
The Great Path of Eternal Magic

A lone carriage made its way down the road. Its destination? Teckleville. A small town, with no real importance in the grand scheme of things in a world where magic is everything. Upon arrival though, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Morgantus as the young boy sets on the great and painful path of learning magic. Join Morgantus on his journey to discover Eternal Magic! (Getting added to RR soon under the same username!)

ohshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

First Night

The four of them remained in silence for a while as they looked out the window towards the stars in the distance, lost in their thoughts as they reflected on how different their new school was compared to the one they left behind.

Nino, who had been looking out the window too, suddenly turned away and made her way towards her room with a yawn.

"I guess I should get to sleep...", she said.

Morgantus and Fediluv nodded as they stood up from their seats. They said their goodnights and entered their own rooms as well.

As Morgantus was about to close his door, he faintly heard Nino's door open and shut again from the hallway.

He paused for a moment, wondering if she had come back from her room to ask for something before going to bed himself.

A few hours passed and everyone was fast asleep as Morgantus stared out the window into the darkness of the night sky.

He was still awake and didn't feel like he was able to fall asleep just yet.

Morgantus sighed softly and walked over to his lute leaning against the wall nearby where it was placed for him.

A gentle melody filled the room as he played with a soft and gentle touch of his fingertips against the strings of the lute.

The moonlight that seeped into the room through the window lit up the room softly as he played his lute with his eyes closed.

His mind drifted as he remembered the time when he had been playing his lute in his garden at home. It wasn't a special memory but still a pleasant one.

He could still feel his grandmother watching him play as she hummed along with the melody he was playing as if she were enjoying it.

Faintly, Morgantus felt like he could hear a flute being played gently. It felt familiar somehow and comforting.

He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the sound of the flute as it echoed inside his head.

The tune was still faint at first but grew louder and more distinct as the flute sounded in his mind. As he listened to it more closely, it became more and more recognizable to him.

As Morgantus focused on it, it started to sound clearer and more beautiful, like a melody he knew all too well.

The tune felt soothing as it resonated with him and called him home.

"Fed…" Morgantus whispered.

The flute continued playing as if it knew what he was thinking as if it were answering his call.

Morgantus looked out into the night sky as he felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him.

His eyes fell on a group of stars that looked like they were playing together.

The music slowly faded away as he fell asleep, content with the feeling of her music lingering in his mind.


"Morg! Wake up!", a voice said, shaking him lightly.

Morgantus woke up with a jolt as he sat up quickly and rubbed his eyes. He looked up and saw Fediluv standing over him with a worried expression on her face.

"It's time for breakfast, hurry up!" Fediluv said in an excited voice as she nudged Morgantus on the shoulder, "Go on!"

Morgantus still felt a bit groggy as he got dressed and headed into the living area following closely behind Fediluv.

Nino was already sitting on the couch with Ragnar eating breakfast.

"Good morning!", Nino said as she waved to them happily.

"Morning...guys", Morgantus muttered quietly as he took his seat across from Nino and Ragnar at the table, as he took a bite out of the food that had been prepared for him.

It was mostly oatmeal with some fruit mixed in as well as some honey and a glass of milk.

The four of them ate their breakfasts, occasionally exchanging small talk with one another.

Morgantus found himself feeling relaxed and comfortable around the two of them for some reason, even it was their first time meeting each other.

He was happy though because he was starting to feel like he had some new friends now.

A little while later, after everyone had finished eating their breakfast, they all gathered their stuff together and prepared themselves for their first day at the magic university of Orlania.

As they made their way out of the dorm, they were greeted by many other students from different parts of Orlania who were heading out to different classes.

There was even a line of students waiting to use the toilet, which was annoying for those who wanted to go first.

"We're going to be late if we don't hurry up", Ragnar said to Morgantus and Nino as they waited patiently in line to use the toilet.

"Let's just get going. We'll be the first ones in the line after the break.", Fediluv said, gently dragging Morgantus away from the line.

Ragnar did the same with Nino as they made their way to their class together as a group.

As they walked through the hallways of the university, they could hear many other students talking about their classes or about the different places that they had visited so far during their orientation week.

Some of them were talking about their professors or other students in their class and what their expectations of each other were.

Morgantus felt mildly irritated, as he recalled how Leran had just dumped them without any instructions.

"Oh!", Morgantus heard a voice say as someone bumped into him from the side as they walked down the hallway.

He looked down at where he had heard the voice and saw a young boy who appeared to be in his early teens staring at him with a curious expression on his face.

"Oh...I'm so sorry..." the boy said as he bowed his head in apology, "I didn't mean to bump into you like that..."

Morgantus looked at the boy for a moment before he responded. "It's okay..." he responded gently, "I guess I was lost in my thoughts."

The young boy bowed his head again in apology, before turning to continue on his way to his class, "Thank you...I'm sorry..."

Surprisingly after walking for some time, the boy continued to walk in the same direction as the group.

"Maybe he goes to the same class as us?", Morgantus muttered under his breath.