
The Greatest Blacksmith

With the Towers calling for more awakened individuals, he was mana-crippled and didn't want anything to do with the catastrophic structures that had begun appearing. But when a Death Sentence grants him a system that enables him to copy weapons and relics and forge them at will, increasing their stats tenfold, he now desires all the wealth that comes with climbing the Towers. Not because he wants to live an easy life... It's because he wants to screw the world and its so-called 'Talented Individuals.' And with that came the realization that the system was capable of copying more than just Weapons and Relics.... [System Message: The Free Chapters will have you wanting MORE!!!] A/N: Story picks up the pace after Chapter 27 Discord Server Link in Bio N/B: The Cover and Character Arts are Mine.

HeavenlyMike · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs


The morning sun cast a golden hue over the training grounds, illuminating the area with its gentle warmth.

Ravan had been awake for hours, already deep into his morning routine.

His muscles rippled as he worked through a series of upper body exercises, sweat glistening on his skin. He moved from push-ups to pull-ups, then to lifting weights, his focus intense and unyielding.

He paused for a moment, taking a swig from his water bottle and wiping his forehead with a towel.

The familiar rhythm of his training brought a sense of calm and order to his mind, helping him clear away the lingering thoughts from the previous night's work in the fire chambers.

As he was about to start another set of exercises, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

He turned to see Laila approaching, a bright smile on her face. Beside her was Lee, waving enthusiastically from a distance.

Ravan smiled and walked over to meet them. "Lee, I didn't know you were out of the infirmary, guess the healers did their job. How are you feeling?"

Lee grinned, looking much better than he had the last time Ravan saw him.

"I'm recovering well, thanks. My leg doesn't hurt anymore."

He gave Ravan a playful nudge.

"And thanks to you for saving my skin back there with that goblin."

Ravan shrugged, trying to downplay his role.

"It was nothing, really. Just doing what anyone would do."

Lee shook his head, still smiling.

"You can try to be modest, but you were amazing. That goblin was vicious."

Laila laughed, patting Ravan on the back.

"Yeah, don't be so modest, Ravan. We all saw how you handled that situation."

Ravan chuckled, shaking his head.

"Alright, alright. Let's get some breakfast. I'm starving."

He grabbed his towel and water bottle, heading to the changing rooms to freshen up.

After a quick shower and change of clothes, the three of them made their way to the cafeteria.

The smell of freshly cooked food filled the air, making Ravan's stomach rumble in anticipation.

They grabbed trays and moved through the line, piling their plates with a variety of breakfast foods.

Once they found a table and sat down, Lee started talking animatedly about the recovery process and how the healers had done an excellent job.

"I'm just glad to be back on my feet," he said, taking a big bite of his toast.

Laila nodded, sipping her juice. "It's good to see you up and about. We were all worried."

"Yeah, I guess so. I mean, those healers were like angels, you know? So gentle, and those smiles... out of this world," Lee said, his eyes almost dreamy.

"Pervert," Lailah teased, flicking his forehead lightly.

Lee fixed his glasses that were displaced from Lailah's flick.

"Ow! It's not being a pervert if the ladies are okay with it," Lee retorted, pointing his toast at a group of women in white coats who were sneaking glances at him.

"Besides, they probably think I'm charming."

Lailah rolled her eyes playfully. "Sure, Lee. Charming and oblivious."

Lee grinned, taking a bite of his toast.

"Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?"

Lailah chuckled, shaking her head. "You're impossible."

Lee shrugged, finishing his toast.

"Guilty as charged."

Ravan listened, enjoying the lighthearted banter and the sense of normalcy it brought.

As they ate, he glanced around the bustling cafeteria, filled with students from various factions.

The cafeteria buzzed with the usual morning activity as students chatted over their breakfast.

Ravan, Laila, and Lee were still enjoying their meal, immersed in their conversation.

Suddenly, a loud voice cut through the noise, calling for attention. The room gradually fell silent as everyone turned to see who was speaking.

At the front of the cafeteria stood Elara, one of the head officials of the blacksmith department.

Her presence commanded respect, and she had a reputation for being both fair and formidable.

She waited a moment, ensuring she had everyone's full attention before she began speaking.

"Good morning, everyone," Elara started, her voice carrying clearly through the room.

"I have an important announcement to make. As some of you may have heard, there have been troubling events occurring outside our walls.

The government has mandated an investigation due to a series of brutal attacks on Tower and Dungeon walkers."

Murmurs spread through the cafeteria as students exchanged concerned glances.

Elara continued, "These attacks have resulted in the deaths of several walkers, and what is particularly disturbing is the manner in which these crimes have been carried out.

The attackers have been ripping mana cores out of their victims. This method of extraction is not only brutal but also highly illegal."

A collective gasp filled the room.

Ravan's mind raced. He had thought the mana cores were from a beast, but now he was unsure.

He glanced at Laila and Rina, who looked equally shocked.

Elara's expression grew graver.

"The investigators will be thorough, and they have the authority to search any part of the blacksmith department. We are cooperating fully with this investigation to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice. It is imperative that anyone with any information comes forward immediately."

She paused, letting her words sink in.

"As you know, extracting mana cores from humans is a heinous crime. These mana cores, when used to make weapons, can reflect the abilities of their original owners.

This kind of weapon-making is not only forbidden but also dangerous and unethical."

The room was now filled with a tense silence. Elara's eyes scanned the crowd, her gaze piercing.

"I trust that you all understand the gravity of this situation. If anyone has any information, please come to my office. Let's work together to keep our department and our city safe."

With that, she stepped down, and the cafeteria slowly returned to its usual noise, though the atmosphere remained heavy with unease.

Ravan felt a knot tighten in his stomach, his thoughts immediately going to the bag of mana cores they had hidden.

Trying to bounce back to writing two books...

HeavenlyMikecreators' thoughts