
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Olympia fall : Betrayal and lies

I tried to open my eyes, but I felt pain in my head, so I closed my eyes again

I got a strong headache, I tried to touch my head with my hands

But I could not move my hands, when I opened my eyes I saw that my hands and feet were tied tightly

"What.. what is this?..." I panicked and tried to free my limbs

"Oh, Joe, you're awake..." I heard Atlas' voice

When I looked in the direction of the sound, I saw Atlas smiling and sitting on a chair, behind him dozens of screens showing different areas of the city.

"Atlas what's going on? Why am I tied up?!..." I looked at Atlas in panic

"Atlas?…" Atlas smiled broadly as he looked at me cheerfully. "Wahahahaha..there is no person named Atlas…" His voice changed strangely, as if it was someone else.

Atlas got up and put his hand on his face, a strong glow appeared from his body , the appearance of his face and the shape of his body changed

My eyes widened when I saw the man standing in front of me, holding a mask in his hand

"There is no atlas...there is only Frank Fontaine..."

The person standing in front of me was Frank Fontaine

The upper part of his head was bald, while the back and sides of his head had light brown hair, his eyes were dark black, With a brown mustache

My mouth opened and closed, unable to comprehend what was going on here

"How?...that Atlas...."

I remembered the story Christopher told me, about the assassin who used a mask to change the appearance of his face and body, that assassin was working for Trinity, so why did Frank Fontaine have that mask too

Frank put the mask down, and went back to his seat, looking at me cheerfully, enjoying my reaction, "Sorry, kid, but that's the hard truth, I was using you all along..."

"You're taking advantage of me?..."

"That's right, I am actually grateful to you. I planned to blow up and flood the eastern part of the city, and accuse Andrew Ryan of carrying out this bombing, so that people would revolt against him, But I didn't expect the explosion to be so powerful that I was accidentally injured... "

Frank Fontaine sighed, then looked at me excitedly, "But it's fate... it's fate that brought you to that place to save me, I don't know how to thank you, Joe, so I decided to bring you with me to this place so that you can see what the fall of Olympia will be like..." Frank Fontaine smiled madly

I was staring at Frank Fontaine as I heard his words

I saved Frank Fontaine from drowning?

Did I save him?

I still can't accept what is happening

||Atlas...|| I heard Cassandra's voice

|| We emptied the gas canisters into the ventilation system, and also activated the system, in one minute the gas will be spread throughout the city.....||

Frank Fontaine pressed buttons on the keyboard in front of him

The scenes shown on the screens disappeared and a picture of a room appeared, inside which were Ron, Cassandra and the rest of the team.

"Oh, poor people...". Frank looked at the screen with a look of pity. "They think they'll survive because they're in the ventilation control room...."

"What do you mean, isn't the ventilation system in the control room supposed to be separate from the city's ventilation system…"

"It was a little lie, Andrew Ryan's mansion is the only place that has a private ventilation system and is separate from the rest of the city..."

I became confused, "What are you planning on, what gas do you want to spread in the city....". It would be lying, if I said I'm not worried, this man is very dangerous, and I can't predict his movements.

"Hahaha, you'll see for yourself what that gas is...."

||The gas started to spread...we have succeeded....|| Cassandra screamed in ecstasy

I saw the team inside the room as they tried to hack the ventilation system, their faces were elated at their success

Suddenly a man fall to his knees while holding his head and screaming, his colleagues tried to help him but he started screaming and scratching his face with his nails

Everyone was confused, they started to fall one by one

|| What..what's going on, everyone started to fall down and scream in pain, do you hear me, Atlas... Atlas...|| Cassandra's voice became panicked

I saw Cassandra trying to communicate through the transmitter

But the person she was communicating with, was sitting smiling as he watched them fall

It didn't take long for Cassandra to fall too, scratching and maiming her face with her nails, and screaming madly., "Ahhh..."

Smoke started coming from everyone's faces, and burns appeared on their faces

My eyes didn't take away from the screen, I knew what was going on

The crazy men

I have seen these crazy men scattered in the city , their faces were disfigured with traces of burns and scratches

Now I know where these injuries came from

"Interesting, isn't it?…" Frank was looking at the screen intently, "This gas is going to make everyone go crazy and kill each other in order to get the Adam..... With this I will be able to control them , as long as I give them the Adam...."

I saw Cassandra stab Ron in his face with her dagger while she was screaming, even after Ron died, she kept stabbing him like a crazy.

"Okay..." Frank presses several buttons and different areas of the city appear. "Time for the show..."

I saw the crazy war happening in front of me, everyone was fighting

Soldiers kill other soldiers, Frank Fontaine's men kill their comrades

They have completely lost their minds

My mind went blank when I knew what had happened

"You may think I am a cruel person…" Frank got up from his chair and turned towards me, "But I am not a ruthless person. I did not want my savior to die like this or turn into splicer. I will grant you a merciful death…"

Frank pulled a gun from his pocket and pointed it at my head

I stared at the barrel of the gun pointed at my head. "Why... why did you do this, you Crazy killer!..."

Frank Fontaine smiled, "You will not understand, I will take over the world, I will lead a huge army of Splicers to the outside world, and then no one will be able to stop me..."

I looked at the crazy and ambitious look on Frank Fontaine's face

"good bye my friend ...."

"Haha...". I laughed when I heard Frank's words

Frank frowned when he saw me laughing. "What are you laughing at..."

I looked into Frank's eyes and smiled, "Don't say goodbye, you'd better say See you soon..."

"You seem to have gone crazy , Joe , I'm going to put you out of your misery...". There was a look of pity on Frank Fontaine's face

Frank pulled the trigger

my vision became blurred