
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Elia's past

"Correspondent Camila is with you, and I am currently standing in front of the building of the Central Academy Council, where protests continue for the second day in a row, and according to students and professors, the reason for these protests is that one of the students exploited his family's authority to enter the academy illegally. The academy has always been the pride of the human race and It is the place where everyone is equal, regardless of their background, in order to train skilled fighters who form the pillars on which the human race stands, so the students considered the central government to admit a student who was unable to use the aura a violation of the principles on which the academy was built..."

I was watching the news with Christopher in my room, Christopher told me that the central government had put pressure on the council to stop the decision to expel me, I was happy to hear this news because I did not have to fight the duel if the pressures of the central government succeeded

But unexpectedly, news spread that I am unable to use Aura, and that I am using my family's power to stay in the academy.

The central government did not pay attention to the matter at first, but the situation developed, and the students started protests, and then the professors went on protests as well.

"This is bad..." I said bitterly

"Yes…it seems like an opportunity for the enemies of the Gracefield family to smear them…" Christopher's face was calm.

"You mean this protests was the work of enemies of the Gracefield family?…"

"That's right, to be precise, the Frost family is leading this protests…"

"The Frost family?..."

"Before the Gracefield family became the royal family in the North, the North was under the rule of the Frost family, but the Frost family began to weaken with each generation, while the Gracefield family appeared, which began to grow in strength greatly, so the Frost family was excluded and the Gracefields became the ruler of the north."

"Is the Frost family's influence within the academy strong?…"

"There are a lot of Frost family followers inside the academy, they are trying to return to their former glory by reaching important positions in the government, to get more resources, and there is a professor you know among those people…"

"Katarina..." i whispered in a low voice

" correct..."

That woman was trying to insult me. From the moment she knew I was a Gracefield, things seemed to be clear.

"Katarina is the sister of the head of the Frost family, and she is the person who issues orders to the Frost family members inside the academy, and there is one other person to worry about… Lily Frost…"

"Is she a dangerous person?..."

"She is the jewel of the Frost family, and their hope to restore their status as rulers of the North. She is the most prominent talent that has appeared in the Frost family since its founding. She is fifteen years old but she is in (D) level…."

I took a deep breath upon hearing its power

Elia was 16 years old, but he was in F level.

And this girl was a year younger than him, but he was stronger than him in several levels

"Do you think she's going to target me?..."

"She usually doesn't care about family matters and only focuses on her training, but we can't rule out the possibility of her being involved in this conflict…"

" And what about the Gracefield family?"

"It doesn't seem like they're planning on getting involved in this matter or defending you..."

"Why aren't i surprised by their attitude..." I said in a sarcastic tone

Christopher smiled, "You seem to be beginning to realize your position, Elia You are not liked by anyone."

What's with these words

"Mr.Christopher, you know I don't remember anything I did in the past, so could you please tell me what happened before I disappeared so that everyone would take such a stand against me…."

The nobles hate me and consider me a stain to them, while the commoners look upon me as a monster. It cannot all happen because of my low talent. I am not the only one in this world who possesses such talent, and there are millions of others who have less talent than me.

Christopher frowned and turned off the TV. "I'm not surprised you didn't know anything about this... At that time the Gracefields made sure that all traces of that accident were erased, and it doesn't seem like Alex told you about it..."

"But I want to know.." I looked at him insistently

"It all started when several servants disappeared from the Gracefield household. It was strange, because it is impossible to kidnap them. They are people who have been trained to fight and are considered relatively strong. They were not likely to escape, because they were trained to serve the Gracefield family from a young age. So it is considered That palace is the only place they know. After a few days, mysterious disappearances began to occur in the cities surrounding the palace, travelers, women, children, and the elderly. Many suspected that one person was responsible for these cases, and there was a rumor that the person responsible was a vampire. Panic and fear spread among the people. The Gracefield family tried to find the kidnapper, but to no avail. This lasted for six months..." Christopher was silent for several moments.

I listened to him quietly

Christopher took a sip of water before continuing, "One night, a young girl appeared in one of the crowded streets of the city. She was wearing worn-out rags, and her body was covered with wounds. She was quickly transferred to the hospital before the police were called. After investigation, it turned out that she was one of the victims of the disappearance. And after she was treated, she showed them an abandoned hut located in the forest adjacent to the city. The hut was on the edge of the forest, but no one noticed its presence. I do not know the details about the place, but I heard from a colleague of mine, that the hut looked like a slaughterhouse for people, there was a basement filled With corpses, tools of torture, and imprisoned persons with various types of wounds due to torture..."

"Were they able to find the person responsible for these crimes?"

Christopher looked at me strangely. "All the prisoners gave descriptions kidnappers and they matched the servants who disappeared from Gracefield House..."

"Servants? But why would they do that…"

It became more confusing, and this issue had nothing to do with Elia

"They are just people who were only carrying out orders... The person who was ordering them to kidnap people was you, Elia Gracefield…."

"...." I opened my mouth wide

What the hell did Elia do?

Was he a serial killer who loved to torture his victims

"This… are you sure that I was the one giving the orders?..."

"All the victims testified that you used to come to the cellar, you used to take one person at a time and torture him in front of them..... These incidents happened a while after your low talent was exposed, so many thought that you did it because this news effect on your mental health, while others rejected such rumors on the pretext that you are only an eleven-year-old child.