
The Great Voyage: The cartoonist of the Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece The strongest king of pirates

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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224 Chs

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Fortunately, those three high-bounty drunk, this green-haired little minions don't have to worry __!!


Seeing that people's graves were blown up, Luo Lan shrunk his neck ~~~

I'm sorry, I didn't know that this thing could shoot so far… Slipped ~~~

In the afternoon, the Golden Melly docked at the port of Huan~Yingzhi Town.

"Wow! Good – big prickly ball!! "

Luffy rode on the sheep's head, his eyes full of novelty.

"It's the island! That's an island! "

Usopp corrected from the sidelines.

Yamaji was full of spirits: "This is Whiskey Mountain, it looks pretty good~~"

Just then, Miss Wednesday and MR9 jumped onto the deck is a fence at the same time.

"Since we have arrived, then we will leave!"

"Thanks for sending us back, darlings! See you soon! "

The two put on a middle two thank you pose, and then jumped into the sea with a swoop…

"I actually left like this…"

Luffy looked at the way the two were swimming straight in the sea, and a sweat broke out on his brain ~~~

It's already docked, as for ~~

Yamaji pointed forward: "Look, there is a river ahead, it seems that you can enter the inland by boat!" "

"Hey, hey!! This... Is that good? What if there are monsters inside? "

As a coward, Usopp apparently disagreed with Yamaji's idea.

Yamaji thought for a while, holding the cigarette between his fingers: "The possibility you said is also possible, and the possibility is quite large." Because this is a great waterway. "

"Leave him alone! When the time comes, you can run away~~"

Luffy was very happy and said with a smile.

Listening to their words, Luo Lan was speechless ~~~

Come on, you guys, you don't seem to realize how powerful you are!!!

But after thinking about it a little, Luo Lan can also understand everyone.

After all, he is a crosser, knows everything, and certainly does not panic.

And for the other partners of the Straw Hat Pirates, every time they land, they face a new unknown!!

What's scariest?

The unknown is the scariest!!!


At this point, Nami raised the record pointer on her wrist and said, "Don't forget, we have to stay on this island for a while." "


Luffy and Usopp showed question marks on their faces at the same time.

Nami clasped her hands in front of her and explained calmly, "On the way here, the woman has explained to me in detail about the use of the recording pointer. If we don't let the recording pointer record the magnetic field of this island, we can't get to the next island. "

"And each island takes a different amount of time, some hours and some days."


Usopp's eyes widened, "That is, even if there are monsters in this island, we will have to stay for several days to escape??" "

Nami shrugged her shoulders, then nodded, "Yes." "

"Aha!!! Let's talk about this kind of thing when I encounter it!! Let's get inside!! "

Luffy was happy, he just wanted to see the island quickly.

"I think I may not be able to go to the island…"

Usopp also wants to fight ~~~

It's just that except for him, everyone else has no problem with the island.

Soon, the inland river of the Golden Beauty enters Whiskey Mountain.

"It's a pirate!!"

"Welcome to our town!!"

"Welcome to the Great Route!!"

"Long live the courage of the sea!!"

Seeing that the Golden Melly was about to dock, many people actually came to the shore, cheering loudly to the crowd of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Disembarking, a man with wavy curly hair and a saxophone in his hand welcomed the Straw Hat Pirates: "Welcome, my name is Ikarim." "

"Maybe you're surprised by our attitude? But whisky town is a place where both winemaking and music are well developed, and hospitality is our tradition. "

"The wine we are proud of is as inexhaustible as seawater. Tonight with your adventures as a delight, please allow us to wash the dust for you!! I wonder if you guys appreciate your faces?? "



"The people here are amazing!"

Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp hugged each other and cheered together.

As for Luo Lan, Nami and Solon stood on the side, looking at the three stupid books in front of them and happy ~~~

Soon, towards the end of the evening, the welcome banquet began.


"Honor the warriors of the sea!"

"Wow! Lord Usopp wins 10 in a row! It's so strong!! "

"I'm willing to bow down and change someone!"

The food at the banquet was hearty, and the wine was taken ~~~ as Ikalem said

With a glass of wine under the belly, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates also appeared tired.

However, Nami and Luo Lan are still fierce!!

"That's awesome!! It's been a 39-game winning streak!!! Brother Luo Lan is really a good amount of wine!! "

"Big sister Nami here is not too much, it has been 35 consecutive victories!!"

Everyone else was basically drunk, and everyone began to besiege Luo Lan and Nami.

"Don't come one by one, come together, for every 10 drinks of Nami and me, you will drink 1 cup at the same time!" What do you think? "

Faced with these people who deliberately came to pour wine, Luo Lan was bored ~~

Before he came, he knew that the purpose of these people was to intoxicate them and then exchange them for bounties.

According to the original idea, Luo Lan planned to come over and start it, knock over a few, and teach them to be people.

However, on the way here, Nami accepts the Gan card in the world of [Magic Card Girl Sakura], which makes things interesting.

The so-called gan card is a kulo card that has the magic power to turn things into sweets.

At this time, in the face of everyone's crazy pouring of wine, Luo Lan secretly rubbed the gan card and turned the wine into air marshmallows ~~~

A large glass of wine is actually equivalent to eating a mouthful of air marshmallows.

The so-called air marshmallow is the kind sold by street stalls, and a very small amount of lying can burst a large volume of air marshmallows.

After drinking more than 200 glasses of wine, it is probably equivalent to eating a few sweets.

The situation is the same on Nami's side.

Before getting off the boat, Luo Lan told Nami about the possibility of drinking alcohol, and told her to use this method.

So Luo Lan and Nami became a thousand cups not drunk.


As the glass of wine fell, the people around Luo Lan and Nami gradually became unsupportive.

Luo Lan and Nami looked at each other, and they couldn't hold on, and fell asleep on the table.

"All right! Everyone has a great time tonight, I wish you all a good dream!! "

The hospitable people began to move out.

When they came outside, the warm smiles on their faces disappeared~~ In the clearing outside, Ikarim, MR9 and Miss Wednesday were all standing here.

"What a bunch of guys who can eat and drink! I drank with bubble wheat tea and they were all drinking to death! "

The door to the banquet hall opened, and a man dressed as a nun walked out.

She lifted off her nun gown, revealing her muscles.

Obviously, her identity is not a nun.

Rather…, MS Monday!

She walked up to the three people opposite and said very unpleasantly: "We are already short of food, and we have to take out so much to entertain them." If the bounty is not high, we will be at a loss!! "

"Loss…? I'm afraid you'll soon fall out of your terrified eyes. "

The corner of Ikalem's mouth twitched, and just now while the Straw Hat Pirates were eating at the banquet, he flipped through the recent bounty newspaper.

Unexpectedly, it soon turned to ~~~

MS Monday said disdainfully: "Eyeballs fall out?? Hey, hey, what are you kidding, just the appearance of that group of people, at a glance, you can tell that it is a group of idiot pirate newcomers! "

"Is it? Look at this…"

Ikalem took out a newspaper of the bounty order and spread out ~~~ "What!!! "

When the other three saw this bounty order clearly, they all opened their mouths sharply, and their eyes jumped straight out from their sockets!!!

"42 million!!!"

"He… He, he, he, their stupid captain, actually… It turned out to be a group of pirates with a reward of 4800 Bailey!!! "

"Oh my God!! What a horrible guy we have attracted! "

MS Wednesday, MR9 and MS Monday are still there at this time

Calmly, the whole thing is three frightened deer ~~~

"Don't worry…, you guys will look at it again…,"

Ikalem wiped his face and said with difficulty.


MS Wednesday carefully flipped to the second bounty order.

But as soon as the page fell, she jerked back her palm: "Ah!! "

"Hey, hey!! What the hell is going on? "

Seeing this, MR9 quickly turned the fallen paper industry over.

Bounty order: Luo Lan, belonging to the Straw Hat Pirates, with a reward of 48 million Bailey!!

"Ahhh!! ——"

All three's hearts were about to pop out.

I Nima ~~~

One 42 million Bailey is not enough???

There was actually another guy with 48 million Bailey!! This pirate group is also too terrifying!!!

"No, no, no~~~, it's terrible! What do we do now? "

Mr. Monday, realizing the seriousness of the problem, looked nervously at Ikalem.

"Scary? That's scary… Is it? "

With a wry smile on his face, Ikalem turned the second bounty order over, revealing the third bounty order.


In the calm clearing, only the sound of gasping for air can be heard at this time!!!

MS Wednesday, MS Monday and MR9 were completely numb at this time~ What did we see???

The sea pirate with a reward of 88 million Bailey!!!? Oh my god!!!

What is this concept???

The one who is now in the Kingdom of Alabastan, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, Klockdar, before joining the seven martial seas, his reward was only 81 million Bailey!!!

The person in front of me… Yes!!

Still a little girl!!!

The bounty is directly as high as 88 million Bailey!!

"It's over, it's over!!! I'm afraid we've provoked a terrifying existence this time!! "

Although MS Monday is tall, she also has brains and knows what it means to be a pirate with a bounty of this level…

"What to do? They are drunk now, or we will not do one or the other…?? "

MR9's face was full of nervousness, and his eyes glanced in the direction of the banton hall from time to time

These people were brought by him and MS Wednesday, and he was afraid that if the other party knew that it was their game, the other party would kill them.

This kind of pirate with a bounty, which is not the master who kills without blinking??

"I think ~~~, before they wake up drunk, let's give them a few injections of strong tranquilizers! As long as it is scored, even if the strength is strong, there is no way. Then we quickly informed the Navy to come and receive the bounty. We don't care about the rest. "

MS Wednesday sipped his red embroidery and suggested.

After all, she has a special status, everything is safe, and she doesn't want to lose her life in this kind of thing.

In that case, the great responsibility she was carrying would be over.

"Whew~~~ makes sense!"

After listening to MS Wednesday's advice, MS Monday took a deep breath and forcibly adjusted his mood.

These people, on the surface, are actually bounty hunters.

In this small town closest to the entrance to the Great Passage, it is dedicated to deceiving newcomers who have just entered the Great Passage.

After getting drunk, he handed over these pirates to the navy in exchange for a bounty.

Day after day, this is indeed a low-cost, high-return business~~ and even sometimes encounters a high bounty, which is equivalent to winning the lottery!!

It's just that…, this time this bounty is too high, and Tai Nima is scary ~~~

MS Monday looked at the open space next to it, where a large number of bounty hunters had gathered, all of them were their men.

He commanded, "Hey! You guys hurry up and find a large amount of tranquilizers, and immediately give a few injections to each of the few people inside! "

"Hey! I'm sorry…, can you let them sleep peacefully? Everyone sailed all the way, very tired ~~~"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from a high place ~~~ Nearly a hundred people in the clearing looked up at the same time.

I saw a strong figure sitting cross-kneeled on the top of this tall building where the banquet hall was located!!!

Holding his sword high in his right hand, he said in a deep voice: "As a swordsman, you will not be stupid enough to let alcohol control at any time…"

"I probably see…, this is the bounty hunter's lair, right?"

"You guys, you specifically take advantage of those who have just entered the Great Passage."

"You have about 100 bounty hunters here, I'm here to accompany you, Baroque Work Society!!"

Speaking of this, Solon slowly got up, and the figure of a knife in one hand, under the moonlight, was like a god of war!

When the name 'Baroque Work Society' was given by Solon, all the bounty hunters below opened their mouths in horror.


"How do you know the name of our company!!"

The bounty hunters exclaimed.

"Because…, when I used to do this, your company tried to pull me in, but I refused. So know a little about you guys~~"

Solon explained patiently.

Anyway, after drinking a little, you should be sobering up at this time.

"Since you know our secret, it can only kill you!"

Ikalem's face changed and he said.

"That's right, the tombstone on the fairy ball is going to add another piece!"

MS Monday rubbed his fists, his face was grim, and he said in a relaxed tone, "It's good that the three guys who were terrible with a bounty just now were all drunk, but this green-haired little guy is awake, so don't worry." "

MS Wednesday nodded: "yes! If one of those three woke up, we'd be doomed! "

"Quick fix! Don't alarm those three big guys! "

MR9 also instructed carefully.

Looking at the meaning of everyone below, the corners of Solon's mouth rose slightly: "Do you want to do it…?" That's so nice~~"

"Wait!! ——"

Suddenly, Ikalem shouted!!

"What's wrong?"

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

"Ah! This man… This man…"

As if remembering something, Ikalem's face suddenly changed, and he quickly took out the pile of bounty orders and quickly flipped it back.

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you flipping over? There are only three of them in the pirate group who are rewarded, so don't worry. "

MS said Monday.

But Ikalem didn't listen to him and continued to flip through.

At some point ~ brush!

A bounty order was drawn out of this pile by Ikalem ~ "Ah!! ——"

In the empty night, the cries of horror were connected…