
The Great Voyage: The cartoonist of the Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece The strongest king of pirates

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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224 Chs

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Lying groove, isn't this a kulo card?!!

Dragon Park ~~~

Located on the seashore southwest of Cocosia Village, this was originally a desert island, but since the arrival of the Dragon Pirates, it has established a base here and become a paradise for fish people.

At the same time, because of the arrival of the Evil Dragon Pirates, the entire human beings of the Zhumida Islands have become their slaves.

"Boss! Nami that guy has been out for a long time, right? Shouldn't she take the opportunity to slip away? "

By the waterhole in the Dragon Park, a muscular cartilaginous fish man is talking, he is the cadre of the Dragon Pirates, Croobi.

On the recliner in front of him, the eldest dragon of the Dragon Pirates is lying down basking in the sun.

"Don't worry, Nami that guy, it's impossible to ignore the villagers of Cocosia Village. As long as the villagers are still there, she will foolishly save money to redeem the village. "

For Croobi's 'rumors', the evil dragon did not pay attention at all to pick up a fruit and put it in his mouth~

Click!! Crunch!

Croobi patted his head, showing a thoughtful expression: "But I always think that Nami is too smart, she seems to be calculating something." "

"Okay, you have nothing to do day by day, always doubt what she does!" In her life, she has been trapped by me!! "

Although Dragon is a refined racist, Nami's Navigator is what he needs.

Therefore, without absolute evidence, it is impossible for him to dispose of this only human in the entire Dragon Pirate Group.



Just when Croobi was about to say something, suddenly an earth-shattering roar sounded.

This was followed by a splash of rubble, rumbling down the inside of the Dragon Park

Those pirates who were originally basking in the sun in their own comfort all woke up suddenly at this time and looked over in unison.


I saw that the gate of the Evil Dragon Park was gone at this time, and even the walls on both sides of the gate were burst~~

"Wha!! Who is the evil dragon, give me out!! "

A kid with a straw hat rubbed his fists and stepped in???

A human?

When they saw the invaders clearly, all the fishmen showed their confused faces, and a human actually dared to come to the fishman's territory to provoke???

Is this mother a brain watt!!!

"Hey! Boy, are you looking for me? "

The dragon lay still, holding his hands under his head as a pillow, looking at Luffy with a playful expression.

In his eyes, don't say a human ~

Even if the humans who come to a village, he doesn't care at all!

"Well! So, you're a dragon?? "

Luffy stood in place and began to dig up his boogers.

"It's me. How is it? "

Looking at the guy in front of him, the evil dragon felt more and more interesting.

Very arrogant, boy!

Now how arrogant it is, how ruthless it will cry later!

"Very good! The target person is in. "

Luffy flicked his booger into the pool and said to himself, "Actually, it's not me who came to find you, but Nami wants to find you!" "


The fish people suddenly showed surprised expressions on their faces.


It won't really be hit by Croobie, right?

At this time, the group of the Straw Hat Pirates also arrived.

"I said you guy!!! Can you follow the plan!! "

As soon as Yamaji arrived here, he immediately began to complain.

"What a worrying captain!"

Mother Suo also complained.

When Usopp heard this, his mouth suddenly became crooked: "Hey, hey! You are too embarrassed to say! If it weren't for your random directions on the road, we wouldn't be so much slower than Luffy! Sanima ~~~"

This is a bunch of stuff ~~~

The dragon's face twisted and he molded his head.

He slowly stood up, looked at Nami in the crowd, and smiled, "Not yet from my side." These are supposed to be the humans you fooled, right? "

"What!! We were deceived!!! "

Usopp was flabbergasted.

Sanji looked at him with a look of disdain: "How stupid are you? "


At this time, Nami walked out and came to the C position, she looked at the evil dragon with a firm face, "From today, I officially quit the evil dragon pirate group." "


The evil dragon was curious, he crossed his arms, "So…, you have collected 100 million Baileys?" "

"Even if she scrapes together 100 million Baileys, you won't let her go free."

Next to Nami, Luo Lan said lightly.

Where is this green onion? The evil dragon looked at Luo Lan in disgust.

Luo Lan continued: "Let me guess…, trash like you. Once Nami really wants to save up 100 million Baileys, I'm afraid you will come to the bottom of the cauldron and let Nami run for 100 million Baileys again, right? "

Groove? The dragon was frightened!

Did you guess it!!!

He suddenly became interested again, pinched his chin, and said with a smile: "You can guess so well, then it's better to guess what way I might use to draw salaries from the bottom?" "

"It's actually not that hard. Now the navy that is in league with you here is nothing more than Colonel Rat's gang. You just need to give some information, let Colonel Rat lead someone to take Nami's money away in the name of catching thieves, everything seems reasonable…"

Luo Lan said lightly.

"Scared hahaha!!!"

The evil dragon grinned and laughed, "Scared hahaha!!! "

His laughter made Nami very uncomfortable.

"So…, Luo Lan guessed right…, isn't it!!!"

Realizing that her efforts in the past 8 years were actually in vain, Nami was completely stunned.

She clenched her fists and stared at the evil dragon with red eyes, and asked with a roaring question.

"Scared hahaha!!!"

Modeling his own brain, the evil dragon laughed presumptuously and fell forward, "Nami, Nami, you talk about you…, just be at ease as a navigator, won't it be okay?" I have to find a way to make things for me~"

"Since the matter has come to this, let's completely tear your face."

"Listen! From today onwards, you will no longer be a member of my Evil Dragon Pirates, but a slave!!! "

"You don't have to think about running away or anything. As long as you dare to leave for a day, I will kill a villager who returns to West Asia Village!" "

"If you leave for two days, I'll kill a couple!"

"You run away forever, and everyone in Cocosia Village will be buried for you!!" A fierce gaze glared out from the dragon's eyes!!! "


Really!! Sure enough, it was guessed by Luo Lan…

8 years…

What I have been working hard for the past 8 years turned out to be a lie!!

Nami covered her red embroidery, and aggrieved tears burst out in her eyes.

I'm ridiculous~ I would stupidly believe in the evil dragon such garbage!

For a lie, worked as a thief for 8 years.

If it hadn't been for meeting Luo Lan and others…, Nami wouldn't dare to think about it~~~"Nami~"

Looking at the crying Nami, Luo Lan gently rested Nami's head on her shoulder, and then looked at the evil dragon: "Hey! Dragons! Do you know what you've done wrong! "

The evil dragon looked over coldly, with a look of disdain: "Oh? Err? "

But as soon as he finished speaking, Luffy couldn't help it!!!! Rumble!!

The rubber fist suddenly burst out without warning, and fell directly on the face of the evil criminal!!

The powerful force caused the dragon's head to jerk back, and even his whole person slammed into the wall!!!

Luffy looked up to the sky and yelled, "Bastard!! Don't cry our navigators! The sudden scene made the Evil Dragon Park suddenly become extremely quiet! "

Then I heard Luo Lan ask lightly: "Do you know what mistake you made this time?" "


The dragon sat up from the ruins, and he molded his mouth.

A mouthful of steel teeth is all shattered!

But the next moment, a new set of teeth grew in his mouth.

Fishman Regeneration!

"Bastard!! What a wild sprinkle here!! "

At this moment, the fish people reacted at once.

One by one, they rushed over with fierce faces!

Brush! Brush! Brush!

With a burst of sword light and shadow, the several fish people who rushed over were all lying in a pool of blood.

"The little character will roll me aside~"

Solon pointed the word Hedao diagonally to the ground

Face, the blood of the fish man dripped down the blade to the ground.


Boom! Boom!

Yamaji also put down a few fish people here, pinched the cigarette, and spit out a smoke ring: "I really don't have a little bit of self-knowledge of a small character~"

"Slow down!!"

Just when the two sides were about to start a full-scale war, Nami's little head moved away from Luo Lan's shoulder and shouted.

The people of the Straw Hat Pirates stopped further moves in tacit agreement.

And the fish people, they all looked at Nami.

The evil dragon climbed up from the ruins, and he looked at Nami viciously: "Very good! After finding a good group of helpers, I thought I could deal with me, right? "

"Humans…, what an ignorant inferior race!"

"Our fish people's physique is naturally more than ten times that of you!"

"Get ready for despair!"

Saying that, the evil dragon grabbed his weapon with a big hand and grabbed his weapon, the big saw knife! The Straw Hat Pirates here also immediately put on a fight.

However, Nami blocked in front of everyone in the Straw Hat Group and said seriously: "Partners, leave these fish people to me!" I will destroy this herd of beasts with my own hands!"


Usopp had a question mark on his face.

"Hey, hey, hey! Beautiful Nami-chan! How can you do this kind of thing yourself? "

If I need a beautiful woman to do it, what use do I want to make?

"Eh…, it doesn't seem to be impossible~"

Solon froze for a moment, and immediately thought about that time on the deck, Nami was holding his big mallet.

Luffy remembered this, but still asked suspiciously, "Nami, can you?" "


Luo Lan looked at Nami and cast a puzzled expression.

You are so weak that you still have to deal with the fish people alone? Are you sure you're not kidding?

But his expression fell in Nami's eyes, but Nami thought that this was encouraging her to get Luo Lan's encouragement, and Nami was more confident.

As soon as her mind moved, a wave of magic power floated between her palms ~~~Juju~

The moment the light shone, a delicate little wand appeared in her hand.

"Hey? What is it?? "

Usopp exclaimed.

Solon was slightly surprised, and said in his heart, Nami really learned a good ability from Luo Lan's manga.

Luffy tilted his head with a question mark on his face: "What is this?" "

However, they were just surprised, but Luo Lan was stunned!! A magic wand that appeared out of thin air???

Or pink? Hey, hey, hey!!!

Why does this wand look so familiar? Wait a minute!!!

Suddenly, Luo Lan thought of the comic book that Nami took from him…

[Magic Card Girl Sakura]!!!


This wand is not… Sakura's wand?

At this time, Nami flipped her hand again, and a card with colorful brilliance appeared in his hand.


Luo Lan spewed out a mouthful of Nima!!! Trough!!


This, this, this, this… Kulo!!? What the hell is this???

Why are Kulo cards here?

Previously, Solon learned about Tsubame from [Sasaki Kojiro] manga, although it is a bit outrageous, but at least it can be said.

And now, Nami directly brought out the things in the comic world here, wouldn't it ~~~

Luo Lan suddenly thought of a possibility…

"I'll have to ask Nami properly later."

Luo Lan thought to himself.

But now is not the time to ask.

He looked at the Kulo card in Nami's hand, which was a thunderous beast descending from the mountain.

Thunder Brand…

When she saw this card, Luo Lan immediately understood where Nami's confidence came from~

With the thunder card in hand, she is indeed qualified to say the words 'give him all these fish people'!

"Huh? Poker!?! "

Luffy leaned over curiously to get it.

"Poker, you!"

Luo Lan grabbed Luffy, and then said, "Since it's this card, then everyone rest!" These garbage were handed over to Nami to clean up. "

Cang!! And the word Dao into the sheath.

As a person who has made great gains in the manga, Solon wishfully believes that Luo Lan knows everything about everyone in the manga.

Since Luo Lan said that everyone rest, then Nami's strength should not be worried.

Luffy is the same, he and Solon exchange the most manga experience.

Initially, he told Solon that Luo Lan knew everything in the manga, and since Luo Lan said so, let Nami relieve his anger!

"Eh…, okay!"

Usopp still doubted Nami's strength, but everyone didn't rush, and he didn't dare to rush…

Only Sanji was still asking in disbelief: "Hey, hey! Are you all crazy? Actually let the lady go to war?? "

"You sit down for me! Curly eyebrows! "

Solon pulled Yamaji over.

"Pretend to be a ghost!!! Nami, you give me death!! "

The evil dragon was already about to explode at this time.

They were knocked on the door by a group of humans, and now Nami threatened to clean them up alone.

Mermaids can endure, fish people can't endure!! With that, he rushed towards Nami.


Nami raised the small wand in her hand lightly, without unnecessary nonsense.


Clear sky, suddenly thunder everywhere! A terrifying roar descends from above!

"What's going on??"

"Where is the thunder!!"

"Thunder on a sunny day? This can't be!! "

"Shhh!! Look at the sky! "

"Deceptive, huh…?"

"This can't be!!!"


When the fish people looked up at the sky, they were immediately frightened and stupid by this terrible scene!!

I saw that in the sky of thousands of miles of clear sky, countless lightning bolts were intertwined, intricate, woven into a large net of lightning!!!

Without any delay, these lightning bolts gathered out extremely thick currents and rushed to the ground!


A fishman screamed, and instantly turned into dried fish in an electric current thicker than others. "

The other fishman still wanted to run, and was directly hit by three consecutive currents, and blue smoke came out~

Chop! Chop! Chop!

Lightning fell, striking the fish of the Dragon Pirates with incomparable accuracy.

Fish people have a strong physique?

Sorry, in front of the thunder beast, it's all scum!!!

"Run away!!"

A fishman who was not hit for the time being quickly shouted, and then rushed to the pool of the lieutenant general of the Evil Dragon Park and plunged into it!

Seeing this, the other fish people also hurried to jump into the waterhole.


The evil dragon was in a hurry, and quickly roared, "Come out quickly, the sea water is conductive!!! "

However... Too late!

Originally needed a goal to find a goal, but now it's good… Countless extremely thick currents fell directly into the pool!


The moment the thunder and lightning fell, the sea water of the waterhole was blown more than ten meters high by the powerful thunder force!!

Along with the explosion, there is also a "grilled fish" with electro-charred coal! Quality! "

Seeing that all his subordinates were dead in a short period of time, the dragon's head buzzed, and blood rushed to his brain!!!

"Don't be in a hurry, it's only now for you!"

Nami looked at the evil dragon coldly, and the small wand in her hand moved gently~

Seeing this scene, a bad premonition arose in the heart of the evil dragon, and he looked up ~
