

I cut myself on the hand and use the blood dripping to draw the magic circle on the stone pillar and at the same time infuse mana on it while chanting the summoning spill. While drawing the magic circle, I am also chanting the chant I saw in the book to completely activated the summoning circle. A burst of light comes from the pillar and while waiting for something to happen, I prayed for Evienne, the phoenix, goddess of all familiars to hear my call.

"I call upon the great Evienne, goddess of all familiars, hear my call and bless me with your presence"-Demetri.

I repeat the prayer a few more times until something happens. From the burst of light comes out Evienne, the goddess and mother of all familiars, I'm glad that she answered my calls.

Are you the one who calls out for me? The one, who is a descendant of the first Elden. I am glad that you finally call out for me-Evienne

"Yes, I am the one who calls out for you, but I do not know what you mean about the Elden Blood, and I'm sorry that it takes me this long to call you out even though I do not know why you are waiting for me"-Demetri.

It looks like you do not know that you are part of the bloodline of the first sorcerer, the great Elden, Visyries. -Evienne

I can't believe that you are an Eldenian, the bloodline of Visyries boss, I only read about him in books and scrolls, he is a legend, and this also explains a lot of things that are so surprising about you, especially what you can do-Kaya

I don't know what to say Kaya, this is also big news to me, I need to know more about this.

"Yes, I do not know what you are talking about, I do not know that I am a descendant of Visyries, to be honest, I do not even know who he is, perhaps you can tell me more about it, but first I want to say thank you for answering my call, great Evienne"-Demetri

Evienne landed on the ground and seeing her up close she is so much larger; she is as big as the first story of the house.

I will always answer the call of every firstborn of every Elden family and it seems because of the darkness fragment doing, you are the last one, I am sorry that I am not able to help your father and mother when they were attacked by the darkness fragment.-Evienne

"You were with my parents when they were killed by the darkness fragment?"-Demetri.

Yes, you're father ordered me to take you to a safe place and protect you at all cost, but I didn't fulfill my task because the summoning was canceled and I was returned in the skies when your father died.-Evienne

I can feel pair of hands land on my back and it's Stephan and Alice. They were sad but also confuse.

"Thanks, guys"-Demetri.

"Even if we don't understand the language you were both using, we can feel that whatever you two were talking about is sad"-Alice

"That's right, you don't know the old Eldenian language, hold on a minute, Evienne touch my forehead, I will transfer you the knowledge of the language of this dimension"-Demetri.

As you wish-Evienne

Evienne touches my forehead with her forehead so I can transfer her every language in this dimension.

Thank you-Evienne

"You are welcome Evienne and also you don't have to say sorry because I know you have done everything in order to save me and my parents"-Demetri.

I am given another chance to fulfill your father's final wish Kharis, I will do everything to protect you this time and to do everything you wish. -Evienne

"Thank you, Evienne, and it's Demetri now not Kharis, by the way, these are my companions, Stephan and Alice"-Demetri.

"It's nice to meet you goddess Evienne"-Alice

Please, just call me Evienne, after seeing this dimension with my eyes, it is very different from our dimension-Evienne.

"Yes, it is vastly different, there's no magic here, but they have science and amazing technologies that we don't have in our dimension, you will get used to it, and I wish this dimension will be saved because the darkness fragment wants it too"-Demetri.

I explain to Evienne what happened since the beginning, I also discovered that the familiars are not corrupted by the darkness fragment but still connected to their masters and did everything their masters ask.

Before I forgot your mother left you this, I didn't get the chance to give it to you before. -Evienne.

I took the memory core and a book from Evienne. I placed the mana core on my head and it slowly enters my head. The memory core contains the last message and moments of my parents before they were killed and Evienne took me away.

(Memory core's memories)

"Kharis, I and your father were so sorry because we will not be by your side growing up, and it hurts us deeply to not be able to see you grow to be the great man and sorcerer that we know you will be, we love you so much my son"-Demetri's mother.

"Grow up strong Kharis, and we know that you will grow past us because even when you are just a child now you show great potential, you are really the descendant of your great great great grandfather Visyries just like what they predicted, I love you my son, Evienne, please take good care of my son"-Demetri

"I will Jesyries"-Evienne

"Give this memory core and Visyries book to our son Evienne, thank you for everything"-Demetri's mother.

The memory inside the core ends there. I can feel a tear rolling down my cheeks, and I can't stop myself from crying. My parents fought the darkness fragment till their last breath. Seeing my parents from the other world makes me realize that they look exactly like my parents here in this dimension and I also lost them, maybe if they were still alive, I will also have a sister just like in this dimension. This time I will make sure that my last family, my sister, will be saved.