
The Greatest Hero/Knight

In a magical world where you can find monsters who bring chaos and fear to humans, there's a hero not far away. The story is about Zane the hero of his people who defeated countless monsters alongside his trusted friends Ethan, Amanda, and Cale. Living a dream-like life with his friends, family (such as his brother Harry), and lover Jack. One day the life he treasures so much starts to crumble when he slays a monster which for a second becomes human in his eyes. And this would be hppening more often after that. At some point, he'd not only see humans in the monsters but also monsters in the humans.

ImPika · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Part One

Another day another mission. Through the year, the appearance of monsters increased in our kingdom. Me and my team were part of the troop to free it in a four-month mission. This area was the last one. After that, we finally could go back to our loved ones.

We stumbled upon the last remaining monsters in the deepest part of the forest. There were about nine monsters, and we were a group of four. Nothing easier than that.

I'm not saying the monsters are weak, but so isn't the strongest group of the kingdom.

As we approached the monsters, one of them was already lying dead on the ground with an arrow shoot through its core. Regular arrows wouldn't have even starched it. Resulting in a small number of archers fighting against monsters.

Those who still choose the bow are either support or highly skilled in magic to shoot enchanted arrows. But Ethan somehow manages to kill them with one regular shot. No one knows how he does that, not even me, his childhood friend.

I still remember the day when we were younger, and he got lost in the woods. When he returned, he just said, "I can kill them" and acted like he just returned from a walk in the park… it still scares me. Sometimes I feel bad for the enemy. After all, they have to fight Ethan.

I'm happy that he's not my enemy.

It didn't take long for the other monsters to be ready to attack us after one of them died. And soon was another one dead. Slayed by Amanda with her axe named "the nightmare of every tree" … Let's not talk about that further.

I got to know her in the academy. She's the calmest person ever. So, calm that even after they die, she proceeds to hit the enemy to relieve some stress. I also feel bad for the monsters fighting Amanda.

I'm happy that she's not my enemy.

Right behind her, Cale was fighting the monster about to attack Amanda from behind. There's not much to say about Cale. He's ordinary. I wouldn't care if he was my enemy.

Finally, there is me. My name is Zane. And for who I am, just listen to my story and find it out.


The fight was over. We ended up with some injuries, but Ethan healed them with the magic he learned since every healer in our group quit in the end. They ran away after Amanda scared them off a bit.

With the mission complete, we decided to search one last time around the area to ensure that no monsters remained. We also send a message that the mission was a success.

Since it was getting dark and we were tired, we set up a camp to spend the night here before returning home.

Sitting together with the others on that campfire under the starry sky was lovely. I still remember that awful joke Cale made.

We were talking about the fight earlier, and there was that monster I missed, which appeared right in front of my face. It was insane, and Cale quipped, "You mean it was in-'Zane'"…

We remembered our past and laughed, talked about the present and were proud, and discussed the future and dreams. Each of us had our own childhood dreams.

Some of them became a reality, like me, who always wanted to become a knight to protect everyone, and some of them changed along the way, and new dreams manifested.

For example, Amanda could not stand Cale back in the academy. He was one of the arrogant nobles thinking they are better than everyone else.

She despises such behavior with all her heart. But eventually, they had their own story and even got married. Now she's dreaming of a family with a little girl named Ayla.

In the end, it was time for us to go on our way back. For four months, we didn't see the capital. When we returned, it looked as magnificent as the day when I first stepped into it.

The buildings' architectures look like every one of them was made for a loved one, adorned with golden decoration which was enhanced to shine bright in the moonlight.

It becomes a scenery that even the night sky would become jealous of. Truly breathtaking.

But the natural beauty of the kingdom is also something incredible. On a nice sunny day when your body meets the pleasant breeze of spring, you can feel the green parks and colored gardens call for you to sit there looking at them under the trees that behold a sweet, calming scent by them.

On winter days, not even animals step on the parks for the withe sparkling coat to not be ruined.

From the park, you can also see a waterfall you would kneel in front of for the fact that it is a truly majestic one. Showing the power it holds while creating a sound you would feel secure if it was made for you.

On our way to the castle, we smelled the freshly baked bread and sweet pastries, heard the bards singing the lore and legends of our great kingdom, and saw the lively people on the streets.

They were preparing for the grand festival that is held every year, which is even something foreigners come for.

Upon arriving at the castle, we were summoned to the king's office to provide a report on our mission. During the meeting, we were informed that a ball would be held in two days, and we were tasked with ensuring the safety of all attendees.

Although there was a new mission in sight, I was happy that it was within the castle's walls.

After the meeting, I retired to my bed-chamber, where I encountered my younger brother. Harry ended his academic training half a year earlier and was chosen to be one of the personal mages of the royal family.

I was proud of him, but he seemed to be struggling with something.

When I asked him if everything was fine and if something happened, he asked me if I were never to abandon him. That question left me in shock, but I reassured him that he was my brother and I would never leave him.

It bothered me why he would say something like that, so I asked him.

He leaned his head against my shoulder and said he overheard people talking but didn't want to say anything else. I assumed the nobles who think low of commoners said something to let him think he'd be abandoned.

Even though I wanted to find out who would do something like that, in the end, I promised him not to. He made me promise not to pursue the matter any further, and I agreed.

All I could do was assure him that I'll be there for him no matter what happened and that I'm sure whoever said something was just jealous of his achievements.

After all, he is now the royal house's youngest mage and my brother. Everyone would be jealous, so I also apologized for being awesome. This seemed to cheer him up, and I was relieved to see him smile again.

I slept for about an hour and then started to get ready. Before leaving for the mission, we made a promise that on the day I returned, we would meet at the closed garden three hours after my arrival, no matter the time.

I was really excited to see him again that I went there twenty minutes early.

Arriving there, it seemed like I wasn't the only one who couldn't wait anymore. I stepped into the garden and saw him. He was as beautiful as the day I first saw him.

A body looking so fragile that you can't but want to protect him. Adorned with those sparkling eyes, you would do anything that comes into your mind for them to look at you. His voice and sweet, calming scent make you want to listen to him forever, sitting by his side and forgetting everything around you.

Not even the nastiest mosquitoes would dare to touch his beautiful skin. However, don't let his appearance fool you because he is stronger than you might think.

He is carrying the future of the kingdom on his shoulders. Holds the power to rule this world, and knowing that he is by your side, you can't do anything but feel secure. He would never make a wrong decision and only think about the best for the kingdom and its people.

Not only did he have the title of the crown prince, but I was also lucky enough to be able to call him my beloved one. When our eyes met, we both couldn't do anything but laugh at the fact that we were too early, but it seemed we were also perfectly on time.

Although nothing much happened there, it was still one of the best times we had, like every time I am with him. We sat down to the view of the beautiful garden he created just for the two of us and told each other what happened in those four months we were apart.

Embraced in each other's arms, leaning against the other, we escaped our status and duties, even if it was just for a moment. I wanted the moment to last longer, but he was the crown prince after all and had his duties calling for him.

However, this didn't mean I'd give up so easily.

I tried to convince him to take the next day off and go to the festival with me, and since he doesn't have casual clothes to go out, it was also an opportunity to have him wear my clothes the whole day.

With the masks you could get there, no one would be able to recognize him as the prince. It was the perfect plan. He would be just my lover and nothing more. However, he refused since there was a ball he had to prepare. Well, at least I tried.

When the next day came, I went training with the others, but only Ethan was there, so we fought together in combat. After a long time went by, I asked where Cale and Amanda were since they still didn't come. Apparently, they went to the festival together, which made me jealous.

To console me, Ethan suggested going together. However, he withdrew his suggestion at the sight of the prince approaching. It was the prince in his role as the prince. That probably meant we were going on a new mission. And it was one of the best missions I had ever received.

The prince was on his way to the festival for 'research proposes' and generally to see how the people were doing. For that, he needed an escort, and who would be better fitting than a member of the best team?

On our way, Jack apologized that it was not the date I had dreamed of, but there was nothing else he could do. I mean, it would have been nice to go with just Jack, my lover, but I was still happy.

How couldn't I when he went through all the trouble for us to go together? It was enough for me, even if it meant we had to go as just the prince and his knight.

But like every year, maybe next year it will work. I still won't give up on that.

Approximately three hours passed at the festival, playing games and eating festival-edition food and sweets like cotton candy. Luckily no problems arose, and we had a peaceful time.

Of course, that the prince was at the festival made it a bit chaotic, but nothing serious happened besides all those people fighting to see and talk to His Highness.

That's why I, his knight, was there to protect him. An easy task that even resulted in us running away to a corner where we had our little moment alone.

The only thing that annoyed me was hearing the people talk about how nice it would be to be the prince's partner. He's mine. When I told that to Jack, he laughed and said he thought the same thing about the people saying it would be nice to be the partner of the kingdom's strongest knight and hero.

Even though I couldn't tell all those people that the prince was mine, I wanted to stay by his side forever, if not as his partner, then as his knight to ever protect him. I couldn't promise him anything at the altar, but I could at least promise to be by his side as his knight.

I swore upon my life that he was the one I would always follow till the end. That he was the one I would risk my life for to see him smile for a second. That he was the one I would never let go of and to fight for him no matter what. And I asked him if he would accept me as his knight for life. He smiled at me.

"No matter what?"

"No matter what."

Saying that, he thanked me and brushed his lips against mine. Nothing in this world but death could make me leave this men's side.

No I'm not going to explain how the people look like and Sorry Cale

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