
The Great Witch of Magic Academy

An age of Fairies, Humans, Gods, Giants, Elves, Witches and Dragons. Created from the World Creators that exists beyond the confines of Yggdrasil and the 9 realms, these omnipotent creators love their creations, but little do they know, terror awaits them and all of Yggdrasil. An outside force that lurks in the shadows of the World Tree, unbalances all of creation. This entity drastically accelerated mortal evolution through his magic, and in the process, unlocked mortals' hidden potential, and granted them mana forces, conceptual weapons, champions, and other weapons that completely broke the cycle of balance between god and men. Humans can now slay gods, which in return, destroys the concepts of the world, unbalancing order, authority, and laws. This is the chaotic world they all live in now, and it cannot be changed, unless someone powerful enough defeats Orcus for good. Main character, Grimhild Yorgana and her friends, are said to be these group of people destined to destroy Orcus, as they call themselves the 11 Kabbalah. They do not know if they have the power to truly destroy him together, but with Grimhild’s wits, knowledge, and experience, it’s best to rely on her. This tells a story of friends, war, love, chaos, development, and betrayal.

HouseOfLee · Fantasy
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116 Chs

The Eleven Kabbalah

"My father… and my friends, you killed them all! It's all some sick joke to you, isn't it Grimhild?! Is that why you went so far to manipulate us like pawns?" (Kyto)

"That's not true, none of it is." (Grimhild)

"Like hell! We were just falling into your evil schemes, there's nothing that can change my mind about it!" Kyto cried, balling up his fists as he was pinned by the Gravity Storm, "You're walking scum." (Kyto)

"…Kyto," Grimhild placed her palm against the dorsal side of his hand, looking at him in remorse, "There have been instances where I have relived my life, countless times."

"….?" (Kyto)

"Each time I recycled, I would die in each one of them, and the world would… restart," Grimhild stood up from the ground, turning away from his baffled gaze, "…I believed it was a curse, and that I was destined to forever repeat this endless cycle of rinse and repeat, but not anymore." The witch frowned, "I decided to create my own destiny in this world through a painful sacrifice, to make you stronger than the last times I've known you…"

"…Stronger than… the last times?" Asked Kyto, having his anger subside and turn into confusion.

"Yes, I lost count of how many times I've died, but if I were to remember the last time I counted, it was 500-Centillion deaths."

Kyto widened his brows, dropping his jaw, "Is that… even a real number?"

"…Of course," She responded, "Throughout each life, I learned new magic and honed my skills—I also went different routes to see if I could find the best path to kill Orcus."

"Orcus? The sealed deity of myths and legends? The one who dates back to the mystic age? That Orcus?!" Asked the worried Kyto.

"Yes," Responded Grimhild, "That one," She lowered her eyes, a bit saddened, "We were born to defeat him, and my entire purpose was to recruit all of you, the Eleven Kabbalah."

"The Eleven Kabbalah?"

"It's only natural that you haven't heard of them, considering their names have only been mentioned among the gods. They're said to be the group that was brought into existence from the Root World, out of Lady Everland's hopes and dreams," Grimhild looked at the cafeteria ahead of her, seeing the other students conversing with one another, "Lady Everland hoped that one day a powerful group would emerge to defeat Orcus, and her hopes were answered by the Root World itself, thus… here we're."

"…Then I'm part of this group?" Asked Kyto.

"You're part of it… yes." Grimhild released Kyto from the Gravity Storm, returning gravity back to its originality, "But in this world, you're the strongest you have ever been, so I'm quite happy to see things are working out."

Kyto lifted himself from the ground and scowled at the witch.

"Working out?" He mumbled, "How the hell is anything working out?!?"

"!!?" Grimhild widened her eyes, realizing what she said, "Ah… that wasn't wise of me to say, I'm sorry, Kyto."

The Cyrodel stopped in his tracks, surprised to see Grimhild showing empathy rather than her emotionless expression all the time.

He couldn't help but regain his composure, clenching his fists.

"It will take me time… to take everything in."

"I understand." Grimhild said, nodding her head in reassurance, "Then I'll leave you be, for now." She turned away, heading to the cafeteria.

"Wait, Grimhild."

However, Kyto stopped the witch in her tracks.

"Tell me something…"

Grimhild turned around with a curious glance, wondering about his question.

"This whole time you were with us… you never used your actual power, haven't you?"

"How did you know?" Asked Grimhild, facing Kyto once more.

"I could tell from the very beginning of our fight, that you held everything back against me."

"…Yes, that is true, I have yet to use my actual powers, for good reasons." She responded with a slight smirk, "It's because most of my power is sealed away through my ten seals I must break."

"Then why don't you break them then?" Asked Kyto.


"You said you relived the world countless times already, so that means you should at least have knowledge on how to break all ten of your seals, right?"

"Believe it or not, Kyto, despite living my life in a cycle… there hasn't been once instance where all of my seals crumbled, allowing me to release my true potential."

"Are you serious?" Kyto was shocked, trying to decipher all of this at once, "But you have the magic to even destroy those who are infinities above you, I don't understand. All of your seals aren't broken, and yet you can fight those who could threaten the supreme gods themselves, that doesn't add up."

"It's in our nature, as a Kabbalah." Responded Grimhild, hastily, "Having seals placed on my body won't change much—of course, if they were to all crumble away, I would obtain a larger Mana Force, but that's about it. Being a Kabbalah is what makes me so strong, and from the indefinite worlds I have repeated, honing my magic and technique." Grimhild placed her hand against her hip, lowering the other as she spoke "As the Eleven Kabbalah, we are always following the narrative bestowed upon us from The Root World, and that narrative is to always succeed in battle from the story written from Genesis (Also known as the Root World). Fate protects us, alongside the story written for our destinies. The only person who can destroy this blessing is Orcus, the Devourer of Dreams."

"I see…" Said Kyto, lowering his head, "Is that how you perished through those lives? From Orcus?"

Grimhild looked hesitant to respond, looking away in regret.

Her expression was weary, as was her body appearance.

She looked distressed.

Anyone could see it.

"Indeed… Orcus is the only one who can destroy the Root World from the power he possesses, and that is why… we must become stronger, as a team."

Kyto rubbed the back of his head, closing his eyes, "Nnnn." He grumbled under his breath, trying to make up his mind. Grimhild wasn't lying, he could see that clear as day. Despite being blinded by rage a moment ago, he was reasonable, and understanding.

And after hearing Grimhild's reasoning behind all of this; it was either having his dad stay alive, and risk the lives of countless others, or having his dad die, and save the lives of countless others.

It was obvious which was better.

"Grimhild," Said Kyto, huffing a sigh, "I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. I hate you for what you did, and I want to bash your face in!" He lifted his fist towards her, scowling at the witch, "But… I completely understand why it was necessary, so I'll set my feelings aside for now."

"…Good. Thank you Kyto."

"Yeah, right. But it's weird… I trained all my life to find the person who destroyed my village, honing my skills and creating my own magic category, and yet… once you told me it was you, I didn't feel as much hatred." Kyto looked down at his shaky hands, confused, "It's as if… I understood why this was happening."

"It's because you do, Kyto." Grimhild smiled, approaching him slowly, "Despite you forgetting all of the countless lives you lived with me, your origin doesn't. Deep down inside of you, your essence knows the truth and understands its purpose. Your true name is Netzach, and one day you must accept this name as who you are."

"Netzach…?" Kyto closed his fists, bowing his head, "The name sounds familiar as if I heard it many times before."

The witch nodded, holding onto his hands.

"…When the time is right, everyone will remember who they are, and that is when Orcus will meet his demise."

Grimhild seemed determined as ever, returning back to her emotionless gaze.

"But do not let any of this stop you from enjoying your school life—you must graduate and provide for your family still. Make sure you can move up the leaderboards for their sake, Kyto."

The Cyrodel nodded his head, lowering his hands.

"You're right, I'm sorry about that Grimhild," He looked at the witch, chuckling, "Hahaha, you're full of surprises, I must admit." He quickly gained Grimhild's attention, "I didn't expect you to know how to fight; I always thought you were someone who sits in the back and spams attacks."

"Far from it, I supersede in all levels of martial arts, magic, and intelligence." Grimhild was quite boastful in her capabilities, smugly grinning at the Cyrodel.

"Right, your only weakness is feminine men, right?"

Grimhild suddenly jolted her body backward, standing up straight.


Kyto exposed her weakness.

It was clear as day.

The witch crossed her arms and turned around, blushing ever so slightly.

"That is another story on its own… that I refuse to talk about."

"Wait, seriously? Was I right? Out of all other things it could be… it's some cute guy who dresses like a woman? Hahahaha!" Kyto slanted backward, laughing his lungs out, "I'm not gonna let this one go! No wonder why you fell in love with Jean! It's clear as day at this point!"

Grimhild ignored him, marching back into the cafeteria.

Kyto was only heard laughing like a maniac in the midst of the field.