
The Greatest Elemagnia

A world is full of magic and power. In this world, everyone who has the power to manipulate the elements is called an Elemagnia. Where each person has one element, Ashnard gets two which makes it a unique Elemagnia. Ashnard's journey in understanding the ins and outs of the elemental world is about to begin. Will his journey can help him understanding the world or not?

Archaeopteryx_Gray · Fantasy
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188 Chs

Moment for Two

A beautiful night for those who testify and be involved in some incident. Unfortunately, the night must end to be replaced by a new day and continued with a new night. That's the rule in the world that enforces the rule of time.

The beautiful moment had to end when Nina had to wake up from her sleep. Her eyes immediately opened wide as she realized something was wrong. She remembered well that before she closed her eyes, she was sitting at the table and Ashnard who was sitting on the chair sleeping on her lap. She also still remembered that she was humming while rubbing Ashnard's head. And now she woke up in a blanket on a bed that didn't belong to her. Meanwhile, Ashnard was seen laying his head on the side of the bed, near Nina's feet.

That's when she realized she was asleep when Ashnard woke up and moved her to his bed. She could have left space for Ashnard to sleep on the bed instead of sleeping leaning on the edge of bed. Instantly, Nina's face turned red at the thought.