
The Great War of Eden

The world of Eden; watched over by the Estrucans of Etruria, goes into chaos upon her Majesty's death. Continent divided. Families lost. The great War of Eden took away things held dear. Etruria became a living Hel because of the Etruscans failure to heed their ancestors vows. The period for peace slowly sleeps away. Do the beings of Ixalt and Noxus have the might to end this great fight? Or will they too fall like the Etruscans. Two souls. Two paths.

karex_og5 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

To you, in 500 years Time


"Aaaaaah!" I struggled pushing my second child. Intense pain filled my body as I went through the process of accouhement. Slowly but surely I could feel my baby escaping my body. The dilation of my tissues allowed the rest of my baby's body to pass through.


The cries of my second born filled the room. I felt elated having successfully given birth to my twins.

"Waaah!" I heard the cry of my second born. It almost made me lose control of my motion.

"Your majesty, please remain calm.". right. I shouldn't contract my tissues, so the leg can pass through.



A sense of enervation came over me. I struggled to overcome the strain my body had taken. I lifted my head to see the maidservants cleaning my children. I waited rather impatiently for them to finish.

"Here you go, my Queen." The head maid said as I received my children. She had been with me since I was young. Maybe that's why they understand me. Not just casting me out or asking me unnecessary questions. But it was inenvitable really. I would have to answer to my people.

Let me just regain my strength first.

"Thank you" I smiled as I looked at my babies. My firstborn had a patch of wheat blonde hair. And his sister had my hair. They were both beautiful, I couldn't help but stare at them.

"Neh!" "Neh!"

I was pulled out of my stupor, by the cried of my twins. Instinct took over me, as I drew them towards my bosom, and I breastfed them.

After a few minutes of breastfeeding, my new borns slept. The maidservants left after confirming everything was okay. I looked at the meal prepared for me, but my body was in a state of debility. I became overwhelmed by lassitude and retired to bed.



I opened the door to my Lady's room and was welcomed with a warm smile from her. My gaze shifted to the two cribs at the right side of her bed.

"Congratulations Xenia" I returned the grin before walking towards the crib. "Thank you, Tera"

The first child that captured my gaze was the boy. As if sensing me, his eyes opened to reveal a set of green-blue eyes, which seemed to reflect blue. He had the same set f eyes my lady and the late lord had.

I was dumbstruck to say the least.

But they aren't full Etruscans. If the Etruscans hear of this....

"H-he has the G-" I stuttered, but Xenia raised a finger to silence me. That simple action made my legs tremble. I gulped.

Turning to the other crib, I was met with a beautiful baby girl.

"She's beautiful" I said.

"I know. Sighs. How did things go?" My lady asked, but there was no good news to give her. Unsure whether to answer her I couldn't help but lower my head down. This was the first time I had disappointed her.

"I'm sorry." I waited for a response but no reply. There was no change in her aura. She had the same calm mindset as her father.

"It's okay. Aphopis will not rest and may rally the Etruscans of Etruria against me. But that shouldn't be a problem once I've regained my strength. My new borns will be prosecuted if the clans come together.

It wouldn't be an issue but still, I'm too weak." Lady Xenia said as she stood up sluggishly.

"Let me help you" I supported her to stand firm. "Zephyr will be in trouble. His family. I need to help him. Bring the children"

Immediately adhering to my Lady, I brought forth the new borns. Lady Xena placed a hand on the boy and a huge surge of mana enveloped the child. It then took the form of an egg. His presence seemed to die . Perhaps the lady stopped time for him and blocked his innate power .

She then took her daughter from my arms. But she didn't do the same for her daughter.

"She possesses two great powers from the Tinath clan. Using the same mana art won't hold her for long. I'll have to use another forbidden a-art." Her voice was raspy. Those arts strained her already weak state.

"But- lady you need your power to suppress the possible forces heading to Mount Neptune." I warned, hoping fervently she had a clear plan.

She could show them her wrath, but this children were in the way. Perhaps if my lady had been a tyrant to begin with, those opposing clan heads wouldn't have dared to lay threats.

She drew nearer to me. The egg and orb in her hands. "Tera, take my children. My son's name shall be Fennr, for he will give freedom. And my daughter's ******, for she will have eternal strength and beauty." She said as tears fell from her eyes. "Take them to the Western continent of the Eden, Ixalt."

"Yes. But Xenia please don't run off. Regain your strength. I'm sure the clans will heed-" I pleaded, tears falling down my face. But my words went through deaf ears.

"Aphopis and the other clans will not heed. The creed of us Etruscans will be used against me. The only way is for me to confront them. Just like my father" She said, the last part almost inaudible.

"But Enlil and Hestia can help. The nymphs may stand neutral but brother Atreus won't let them harm you." My words turned to deaf ears as she didn't even give me a look of resignation.

"Goodbye, Tera"

Huh? What? Those were my thoughts. Unknowing to me she had already set up a portal behind me. It was with a painful cry that I sent her off, before I was taken away to the lesser continent. Eden.