
Jarod Shadowsong

Editor: Exodus Tales

The Night Elves were the main force behind getting rid of the isnects in the War of the Shifting Sands. A large number of Night Elf soldiers laid dead on this piece of land. The yellow sand of the Silithus desert was still stained red from the bloodshed.

The insects rushed out of the wall again and were met with a thousand years of built-up hatred.

Now, with the addition of the Night Elf army, there was an immense decrease of pressure on the players. Lu Li stopped a sentry, saying, "Dear warrior, thank you for your help. As you see, I'm also an Elf. My name is Lu Li. I would like to pay a visit to the highest commander of your army. May I please ask which general is leading the army this time?"

The sentry gave Lu Li a look that said he didn't plan to pay attention these adventurers.

However, this one look changed his attention.