
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

the second test (2)

Christopher's POV

We got to the exam hall, everyone was waiting for us there

Elia started jumping towards them laughing "Good morning everyone.." Elia greetings the professors , and looked at Edward "Oh, Professor Edward you look different, did you change your haircut?"

I saw Edward smile for the second time in two days and there was a dark line on his forehead as if he was about to kill someone. His bald head was a sensitive thing for Edward, so he must have been very angry.

"Professor Katarina, smile a little, frowning causes wrinkles, and then you will be a spinster for the rest of your life…."

Katarina's eyes were burning, and the professors who were with her tried to calm her down

I couldn't help but sigh and turned to elia and closed his mouth

"Mmfm..." Elia tried to break free

I scolded him, "Stand still for a moment..."

I made him sit on one of the chairs

But he started throwing smiles at the others

"..." Everyone was looking strangely at Elia

They all saw the miserable condition of Elia , and how he started crying and screaming

But today he stands in front of them laughing and smiling, as if nothing had happened

"Elia…" Princess Sia turned towards Elia , looking excited, "Your spirits are high, what happened?…"

There was a mischievous smile on Elia's face, "I think I fell in love...."

Princess Sia's mouth opened wide, "You fell in love?, But who is this lucky girl…."

"It's you..."

"...." Princess Sia's smile froze

Everyone present was shocked by this audacity

"Hahahaha, I was joking, no need to show such expressions, haha…" Elia laughed hard as he looked at the princess's face.

"Hahaha, that's right..." Princess sia laughed, seemingly dissatisfied with being deceived

Ren was standing behind Sia, but his brows were furrowed as he looked at Elia , looking concerned.

Is he worried about this dramatic change in Elia's feelings

Elia entered the examination room, there were ten people supervising this examination, including the Vice President, and the Chairman of the Council, Edward Wolfen

The room was equipped with surveillance cameras, capable of capturing the slightest suspicious movements

There is no way Elia could cheat under such drastic measures

after ten minutes

Elia left the room

"...." Everyone stared at Elia

Did he finish the exam so quickly again?

Princess Sia walked over to Elia, "How was the exam?..."

Elia still maintained his confident smile, "It was easy, do they deliberately bring such easy questions so that I can get a perfect result?…."

Katarina's face was distorted upon hearing Elia's words

But everyone was eagerly awaiting the announcement of the result

Can Elia perform a miracle and get a perfect score again?

Even I was excited, it was like watching a movie, and you are waiting to know the end of it

Thirty minutes later, Edward and Simon, and the rest of the professors came out of the room, and they all looked at Elia with confusion.

Edward sighed as he announced, "Apprentice Elia scored 100 points in this exam…"

Everyone fell silent when this news was announced

We were shocked , he managed to beat Maxwell Magmaier's score, and create a new legend

Princess Sia was the first to break the silence, "Hahaha, as expected of the person I personally taught, he was expected to obtain such a result..."

There was a proud look on her face as she looked at Elia , like a mother looks at her son who has achieved the best grades.

Elia smiled as he scratched the back of his head, "Thank you for your help, Princess Sia , I don't think I could have achieved this result without your help…."

Sia was embarrassed by Elia's praise

This praise was exaggerated, especially since Princess Sia herself had scored 84 points in the test

This is not a bad result, and it is one of the best results, and it came in second place in the current generation

But compared to Elia's score, there was a big difference

Edward coughed to attract the attention of those present, "Ahmm… Now that the results are out, is there any objection to Elia Gracefield being accepted as an apprentice at the academy?…" Edward looked toward Katarina.

Katarina tried to hide her anger, "No objection..."

I let out a breath of relief, after hearing this

Finally, we were able to overcome this difficult ordeal, which I thought was impossible to overcome

I looked at Elia , who was happily chatting with Ren and Princess Sia

How many secrets does this boy hide?

--------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----------------

Kepler returned to the orb and said he had finished the test

We were able to detect that there is a difference in the flow of time between the space inside the orb and the outside world

Nearly an hour passed in the orb, and it seemed like a whole day had passed in the outside world

And one more thing, according to Thomas, when I was in control of this body, their souls would go into hibernation, and would awaken when I entered the orb.

But now that our appearance has changed, their souls are able to remain in this place even after I leave for the outside world.

Does this matter have anything to do with the dark world the orb teleported me to?

When we were considering this possibility, Alexander appeared