
CH. 1 Gift

It was raining that day, sounded of a raindrop hitting the window. A woman in her twenties slowly got up from the bed and start stretching her stiff body. She was Eileen, a famous swimmer who won many tournaments around the world and a doctor. The cause of her stiff body was because she had a swimming tournament which lasted for a day, the longest tournament she ever had. After getting up she looking at her cute Pikachu holding a Pokeball clock.

Eileen "Oh No! I am late!"

Jumping out of her bed, she went and change into her sportswear and rushed out of the house, but she didn't forget to hug her Eevee doll.

While she was running as fast as she could. "HELP!", "SOMEONE DROWN!" Due to her instinct of being a lifeguard for a year. She ran to the lake and dive down into the cold water and pulled the drowning man up to the water. After a few minutes, she successfully helps the man to the shore. Suddenly after helping the man, her body became stiff and she lost control of her body. She starts calling for help from the people on shore, but her voice was interrupted by the ambulance. Slowly she drowns as her body was stiff as a log. Regret filled her as she looks up to the surface because today was the day she gets to watch Ash traveling to the new region, Alola.

"Hello, you're drowning"

Suddenly, she heard a voice.

"Do you want a gift?"

The woman wanted to ask for help, but her body won't move a bit. 'What is that voice.'

"I will take that as a YES!"

An immediately bright light shined everywhere and cover hers as she lost her conscious.



Eileen heard that sound was shouting to her, as the voice was so loud but not clear. She slowly opens her eyes and saw a huge scary looking dragon staring at her.

The Dragon " WAKE UP!!!!!!"

It was so loud that she jumped from the ground.

"Oh, you are awake."

The dragon body then covered with light and changed into a boy about 14. He was standing in front of Eileen. The boy saw that she was confused.

"Hello!, I know that you are confused and surprised, but before I explained to you. Let me introduced myself."

"I am the most coolest and awesome God!" and the boy smiles wide and pose thinking that he was a model. Eileen was quite surprised at how confident the boy has, but not the fact he was a God.

GOD "So as I was saying that I am the coolest and awesome God, there was a mission for me to pick a man and reincarnated him into another world." "However you Eileen was so kind enough to interrupt my perfect and not dangerous plan of letting the man drown. You need to take responsibility for your action." still in his pose.

Eileen was about to answer but she was interrupted.

GOD "Anyway since you are so kind as to interrupt my perfect plan, I will be very kind and awesome, sending you to a new world with some gift."

Eileen was about to answer again but was interrupted again.

GOD "Since I am an awesome God, my gifts is that you will receive a system to help you through your journey in your new world."

Eileen not wanting to wait any longer screamed "Pokemon!!"

Silence filled the whole room.

Eileen "I want to go to Pokemon World"

GOD was surprised at her sudden shouts but didn't care. "Yes, you will be sent to the Pokemon world with a system to help you on this journey, but I will also give you the power to uses Aura."

Hearing that she will go to the Pokemon world and the power of Aura, she was so excited.

Eileen "Thank you!"

GOD "It's fine, Oh and as I am the most coolest and awesome God, I will be sending you with the coolest way."

Eileen feels danger after hearing God saying that. She was about to ask God to send her the normal way, but there was a huge hole and fells down through the hole.

GOD "Good Luck".

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