
The Great Path of Eternal Magic

A lone carriage made its way down the road. Its destination? Teckleville. A small town, with no real importance in the grand scheme of things in a world where magic is everything. Upon arrival though, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Morgantus as the young boy sets on the great and painful path of learning magic. Join Morgantus on his journey to discover Eternal Magic! (Getting added to RR soon under the same username!)

ohshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Master Leran (Part 1)

"The headmaster was telling jokes to us and then he suddenly told us that it was a joke. He explained that Teckleville has been standing for centuries and the academy is only recently built, so it can handle a little wind and rain.

I believe him, but it doesn't change the fact that a storm hit Teckleville during our vision and destroyed the city."

He paused for a moment before asking, "Do you think that was just a coincidence? Is it safe to assume that the academy is doomed?"

Morgantus stared at her intently.

He hoped that she understood the gravity of the situation and might have a solution for them to prevent disaster.

She sighed as though he'd reminded her of a bad memory, and then looked at him with sad eyes.

"I think it's just a very bad misunderstanding. There's nothing to worry about. Bad dreams do occur sometimes.", she assured them both as she stood up from her chair.

Morgantus and Fediluv looked up as the woman stood tall in front of them, looking taller than usual.

Her face held a serious expression and dark circles under her eyes showed how tired she felt.

"There is nothing to worry about.", she responded as she put a hand on Morgantus' shoulder.

"Teckleville has survived for hundreds of years despite all kinds of natural disasters and attacks from neighbouring countries.

If anything, your vision is a sign that Teckleville is blessed with powerful magic. Don't let them scare you."

"Yes ma'am...", he replied respectfully. He felt relieved after hearing her words. She was right. The vision may not mean that they were all in danger but rather a warning.

"If there are problems, we'll deal with them when they happen." The professor continued.

"For now, continue to study and practice magic until the end of class. Then meet in the library for research assignments."

Morgantus nodded quietly while the rest of his classmates continued their lesson.

His mind drifted to thoughts that he had already pondered previously; such as the purpose of magic and the power that comes with it. When could he truly learn magic?

The class went smoothly for the remainder of the day and evening, but Morgantus couldn't help feeling anxious despite the reassurance from his professor Shayd.


The sun set over the horizon, bathing the land of Orlania in a warm orange glow.

The sky was clear, dotted with twinkling stars that shone brightly against the increasing darkness above them. A gentle breeze blew through the trees and grasses, carrying their scent towards the town below.

A young boy stood alone atop the highest hill overlooking the town.

In his hands was a simple wooden sword as he practised swinging it around and blocking imaginary blows. The blade of the weapon glinted in the sunlight which illuminated its sharp edge.

The child wore a plain white robe with the hood pulled low to conceal his identity. He was thin, but not frail like most children. Instead, the muscles of his arms and legs were well defined, showing that he was physically fit for a younger child.

His hair was a light brown colour and cut short at the sides of his head. He did not wear shoes, but instead kept his feet bare to feel the soft dirt beneath him.

As he swung the wooden sword in one direction and blocked a blow with his other arm in another, the child began to hum softly.

He closed his eyes and focused inwardly, focusing solely on the energy that flowed within his body. He was a mage.

The magical force inside of him swirled and churned, flowing along with the rhythm of his breathing.

He opened himself to the flow of this invisible energy, letting it wash through him and fill the void that existed deep within.

The mage's heart beat faster. He could sense the presence of mana, or the lifeblood of magic. This is where his power resided. The source of his strength and ability.

He took slow measured breaths and tried to relax into a state of calmness. His emotions were still present but subdued in a way that allowed him to focus without distraction.

He breathed deeply and exhaled slowly as he reached out for the magic. He grasped onto this power, feeling its warmth seep into every pore on his skin. It filled his chest and made him gasp.

He took in more air, filling his lungs before holding the last bit of oxygen inside of his body. This is the power that all mages seek to master.

Magic would allow him to create things out of nothing, control nature, and even become immortal some say.

He relaxed further, allowing this power to course throughout his entire body. The heat of the magic burned away all tension. All worries disappeared in an instant, leaving behind only peace and tranquillity.

The world became silent and still.

Then, the world exploded.

The explosion happened so fast and violently that it knocked the boy off balance. He fell to the ground, rolling across the earth to stop his fall.

The world grew quiet again.

The boy picked himself up, dusting the dirt from his robes. He looked back towards the town of Ionin but saw nothing.

It was all gone.

Nothing remained except for piles of ash scattered about.

"What... What has happened...?" He muttered as he walked forward with shaky steps.

The world faded in and out of existence as if someone or something was manipulating reality itself.

He could sometimes see the buildings in the town for a brief moment, but they would disappear for a few seconds and then reappear again in a continuous loop.

After it dragged on for what seemed like an eternity, it finally stopped.

The town of Ionin was still there, but the boy could not shake off this bad omen.

He felt like something terrible was coming for Ionin.

He ran towards the town as quickly as he could, hoping to warn the others….


Morning came quickly and Morgantus and Fediluv made their way to the library.

As they arrived at the door of the library, they saw a large group of students gathered inside.

"What's going on?" Morgantus asked as he looked around.

"I don't know.", Fediluv replied. "But it looks like everyone wants to see what's happening."

Morgantus and Fediluv joined the crowd and looked over their shoulders as they heard someone shouting.

"Look!", they yelled.