
The Greatest - The Beginning After The End

The future for Alexander Leywin is blank but only he can color his blank future. The threat of the unknown shall come for him as it's inevitable for him. The red thread is intertwined with her as they fated to be together. He will suffer pain either it's emotionally or physically throughout his journey, But even on the verge of giving up and death, light shall guide him to the right path. He isn't alone anymore as he has a family to call his own. He made an oath to be the greatest for himself and others, he shall fulfill that oath and be the greatest that ever lived. Rise and shine, Alexander Leywin. -=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= No Harem! The Beginning After The End is not mine.

AshbornKRAVKE · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Going to Sapin City

"Do you want to come with me to Sapin City?" Master inquired, her face is expressionless.

I was laying on the ground watching the sky when suddenly, master appeared out of nowhere and asked me to go with her.

"Master! Stop appearing like a ghost!" I yelled out. I could feel my heart beating faster.

I really don't know if she's doing it on purpose, but I'm going to get a heart attack if she keeps appearing out of nowhere.

"I will stop appearing out of 'nowhere' if you could sense me. Keep your guard up, Alex." Master scoffed with an expressionless face.

"But you said I could at least, enjoy my childhood?" I refute, she's either sometimes unreasonable when it's come to training.

"I did say that, but that doesn't mean you need to be guardless all the time. Many people are lurking outside wanting to kidnap young kids, you know?" Master tried to scare me, but unfortunately, I'm not going to fall for that.

"Ha-ha, so scary. But I doubt they could touch me if they wanted."

"Hmm, true. What's your answer, my disciple?"

I pause for a few seconds to think before giving my answer, "I need to ask my parents' permission."

"I already did, it will be an enjoyable training trip. Now, your answer?"

Welp, she already planned this well enough, I guess.

"Sigh, alright! When are we going to depart?"


* * *

Tomorrow morning comes, I pick up my bag full of clothes and for the first 3 years, I will leave Xyrus city.

"Alex, I hope you listen well to your master and don't be naughty." Mom reminds me.

"When did I ever become naughty?" I ask, I've been a good son and I'm proud of it.

"Just don't cause trouble for your master, Alex. Remember that, son " Dad said

"Alright, I'm going to be a good kid and won't cause any trouble for Master." I said, I let out a sigh.

"Good." Guess that's work. Mom and dad were full of satisfied smiles.

"Bwrda!" Little Ellie holds out her little arms as I raise her.

"I'm sorry, Ellie. But your big brother is not going home for a few months." I said as I tried to hold my tears.

"Bwurda, no going hum?" Little Ellie's face is full of questions.

"I'll make sure to bring a lot of candies! So... wait for me, okay?"

Ellie nodded with a happy face. I put Ellie down and kiss Ellie's forehead as I smile.

"Here, Alex. This will be useful for your journey." Uncle Vincent give me an enchanted glove, I wore it and felt comfortable with it.

"Thank you, Uncle Vincent."

"Well, even though it's kinda expensive you could-" Suddenly, aunt Tabitha slapped Uncle Vincent's cheek.

"Ignore him, dear. Just be safe and have fun." Aunt Tabitha chuckles as she pinches Uncle Vincent's ear.

"Thank you, Aunt Tabitha." I ignore uncle Vincent cry for help as I thank aunt Tabitha.

"Umm, Alex. I hope you'll be safe and bring some gifts from Sapin City." Lily suddenly said.

"Mhm, will do." I nod, I plan to bring some gifts for everyone after all. With my master's money, I could buy anything.

I walk out the door as everyone waves at me. I bid them a final farewell before my journey. Master is waiting outside the carriage.

"Let's go, my disciple."

I nod as I begin my journey to Sapin City.

But who would've known that this simple journey will 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 my life forever?

* * *

The carriage was a bit of a luxury one, so people thought that the people inside were important people, which was a bit embarrassing.

"Don't mind them, Alex. Just focus on reading the books I give you." Well, she did say that but...

How many books did she have? There are five thick books in front of me, and I like reading books but not about theories that make my headache. I'd rather read novels and sleep all day.

"Don't be so ungrateful. The journey will take weeks or more, so I couldn't make your activities reading some nonsense and sleeping all day. Besides, we'll be doing special training outside, and you won't read books all day."

How is reading a novel is a nonsense? It was the best thing that was ever created!

Entertainment is seriously lacking in this world. There's no TV or internet, and the music is bad. Heck, even the theater was cringing and couldn't stand watching them for five minutes.

"Do you understand, Alexander Leywin?" I could feel her glare, I quickly pretend to carefully read the book.

"Good, I'll be sleeping now. Wake me up when the carriage stop." Oh, you...

"Gosh, I hate my master." I muttered.

"You know I can hear that right?" Master suddenly open her eyes.

Ah, forget that we are close.

"Gosh, I love my master." I corrected myself and rolled my eyes.

"Mhm, I love you too, my disciple." Master then closes her eyes.

I could feel my vein marks appearing. I let out a sigh and continued reading a book.

Lucy's POV:

Lucy opens her eyes and finds her disciple sound asleep with the book being the pillow. The sun started to sink and it was almost night.

Her expressionless face doesn't have any emotions on it.

She takes a handkerchief from her pocket and it was hand-made from someone, a white lily could be seen on the center of the handkerchief. It was beautifully hand-made by someone.

She gave a sad face, feeling missing to someone.

"I wish... I could see you again... but my job here isn't done. I'll make sure to meet you again until my job is finally complete." She muttered.

She wipes her hand and puts the handkerchief back in his pocket. She turns her head and looks at Alex, her face slowly forming a smile.

She caresses Alex's hair with her right hand slowly as she doesn't want to wake Alex up.

The carriage stop and the coachman knock at the window, "Ma'am, we'll stop here to rest. I hope that won't bother you."

"Mhm." She nodded.

Alex wakes up and realizes that it is already night. He rubs his eyes from the sleepiness as he sees his master exiting the carriage.

The campfire was lit by one of the two knights. They were sent by the council. They aren't the best, but they aren't weak either. But why would the council send two knights to protect one of the most powerful mages?

It's simple. It was to show respect to Lucy. No matter what, they couldn't make Lucy angry. She may only have one person, but her status and power is way different than any normal person's.

She is the one who reaches the limit of magic. Her devastating ice magic could freeze the entire city in a mere second.

Lucy doesn't belong to the Humans' faction, elves' faction, or dwarves' faction. She is independent and the three factions can't force her to do something that she won't like.

Lucy's unknown origin is something a bit mysterious to everyone. All she ever said was that she was born in Dicathen and that's all. She won't tell anymore than that or you will face her death glare.

"Come, Alex." Lucy orders Alex to sit beside her.

"Master, I forget to ask. Is there any job you need to do at Sapin city?" Alex ask.

"Mhmm, I need to attend a council meeting. Nothing important." Alex raise his brow when she said 'Nothing important' but he guess it was the power of his master hold.

"What is your dream, Alex? Is there anything you want to do in the future?" Lucy suddenly asks.

Alex was a bit lost to answer since he never really think about it.

"I don't know. Maybe doing something that makes dad and mom proud." Alex looks down, he would just do anything that he feels right to do.

"Hmmm... That's good to make your parents proud but you need to dream bigger than that, Alex."

"What do you mean?"

"You will soon find out that yourself and I couldn't force you to find your own way. But there is something I will teach you besides training and theory... Don't be stupid."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alex tilts his head in confusion.

"You're a fool, disciple. While you can sometimes be mature, your way of thinking will lead to your own destruction... People have a tendency to focus on one important thing while overlooking the other. That's what you do, Alex. You are scared of the future while not thinking about the present."

Alex, speechless, couldn't answer anything. Lucy has an angry and sad look on her face. Alex couldn't understand why.

"I'm not forcing you to understand now, it's not the time yet. Just think about everyone around you."

Suddenly, the knight appears and interrupts them.

"Ma'am, sorry to interrupt, but the dinner is ready." The lady knight said

Lucy then gave a curt nod to the knight.

"Alex, let's eat." Lucy's face slowly reverted back to her expressionless face.

"Alright..." Alex, left confused by his master, shook his head.

- To Be Continued.

(A/N: This arc will focus on the relationship between master and disciple. Maybe, Kathyln's first appearance too.

I've been thinking to make Dimensional Group Chat fanfic but I'm still in the planning phase, I'll publish it if I could reach 10 chapters)