

I woke up noon and saw Alice preparing lunch for us. I ask her if Stephan was already back and she told me that Stephan was not yet back from the training he proposes yesterday with Kalesi. I just nodded and entered the bathroom to take a bath. After we eat lunch, we saw Kalesi and Stephan exiting the teleportation door that I made for them to access to go to the isolated island that I and Ceres goes. Both of them don't have the power to teleport and I can't take them their every time because I have a lot of things to do too.

I ask how are the twins in the island, and Stephan said that they were so busy working with the RH v2 and also ask if I can come today. I reach for my phone in my pocket and sent a message to the twins that I will be going at 4, I just need to do some stuffs.

After we have lunch, I told Alice that I will call her for the meditation, I just needed to do something first. I went to the study and use fast learning to see if there's any book I have that contains something that could help me with my mana cores recovery fast and I'm glad that I got my answer. It says that I need to brew the Elixir of Solace to completely heal my mana core, and it can heal my mana core fast and if I'm lucky more durable than before. I exited the room and teleported myself in the HA lab, Joel jolted and scream the moment I appeared in front of him.

"You scream like a little girl Joel Hahaha"-Demetri

"What the f*ck Demetri, you scared the hell out of me, what if I drop this thing, I have to start all over again"-Joel

"I'm sorry Joel, you can't predict where you will land in teleporting in a space you know, I need your help"-Demetri

"What is it?"-Joel

Joel places the thing he was working on his desk and face me again.

"Do you perhaps have some phoenix fire feathers lying around here?"-Demetri

"Phoenix? There are real Phoenix?"-Joel

"Yes, it looks like it doesn't appear in portals and dungeons yet no wonder you haven't seen one yet, and I can't blame you, they are rare to be seen maybe that's why no one encountered one yet"-Demetri.

Looks like I need to do the familiar summoning in order to have Phoenix fire feather, but my chances on getting a Phoenix familiar is not that high but compare to searching for it in the dungeons and portals I have better chances. As for the other ingredients, its easily found in the dungeons because it's the ingredients of the Miracle Potions, except for the mana ore. I bid goodbye to Joel after getting a red orb because there are higher chances that I can get all the ingredients in a higher dungeon and teleported home.

"Alice, Stephan, want to accompany me in a dungeon raid, it's an A-rank, I need to get some ingredients for a potion that I need to brew to stabilize my mana and fix something inside me"-Demetri.

"Sure Demetri, I also want to test out my training earlier with Kalesi, but are we allowed to go even we don't have the right number?"-Stephan.

"It's okay, I already have the permission of chairman David with it, how about you Alice?"-Demetri.

"Sure I would go to, it's been a while since we go to a dungeon raid, and besides you can't go without me, who will heal you too, especially Demetri"-Alice

"You are damn right about that I Alice"-Demetri

After we gear ourselves, I hold onto both of them and teleported us in a location that is far from any cities or town, far from people. I do what I have to do on the orb and the dungeon open. Before we enter I receive a text from Joel that the twins contacted him and said that the RH 2 is completed and they wanted to test it out.

"I need to leave for a moment, wait for me"-Demetri.

I ask Kalesi to stayed with them and protect them while I was gone. I teleported myself in the isolated island to see the twins who looks like they have not slept for a few days, the bags on their eyes have bags. They approached me excitedly to show me the RH.2 that we made.

"Mr. Light, we made it, it's working, the RH.2 is working"-Ayane.

"Thanks to your calculations and help, it's like what we predicted and expected"-Takeo.

"I'm glad that we are successful, I am sorry that these past few days I am unable to help"-Demetri.

"It's okay Mr. Light, we heard what happen in the HA and Joel also told us about it, and besides you help us a lot with all the information you gave us"-Ayane.

"So do you want to test it out?"-Mr. Light

"Of course, to see if its already capable"-Takeo

Just like what I did to Alice and Stephan, I hold onto them and teleported us in the location of the rank A dungeon we just opened. When I returned, Alice and Stephan approached me. They were about to call Demetri by his name when they notice they were other people around.

"Mr. Light you're back"-Alice

"This is Ayane and Takeo Suda, students of mine, we were working on RH.2 and they want to test it out, and this are my closest companion, Alice and Stephan, Alice is also a student in HA Academy so you might recognize her"-Demetri.

Each side say they're 'Nice to meet you' and shake hands.

"Let's enter the dungeon now"-Demetri.

One by one we entered the dungeon and what appeared to us is a castle dungeon with plants all around and looking at the plants, looks like what we are facing were the flesh eating plants or might be worse.