it disappeared, and in replace, two similar rectangular shapes appeared, significantly smaller than earlier.

[AI Training Simulator] [Combat Training Simulation]

This event just strengthened Asahi's curiosity at the floating screen in front of him as he, learning from his experience earlier, focused his attention on the screen on the left, clicking it in his head.

And it works as the other screen disappears and the world around him changes, as Asahi finds himself standing on a grass field.

At first, Asahi was shocked at the sudden turn of events but forced himself to calm down, knowing that the cause of this was the floating screen in front of him.

But it was the individual standing beside the floating screen that caught Asahi's attention, his eyes widened as he stared at the boy who looked exactly like him!

[AI Training Dummy: {Shinji Asahi]

[Hello User-099! This world is a Virtual World where time moves ten times faster compared to the real world and this is a training dummy, modeled to train nonstop at whatever the user willed to train to create the best training formula suited for User, just use your mind to command and the training dummy will comply! To add more dummies, please save more data from other people! Take note: the dummy copied everything from its model. Goodluck!]

Upon reading the instructions, Asahi who thought that nothing could shock him anymore with all the things happening, turned out to be wrong.

With a single thought, he controlled the dummy with his mind, making it do some basic movements such as walking, jumping, punching, etc.

Controlling the dummy's movement in Asahi's impression is pretty easy, at least he's able to make it move smoothly even though it is his first time,

Asahi continued to experiment with the dummy as its movement became more and more complicated and the dummy performed spectacularly.

After a while, Asahi had fun as he fell into a deep thought, thinking about what should the dummy train first.

Currently, he has three options to choose from, namely: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Chakra Training. As for the other jutsu, Asahi simply lacked the necessary knowledge to train them. 

Among the three, Asahi first removed Ninjutsu from the options because the most he can get from training his ninjutsu is to raise his skills on performing the current ninjutsu he knows, 3 D-rank ninjutsu and 1 C-rank ninjutsu. 

Asahi is realistic and with his talent, doubts whether he can create a new ninjutsu in a limited amount of time.

Down to two options, Asahi contemplates deeply, weighing the pros and cons of choosing one over the other.

But in the end, Asahi settled for training his taijutsu over chakra training. The reason is simple, the current 7-year-old Asahi is extremely lacking in chakra, given that he doesn't belong to any noble clan.

Of course, by training his chakra, the dummy might be able to come up with the solution for this problem but to effectively use these chakras, Asahi needed to also train in ninjutsu.

But time wasn't on Asahi's side and with the impending doom that was about to befall his beloved village, he needed an intermediate power that taijutsu provides.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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