
The Great Shaman of TVD/TO

A man, with will, with power, and with love. Will he be able to survive in a world where the strong thrive, or will he die like many others before him?

TachyonicCha · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Fire Nation troops

"I remember this episode, I think. These are the prison rigs for earth benders, should I help them?" Ash thought about it and sighed. Being a Shaman, he cannot ignore evil, even in another universe. Looking around, he was trying to see what he could use for a boat, "F*ck it."

Disabling his bracelet for a minute, he cracked his aching muscles and smiled. Getting in a running position, he looked at the ship and calculated the distance, 58 miles.

Calming his breathing, he filled his entire body with spiritual energy and put most of it in his legs. In a flash, he took off from the shoreline making a huge shockwave behind him as he surpassed the speed of sound.

On a hot day, a fire nation guard was on the tower yawning, "I want to kill some earth benders."

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of something, rubbing his eyes, he focused his vision and saw a person. Taking out his binoculars, he saw that it...was indeed a man. "How the f*ck is he running on water?"

He was a bit too shocked until he realized that, that thing was coming towards him. Pressing an alarm button, the whole ship went into lockdown and everyone began to run everywhere like headless chickens.

A fire nation captain asked the guard on the tower, "Why did you use the alarm?"

The soldier gulped and said, "Someone is running on the water, Sir."

The captain smacked the soldier, "Stop playing games, and go back to work!" Suddenly a huge wave came towards them, widening his eyes, the captain saw a young man on the wave riding it. "EVACUATE!" yelled the captain as he tackled the soldier to the ground.

The wave crashed against the ship making it wobble a little, some of the soldiers that didn't grab onto something unfortunately fell into the sea to be fish food. The captain watched as his men died, and the culprit landed in front of him.

Looking up at the young man, he saw that he was wearing Earth kingdom robes, without a second thought, he kicked up releasing a torrent of flames at Ash's face which he blocked with one hand.

"You are quite violent, tsk tsk," said Ash breaking his leg with one kick.

Screaming in pain, the captain backed away and looked at his leg, it was dislocated, not broken. "You f*cker! Do you know who you are messing with?!"

"Um, I don't know, can you enlighten me?"

The captain grew confident as he held onto the wall for support. "You just attacked a Fire Nation ship."

The captain saw that Ash was confused, "Um, You guys are the fire nation that wants to rule the world?"

Feeling confident again, the captain smiled and smirked, "Yes we are-"

His head was off his body, rolling into the sea. "He thought, that he can scare me with the fire nation, tsk."

Wiping his hand off the blood, he saw the soldier on the ground just staring at him. He witnessed how this Earth Kingdom civilian killed his captain with ease. Kowtowing, the soldier said, "Sir, I um, submit."

"What? Where is your pride as a fire nation soldier?"

The soldier began to cry, "I...was forced, they said that if I didn't join the army, my family would die, sorry."

Ash sighed and patted his face, "Good, now, I will let you go, if you release every prisoner here, you got it?"

The soldier grew pale, "S-Sir, but...my family will die."

"Don't worry, just say I was too strong and you didn't see my face."

"Oh, will that work?"

Ash rolled his eyes, "I will punch you after we release the prisoners, it is fine."

The soldier shivered and nodded, he watched in awe as Ash demolished every soldier in his way like a knife cutting through butter.

He cringed as Ash killed the last soldier that was stationed here, "Sir, this button can release all prisoner's cells, but you killed the captain...he had the key."

"Oh, whoops, haha, it doesn't matter," said Ash as he summoned a lightning rat from the spiritual realm. The rat had a lightning mark on his back, landing on Ash's hand, the rat was confused. "Remember that time I gave you some nuts?"

The rat nodded, "The f*ck," said the soldier currently losing his mind.

"Now it is your turn for a favor, you have to activate this button."

The rat squeaked and jumped onto the button, sensing the electrical working of the button, he precisely sent out a lightning bolt and triggered the button. All of the cells began to open up.

Everyone was confused, were they letting them go or something? They then noticed the amount of guards, which was none, "WE ARE FREE!" yelled all of them.

Ash de-summoned the lightning rat and watched as the prisoners left the ship. The soldier looked at Ash with expectancy, "Am I free now?"


Punching his stomach hard, the soldier smiled and fainted from the pain.

20 minutes later...

In a throne room in the Fire Nation, stood a man with great stature and a beard, around him was a bunch of old people. Suddenly the door opened and a Fire Nation Captain ran towards the man with great stature.

Kneeling, the captain says, "Great Lord Oozai, we have news that our second Prison Rig was broken into and the prisoners escaped. There was only one survivor, Sir."

"Who is he?"

"Sir, he is a soldier, he is in the hospital now as we speak, let's just wait until he wakes up."

Oozai smiled evilly, "No need, just kill him."


Oozai was about to kill this stupid Captain, but he calmed himself, "Nobody needs to know about this incident, bury it, or I will bury your family."

The captain gulped and nodded, "I-I u-understand, S-Sir."

On the outskirts of the Earth Kingdom, Ash was seen walking while wondering what he shall do from now on...