
The Greatest Elemagnia

A world is full of magic and power. In this world, everyone who has the power to manipulate the elements is called an Elemagnia. Where each person has one element, Ashnard gets two which makes it a unique Elemagnia. Ashnard's journey in understanding the ins and outs of the elemental world is about to begin. Will his journey can help him understanding the world or not?

Archaeopteryx_Gray · Fantasy
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188 Chs

Dating in Another Realms

A crack appeared and opened in the Empty Room. The fissure was like air cracking open and opening a path to another place. Alfeus could feel the wind and a different atmosphere coming from the crack.

The woman held out her hand for Alfeus. "Come on, I'll show you."

His first step into another realm was accompanied by the sweet smile of a beautiful woman holding his hand. Then, there appeared a purple sky with mountains and white hills that rose like the back of the moon that landed. A vast expanse of the field with strange grass and unusual trees stretches as far as the eye can see. There was the only building there floating in the corner of his eye.

The first words that came out of Alfeus' mouth were, "Beautiful." As beautiful as the smile of a woman who looked at him with joy.