
The Greatest Elemagnia

A world is full of magic and power. In this world, everyone who has the power to manipulate the elements is called an Elemagnia. Where each person has one element, Ashnard gets two which makes it a unique Elemagnia. Ashnard's journey in understanding the ins and outs of the elemental world is about to begin. Will his journey can help him understanding the world or not?

Archaeopteryx_Gray · Fantasy
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188 Chs

Games and Laughs

Eris smiled as Ashnard answered the challenge. She seemed to go further ahead than Ashnard. Her sudden arrival was surprising but accepted enough by the others that Eris gave her challenge to Ashnard with a serious face.

"Then I dare you to answer honestly. What exactly are you planning to do?"

"Hey, that's cheating!" Liliya scowled, getting up to rebuke her. "You can't play like that. You have to give it a real challenge."

"That's my challenge. If you don't want to accept the challenge, then you have to choose the truth. What exactly are you planning?" Eris urged, refusing to stop.