
Chapter 6 The academy

So your saying there is actually a school for my system well yes you go tomorrow and your mom and dad you can see them when your done or when you enter Alexander stans up sure why not but no lying he says crossing his arms uncle Alex disappears only arriving in side his car I look faword to it he says as he goes with the dust he sits down on the roof lying down max looks at him with a worried look max don't worry we are going to be the best alright max nods as he leaks his Alexander like a dog. stop alright he says laughing alright let's get some sleep I don't wanna wake up late being shouted at in the morning he says going down from the roof to the room he packs his bag and everything he lays down on his bed thinking max your no longer staying in the Portal or system Alright let's start with a good one alright max smiles then closes his eyes as the night goes

guys please I need power stones please I'm not forcing just please reason for lousy book is that I'm at work and I didn't get time to write well so give me the power stones and also don't forget to leave a review

voided_execreators' thoughts