
The Great One Explores the Multiverse

Some guy dies during the COVID-19 epidemic unknowingly and got to meet a god who took pity on the young human who died and gave each one three choices of either to go to heaven, go through reconciliation, or spin the wheel of fortune that will give a new fate for whoever spins it.

WizPThief · Video Games
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12 Chs

Ch 1

985 AD England at night in one of the many dark forests we can see a white creature laying on the ground slowly waking up and once it was completely awake it stared at the moon.

This white creature looked at the moon was Gabriel but now as a Bloodborne Great One, he finds himself in a new world.

Gabriel seeing the forest he was in tries to look at everything around him to only find out that he's alone as there's no humans, animals, bugs, or birds near him for at least 50 feet around him.

Gabriel seeing that he was alone could only guess that this was the doing of the old man before he started to summon his Bloodborne World Knowledge grimoire and when he did a book scaled to fit his new size appeared.

The Bloodborne World Knowledge grimoire looked like a black cover book that seemed to be made out of smooth obsidian with blood-red words written in the Bloodborne rune language reading Bloodborne on the cover and the pages of the grimoire seemed to be made out of gold with the writings and pictures on the pages also seemed to be made out of dried up blood.

Gabriel seeing the grimoire appear on his hands he opened it up and looked through it and the first thing he found was a table of contents that had many sections from useful knowledge like how to make a dream world to useless knowledge like how to tell rocks apart from one another and there are even things that he didn't even know what to do with as there's an entire section about how to use beast parts in a number of ways from the toenails to their eyes.

Gabriel after seeing the table of contents he started to move through the golden pages until he found a chapter in the grimoire that was titled "How to interfere and/or interact with lower beings for dummies".

As for the reason why Gabriel open this chapter was to find a way on how he should act in his new form.

As Gabriel read the chapter he found another table of contents on the first page and it separates the chapter into sections that can only apply to how you as a certain race need to act also how you can interfere with and/or interact with certain races.

Gabriel seeing this he moved the golden pages once again until he found the section name "How to interfere and/or interact with humans as a Great One" only to find another table of contents that separates the section into subsections.

Once again Gabriel moved the golden pages again until he found the subsection he needed thinking he will run into another table of contents like the past few times but lucky for him this time there's no table of contents and it was just the title on the subsection name "How to blend into human society and thrived" with text coinciding with the title telling Gabriel how he should act and how his actions can affect humans depending on his approach.

Gabriel finally being able to read move his tail like tentacles to act as a chair as he sits on them as he reads and gets an idea on how he should proceed.

Once Gabriel was done reading that chapter subsection he didn't stop reading as he kept sitting on his tentacles as he moves onto different texts in the book to read.

Gabriel kept reading until it seemed the sun was about to rise and within the time Gabriel spent reading he had read four more subsections in the grimoire.

The subsections were titled "How to use your Great One powers", "How to make a peaceful dream realm", "How to merge reality with dreams", and " How to run a city".

After Gabriel was done reading he stood up and put away the Bloodborne World Knowledge grimoire back into his soul before he started to levitate off the ground before flying into the sky then seemingly disappearance as he entered his divine realm.

Once Gabriel entered his divine realm it seemed that he had entered the Hunter's Dream from Bloodborne but different from Bloodborne's Hunter's Dream the land in this Hunter's Dream is endless with no pillars to be seen at the distance, these are no gravestones scattered about the place, and now there's a giant lake that reflects the never-ending night sky with a full pale moon in the center of it all also if you look closely at the lake you can see the outside world where Gabriel had just left from.

Gabriel seeing he entered his divine realm was happy as now he can observe and interfere with the human world without being seen but that wasn't the main reason for being here because as a Bloodborne Great One normally people needed great insight to feel his presence let alone see him and so for the main reason for him to enter into his divine realm was the fact that he has greater control over his powers in here as the divine realm helps him.

Gabriel after looking around for a bit and seeing everything he turned his attention to the giant lake and look through it to see the place he just left before the scene change to an overview of England before once again changing but this time focusing on the southern coastline of England before focusing on the little villages near the sea bay.

Gabriel seeing the villages felt both apathetic and curious as he sees humans from this ear live their lives.

As Gabriel was looking at the villagers a certain village caught his sight as he saw a family of five being dragged out of their home early in the morning and taken to the center of the village where a mob of villagers was waiting for them yelling curses at the family as they pass them some of them were even throwing stones at the family.

Gabriel seeing this scene could only guess this was a witch hunt and the poor family has a newly awoke muggle-born or just a mix-up that led to them being tried as witches.

Gabriel feeling more curious he decides to listen to what's happening and not just watch the events.

(~°•°)~ <Scene Change> ~(°•°~)

In the early morning in a village near the sea bay, you can see people yelling and throwing stones at a family of five.

"Die you devil spawn!!"

"Burn the witch family!!!"

"Take this you trash!!" *Throws rocks at them.*

As the family was being yelled at and having stones thrown at them at the village certain a man wearing robes with a cross around his neck that you can only guess that he was a priest of the church was preaching to the villagers.

"O' may the Lord, the Father, and Holy Ghost may have mercy on these heretics who sold their souls to the devil. But as I see it because they sold their souls and trick us, good people, I can only see them going to the lowest depths of hell where they will be tortured until the Day of Reckoning out of mercy but before then we must punishment one more time here in the world of the living before sending them to their eternal damnation. I hope this event will become a lesson to you and those who will believe in the devil words and temptations to not sell your soul to unless you want to be heretics like these poor souls before you." Priest

As the priest was preaching to the villagers the family of five finally came to the center of the village and were tied to wooden poles with branches sounding them.

Seeing the family tied to the wooden poles the priest stopped preaching before he started to talk once more but this time to the family, not the villages while still speaking out loud for the villagers so they still can hear him.

"Now, my children tell me what has the devil promised you for selling your souls to him." Priest

Hearing the priest question no one in the family spoke up as they were afraid to talk as they believe if they say something wrong they'll be burned alive.

The priest seeing them not answer he spoke up a little louder to show anger and to riled up the villagers.

"Oh, you don't speak did the devil not give you anything or maybe he didn't need to!! Were you worshipers of the devil and were conspiring with him all this time." Priest

Hearing the priest words the oldest male in the family spoke up for them but before he did he looked at the oldest of children and wife with sorrow and self-hatred in his eyes.

"I and my two youngest are not part of this my wife and her bastard daughter, who she had with the devil, are the witches and they put a spell on me to love them but now I see the error of my way thanks to you, father. I will take any punishment for the grave sin I carry but let my young ones out of it was they did nothing wrong." Man

Hearing the man's words the priest stayed silent for a moment before speaking up once with his judgment on the man's statement.

"My child I see you finally spoke the truth and if I'm so bold despite just being one of his many servants to speak for the Lord I'm sure he would forgive you but as you said you still should be punished and that punishment will be to spend a week tied to a stake, as for your whore of a wife she will be set on fire at sunset for her crimes, and that devil spawn will be humiliated and tortured for a week before suffering the same fate as her witch mother. As for the children like you said they did nothing wrong so until your punishment is over they will live with me in the church." Priest

Hearing the priest's words the villagers felt he was going easy on the man but didn't criticize him as he who's a servant of the Lord has to be lenient and forgiving to the sinners who ask for forgiveness.

(~°•°)~ <Scene Change> ~(°•°~)

Gabriel seeing the situation play out still felt apathetic as now as he is a Great One his point of view change to fit his new body despite just being human not long ago so in this situation if he was still a human being he would feel anger and/or pity but now as a Great One he only feels apathetic about the situation as if he is looking at ants fighting one another.

Once the punishment where announce Gabriel saw most of the people leave and go to work while some stayed to throw rocks at the mother and daughter pair while shunning the man and the two children who were released and brought to the priest before he also left to the church.

Once everything was said and done in that village Gabriel didn't leave his sites on it and looked at the mother and daughter pair to find out what happened by using his all-seeing eyes to look into there past and possible futures if anything interesting may occur.

Gabriel looking at them with his all-seeing eyes he saw that the daughter was a half-blood witch and that her mother came from a pure-blood family but because she was born as a squib led her being disowned and the reason why they were being tries as witches was because that family found out that her daughter had magic and because they thought her blood was tainted and not wanting for their family magic to be tainted they made it so that the whole family will be killed within a week time if nothing happens to stop the wizard's plot.

Gabriel after seeing their tale felt he could use it to his advantage but he had to wait for the night to act.