
The Great War of Eden

The world of Eden; watched over by the Estrucans of Etruria, goes into chaos upon her Majesty's death. Continent divided. Families lost. The great War of Eden took away things held dear. Etruria became a living Hel because of the Etruscans failure to heed their ancestors vows. The period for peace slowly sleeps away. Do the beings of Ixalt and Noxus have the might to end this great fight? Or will they too fall like the Etruscans. Two souls. Two paths.

karex_og5 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Bonding with Family

*knock. knock*


The soft knocks on my door and irksome barks Azrail made, forced me to wake up as I groggily opened my eyes. I would usually find Azrail fun and cute but deferring my sleep made me annoyed. I felt tired and a little lethargic. Gathering all my strength I stood up.

"Bark. Bark" He wants to know who's there.

"Azy. It's me...Sky" Skylar answered from behind the door. Why's she excited. I looked at my window to see it just became afternoon.

Azrail leapt from the ground, using his small paws to turn the door knob. Sky came inside my room. She grabbed Azrail from the ground, grooming his sweet spot. Traitor

"Moans" my bond was enjoying the special treatment. His emotions influencing mine.

" You ran away earlier, which was rude. Now you're back.

So if I may ask: to what do I owe the honor of you intruding on my resting time?" I facepalmed, expressing my dismay of the situation I was placed in.

"You really talk a lot for a guy. Mom and aunt want to go out shopping and they said I should get you. So hurry up. Except if you plan on wearing these same clothes everyday" Sky stucked out her tongue before sitting on the couch. She started humming a song.

"You should be more kind to girls you know. If you act like that you want have any girl friends" she continued her hum before stopping to realise what she said. It was too late though.

"So you want to be my 'girlfriend'? Don't you think we're to young for that and do you plan on helping me dress. If not, then why are you here? You've already told me to prepare." Her face was beet red from embarrassment and she looked like she would cry. I couldn't help compose myself as I laughed wildly.

It took a good minute for my laughter to cease. I walked up to my sulking cousin before patting her head. "I'm sorry. But it feels good playing around with people my age." I said honestly.

"It's okay. I'll pay you back any chance I get. Dummy"

"Bark" Azy barked at me, as if to warn me to not make her cry. Skylar giggled at this before giving Azy his special treatment.

There goes my brother. Sigh

"I'll go change. Gimme a five minutes."


"Took you guys long enough. Did you have trouble dressing up Finn?" Aunt Matilda giggled at mom's teasing.

"No mom. I was actually sleeping when Sky came to get me." I rubbed the back of my neck. Having Azy away from me was something I had to get use to, seeing as he enjoys Sky's embrace.

"Whimper" Azrail looked in my direction, seemingly hurt that I thought that way about him. He glanced at Skylar who too seem to notice his worry. Skylar was at my side so I easily stretched my hand to pat my moping bond.

'It's okay Azrail. I always love you. You're my little bro after all'

'Growl' what ?I can't be your dad

'Whimper' fine. Son.


"Well that was some display. Anyways I already booked the malls for today. So we still have time." Aunt Matilda led the way to the carriage, followed by mom. Seems dad won't be coming. It makes sense, seeing as he must have come here many times.

"You can communicate with Azy?" Sky whispered to my ear. "In a way. It's like being animal whisperer and at the same thing sharing his emotions and thoughts. The latter works more for Azy than me." She stared at me before pushing Azy to her side.

"I don't want Azy to act cranky like you did earlier" she looked petrified. If I didn't know better I could have said she was one of those laymen who performed in the platea.

My throat felt sore from her statement.

"Is that how you see me?" I asked, somewhat hurt. Her expression became serene when I asked this.

"No. I see you as a frisky person. A bit mild with a benign personality." Her face was a little red. I felt as ease knowing she saw me this way.

"Giggles." Mom's voice pulled my attention back to the carriage.

"Snickers. Awwn. You two are so sweet. It'll be best if you save that for another time, okay? Laughs" Sky and I went it with embarrassed looks. I would have to up my game if I'm to live comfortable here.

We went out shopping. The amount of clothes Aunt got us was plenty. Skylar and I talked a lot. It was nice bonding my new friend.

"Finn, how do I look?" Sky wore a navy blue shoulder sleeve dress. A choker necklace round her neck. It looked good on her, just like the other clothes she'd put on. I noticed everyone was watching me, making it more awkward.

"Uhmm...you look cute." Mom seemed disappointed that it was all I could say. Aunt was satisfied with my answer, while Sky got red-faced.

The room we were in had mirror as walls. Facing one the mirror wall before me, I took in my image. I wore a white torque shirt with navy blue short pants. My hair was medium sized. After a quick inspection of myself I was certain I was bad looking. Sky walked up to me.

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself."

"Bark" Good to know you think so too, Azy. I had gotten Azrail two gold chain collar. He wore one while I kept the other in my pocket: it was wider, perhaps when he grows up.

"Good so we're done here. I'll have the butler handle the payment and carrying our goods. Any other thing before we had out for lunch?" Aunt asked seemingly satisfied with using Sky and I as mannequins.

"Ah, I almost forgot. We need to get Finn a hair cut." Mom posed, her right hand pointing to Etrucia. Azrail who was atop my mom's head followed suite. His actions made them look comical to say the least.

"So which coiffure am I getting?" Many hairdos came into my mind. Most of them would have to wait till I get older.

"You'll see" why do I have a bad feeling about this.

Mom smirked at me. Having Aunt Matilda here helped ease my sense of trepidation. She had a good dress sense and her hairdo was well styled.


The notes produced by the strumming of the harp synchronised which each other in form a melody. But this serene environment which I was placed in was faced with an unforeseen disruption.


The screeching sound caused by the scraping of cutlery against ceramic plates. My act of ruination was brought by displeasure I had towards my mother's decision.

We were currently eating in a fine restaurant named Botìn. Before me was a full plate of maple-bacon brussels sprouts. We sat round a patio table.

"Finrr, you can't stay mad at me all day." Mom had an anxious expression. She told the hairdresser to cut the sides of my hair. I didn't notice when she told her but it was already to late, I was stock with an undercut. The top hair was combed forward shading my forehead.

"You look cute, Finn. Skylar, what do you think?" mom dragged Sky into the conversation.

"Aunt's right. It looks good. Maybe when you get taller you can get a keep your hair long." They was no point getting annoyed. The deed had been done. Taking a deep breath to reduce my aggravation, I began to eat my meal.

"So mom, what about your promise. Can Finn and I hang out everyday?" Sky asked her Aunt. Why didn't she ask me first; if I wanted to go?

Aunt Matilda took a sip from her glass cup before speaking. "It's common courtesy to inquire from the person in question. You know that, don't you?"

"Yes mom~" Sky moped. She really was eager to go out with me.

"But you can still do as you wish. But only if Finn agrees; that's okay with you, Frey" Aunt Matilda asked to which mom nodded. Skylar turned her attention to me, Azrail was wagging his tail in anticipation. His didn't affect my decision. It was actually sometime I was okay with.
