
The Great Thief

He had never invested in shares or bought a lottery ticket, and neither did he have any experience in the general business industry. Lu Li found that the only thing he could do was play games. Luckily he had experienced rebirth, and was one step ahead of everyone else. Luckily, games had been developing extremely quickly, and there were many people who had become rich through playing games. In his ‘past life’, he had spent countless nights awake, in grief and anguish. However, although all of this had been washed away, so what…? This life, he was determined make a fierce counterattack against fate and stand at the very top! ------ Release Rate: 5 Chapters/Week; will be released on Mon, Wed, Fri and Weekend;

Boating Lyrics · Games
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1977 Chs

The Death of Hakkar

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Just like that, Jin'do had been kicked out of the scene.

After experiencing a baptism of fire in the first two stages, the third stage went by smoothly.

Actually, this Boss had led to quite a few team wipes. From the morning until now, there had already been more than 20 wipes. Zul'Gurub was originally positioned before the Molten Core and Blackwing's Nest. If a Boss could make Lu Li's team die over 20 times, this was already a really unbelievable event.

This was also the reason why Jin'do was constantly made weaker in future patches.

When Lu Li went into Zul'Gurub in his last life, Jin'do wouldn't transform the first target into a sheep. This also meant that if the Main Tank was able to hold down Aggro the entire time, the fight would be infinitely less difficult.