
The Great War of Eden

The world of Eden; watched over by the Estrucans of Etruria, goes into chaos upon her Majesty's death. Continent divided. Families lost. The great War of Eden took away things held dear. Etruria became a living Hel because of the Etruscans failure to heed their ancestors vows. The period for peace slowly sleeps away. Do the beings of Ixalt and Noxus have the might to end this great fight? Or will they too fall like the Etruscans. Two souls. Two paths.

karex_og5 · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Finnr Erwin

"Thank you, uncle, cousin. I'm really grateful for everything." Dad completed the group hug patting Kent on his back.

"It's okay Kent. Didn't I warn you to never call me Uncle. After all these years I expect better"

Huh? Uncle, Cousin. Does that mean-

Before I could complete my thoughts, tears began to fall from my eyes. Mom had sent me to tell dad about my shopping and Aunt told me to check this room. But I wished I hadn't. I couldn't stop the tears, the gut-wrenching sensation I got from my tummy and the throbbing of my miniature chest was very excruciating.

Taking a step away, I broke into a sprint to my room. The maids who saw me had worried looks but I shunned them away. Azy held firm to my shoulder to avoid falling. I entered into my room and layer on the bed.

'Whimper. Whimper.'

'I don't know, Azrail. I feel hurt. It shouldn't even concern me. It about dad, but it hurts me.'

Azrail tried his best to comfort me but it was to no avail. It hurt my esteem. I was never put in such a situation. Dad and mom always made sure I didn't find myself in this state. It was painful knowing my dad was born by a mistake.

Could I have been born a mistake? A burden to my parents?

How selfish of me. I know, but my mind kept on drifting to those thoughts. I could feel Azrail comfort, then his anxiousness on seeing nothing changed. He ran to the door before turning the knob to run off.

My throat was starting to get sore from crying. I could feel mucus slowly drifting down my nostrils. I didn't have the strength to head to the bathroom. Soon after Azy came back with Sky.

'Why? She might laugh at me'


"Finn, what happened?" She climb my bed sitting before me. I looked up at her "You're crying. Hey, use my kerchief. I won't mimd"

I couldn't make every worry, if mom heard I easedroped on someone I'll get grounded for a day. Realising this, I groggily took hold of her hanky before cleaning myself.

"There...better. You shouldn't be crying I thought you were a strong boy the way grampa acted around you. Now you look-" she stopped, noticing I wasn't in a good mood.

"Sorry, ugh-" she hugged me, the remaining tears falling off. Azrail joined in the hug. I sobbed a little but she kept on encouraging me. I felt comfortable, save. It was in her embrace that I slowly drifted into the abyss.


'Oh my god' I screamed in my mind because of the situation I found myself in. Finns hands held firmly around me, even when he fell asleep. I could hear his heartbeats drop lightly to reach a stable point.

The same couldn't be said for me. My heart was pounding. I was anxious.

'Mom said never to sleep with a boy. If she finds me here I'm big trouble. And gramps will tease me. Maybe if I can lie him down.'

I released my sleep slowly pushing Azrail's head off my shoulder and his arm away from my waist. I looked to the side to see Azy helping me.

"Good job, Azy. I'll get you a treat when I leave."

"Bark. Bark."

"Azrail be quiet. I don't want mom to see-" I heard sounds from the doorside. I knew who they were but I felt embarrassed to look back. Finn's right hand was still around my waist and I was not in a favorable position. I quickly turned my hand hoping to explain what happened so mom and aunt don't get the wrong idea.

"Giggles. I noticed your gaze around him earlier, but I didn't know you'd get yourself into this even after my warnings." Mom gave a disappointed look. I felt hurt.

I didn't mean to-

"That's enough teasing Matilda. She's too young." Aunt rescued me, ironically scolding mom. She then walked up to Finn.

"Sigh. Fine. Sorry Skylar. Let's go meet your dad" I walked out of Finn's room, leaving Aunt Feya with him.



I opened my eyes to see Azrail; he licked my face. "Oof! Your breath stinks Azrail."


I rubbed the back of his ear and held it firmly. " I'll ask the maids for a spar toothbrush."

"Growl" Azrail run off to-

Skylar. When did she get in? And yesterday... oh boy, I hope she doesn't say anything.

I reposition myself, sitting upright. Skylar gaze was on the fidgeting Azrail before it set on me. "Goodmorning Finn. How was your night?"

"O-okay. I mean I slept well" my cheeks flushed when I answered. She noticed it and grinned.

" I had the maids bring your breakfast here. Well after much pleading from your mom." She squeezed Azy in her embrace after saying the last part.

"Eat quickly, then you go greet your parents. Grandfather is waiting at the indoor training ground." Sky stood from the bed and pushed the serving cart which held my breakfast, towards me.

"Is it because of our date?"

"If you're going to call it that, then Yes".

I stood up from my bed removing my shirt which I slept in. "W-what? I'm still-"

I rushed to Sky, covering her mouth with my palm to stop her from saying something embarrassing. "I want to bathe first. Geez. You'll have to get use to this." I picked Azrail from her before heading to the bathroom.


"Steady boy. I can't let you kiss me with a smelling breath." I held Azrail firm and gave him a thorough cleaning.

I came out of the bathroom room with a clean body and brand new Azrail. He leapt from my arms, landing on the limestone floor before shaking off the water on his body. He then ran to Sky who was waiting patiently for us.

"Omelette, sausages, tomatoes, fried bread and two slice of white pudding.". The variety was understandable but the quantity of the food was too much.

How was I supposed to train after eating this?

I turned my head to Sky before I deadpanned at her.

"You got this for me, right? I mean...isn't it too much." She gave me a toothy grin while Azrail was salivating.

Azrail leapt to the cart, munching down the plate he claimed as his. I gestured for Sky to sit down, which she did. Using the available cutlery I took a spoonful of the omelette before taking it to her.

"Here, we'll share" she got red-faced but that was the least of my problems right now. I needed to meet up with grandfather.

She accepted my request, allowing me to feed her. I then took a spoonful of sausage to eat. We shared the male between ourselves before we left to go see gramps.


I walked down the corridor with Sky. She held my hand, leading Azrail and I to the training ground. During all these I could only think of the affinity I'd awakened.

My dad was a fire mage capable of wielding yellow flames and my mom was a wind mage. My expectations should have been either of the two but the books I read said there's also a chance for a child's affinity to differ from their parents.

The family secret still had an effect on me. I realised I needed to get strong enough to be able to survive. If it weren't for grandfather, I won't have been born. It was my place now to ensure my live was not to be placed on someone decision or action.

We continued our walk before stopping at a door way. Inside had a field of short grass. Flowers decorated the training grounds. Beside the door was a cabinet for weaponry.

Sitted on a throne of yellow flames with a smirk on his face, was my grandfather.

"Took you too long enough."

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