
The Great One Explores the Multiverse

Some guy dies during the COVID-19 epidemic unknowingly and got to meet a god who took pity on the young human who died and gave each one three choices of either to go to heaven, go through reconciliation, or spin the wheel of fortune that will give a new fate for whoever spins it.

WizPThief · Video Games
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12 Chs

Betrayal At The Multiverse Travailing House

Synopsis: Some guy dies during the COVID-19 epidemic unknowingly and got to meet a god who took pity on the young human who died and gave each one three choices of either to go to heaven, go through reconciliation, or spin the wheel of fortune that will give a new fate for whoever spins it.


Ch. -2: Status

Name: Jake Evergreen

Race: Haunted House

Ability: Limited Shape-Shifting, Hypnosis, Multiverse Travel, Astral Projection, Fear Eater, Soul Eater


Ch. -1: Haunted House System

1) Monster Creator/Editor

2) Rooms: Entrance Hall (1), Foyer (1), Grand Staircase (1), Basement Landing (1), Upper Landing (1), Chapel (1), Crypt (1), Catacombs (1), Graveyard (1), Dining Room (1), Collapsed Room (1), Kitchen (1), Coal Chute (1), Patio (1), Gardens (1), Game Room (1), Creaky Hallway (2), Bedroom (1), Attic (1), Library (1), Master Bedroom (1), Balcony (1), Mystic Elevator (1), Storeroom (1), Wine Cellar (1), Furnace Room (1), Statuary Corridor (1), Servants' Quarters (1), Stairs From Basement (1)

3) Monsters: Ghost (Old Man Marvin) <Rank: E>

4) Items: Spirit Board (1), Music Box (1), Idol (1), Grave Dirt (1), Creepy Puppet (1), Cursed Book (1)

5) Events: Possession (3), Funeral (1), Bloody Vision (1), The Voice (3), Groundskeeper (1), Footsteps (2), Lights Out (1), Hideous Shriek (1)

6) Horror Shop

Fear Points (F.P.): 88



Ch. 0: Prologue (DoP: August 15, 2020)

In an endless waiting room, we can see countless young people sleeping until an emotionless voice calls out their name waking them up before they mindlessly walk to the only door in the room where they are never seen again as more people are called into that same room.

As the name where being called a young man was called out.

"Jake Evergreen." ???

Hearing his name being called out a brown hair green eye man got up and walked to the only door in the room.

As Jake was walking to the door he started to awaken completely as he remembers his life and new information about his passing.

Once Jake completely awaken up and walked past the door he entered an empty and vast void with an old man is standing in the abyss looking towards the young man with a sad smile as to apologize to him for something that was out of his control.

Jake seeing this old man smiling at him somehow made him feel calm despite the fact he was having a mental breakdown from the realization he was dead a moment ago.

The old man seeing Jake calm he started to talk to him as if he was talking to one of his grandchildren.

"Hello, young one I'm **XXX***GIKND**, and don't worry if you couldn't hear it properly as no mortal being can understanding it also as you guessed I'm a god or a ROB but that doesn't matter right now. I called upon you and many others of your kind who have died young during the unjust times to give you and them three choices that may or may not give comfort to you, young ones." ROB

Hearing the old man speak Jake felt sad knowing that he died young and unknowingly but he didn't speak up or act upon his emotions as he waited for the old man to finish speaking deciding to only act when the old man was finished talking to understand what was going on.

"Now, young one, you can choose to go to heaven, go through reincarnation, or spin the wheels of fortune. Now before you ask if you choose to go to heaven I will send you to a dream world or what you can a personalize heaven where your soul can rest until it's time for it to be purified for reincarnation but if you choose reincarnation your soul won't go through purification letting you keep your memories and live as a human in your next life in a world of your choice leaving out the randomness of usual reincarnation usually brings along with it. As for spinning the wheel of fortune, it will give you new fate and I don't personally recommend it as despite its name the wheel may only give you a small fortune that may lead to nothing but I will say that if you are lucky enough you may get more than you bargain for and if that's a good or bad thing it's up for your own discretion." ROB

Hearing the old man stop talking Jake took his time to understand the old man's words before he came to a decision and started to talk.

"I would like to spin the wheel of fortune." Jake

Hearing his choice the old man didn't question him and wave his hand to make a wheel that looked like it was made out of purplish gold and many colorful gems around him.

Seeing the wheel Jake move to it and saw many words on it but he couldn't read it but not wanting to back down he put his hand on it and then spin the wheel.

Once the wheel was spinning it didn't seem to stop but it didn't have to as words started to appear on the spinning wheel and it didn't take long for all the words to appear.

Seeing the words on the wheel Jake read them out loud as if he was trying to understand something unbelievable.

"Reborn as a Haunted House. Monster Maker System. Betrayal At House On The Hill System. World Option. Multiverse Travel Ability." Jake

After reading them out loud the old man chose to speak up to give Jake more insight on what the wheel has chosen for him.

"The first one will let you be reborn into a magical beast that has the ability to transform itself into any type of building, be invisible and it feeds off fear and the souls of those who died in it. Monster Maker System is a system that lets you create and edit monsters that you can control. Betrayal At House On The Hill System is a system based on a board game that has the same name and can be described as a Horror System. Also because you have the Monster Maker System and Betrayal At House On The Hill System they should merge together creating a stronger Horror System and along with the fact that you will be reborn as a Haunted House, this should give you many hidden bonuses if compared to if you were being reborn as a human. As for World Option, it allows you to chose your first world and the Multiverse Travel Ability, I shouldn't need to explain it to you as it is what it is an ability that lets you travel the multiverse. Any questions?" ROB

Hearing the old man's words Jake nodded his head in understanding but he still chooses to ask him a question to clarify something so he can get a better understanding of what he meant by hidden bonuses.

"Yes, you said I would get more hidden bonuses as a Haunted House then a human what do you mean by that?" Jake

Hearing Jake question the old man continued to speak and elaborate a bit more to clarify any doubts he may have left in his head.

"Okay, you see when someone gets a system the system gives the person some hidden bonuses most of the time it's luck or talent and because of your new body fits perfectly with the Betrayal At House On The Hill System it will give you more hidden bonuses. An example for this would be your transformation ability so let's say you transformed into a cabin and said cabin from the outside looks like a one-floor three-room building you will normally be limited by that form but with the Betrayal At House On The Hill System you will have more leeway changing your limit from a three-room cabin to twenty or more room cabin while still looking like a three-room cabin from the outside." ROB

Hearing his question answered Jake nodded his head and didn't ask any more questions.

The old man seeing Jake was done asking questions he then chose to asks Jake one more question before he will send him off to his next life.

"Okay, Young One, now that you're all done with your question it's about time I send you off, what world would you like to start off in?" ROB

Hearing the old man's question Jake didn't put too much thought into it and said the first thing that came to his mind.

"Grand Theft Auto." Jake

Hearing Jake's request the old man didn't react to it much and said some words before sending Jake off.

"Okay, and good luck in your new life, Young One." ROB

With his last words said the old man waves his hand both transforming Jake into his new body and sent him off into the universe as he has requested.


Ch. 1: Mysteries House (DoP: August 20, 2020)

In a city known for its extremely high crime rates in the slum areas If the city, there's an old and abandoned two-story house that seems to be their senses forever but in all actuality, it just appeared out of nowhere just a moment ago.

Inside this house, there's nothing inside it but a young man with brown hair green eye and his body seems to be transparent as he floats through the walls in the house before he waves his hand making a transparent screen appear.

*Beep* Welcome Host to the Haunted House System, Host was given the Morgue Starter Pack.

Morgue Starter Pack: 30 Rooms, 1 Monster, 6 Items, and 12 Events.

Rooms: Entrance Hall (1), Foyer (1), Grand Staircase (1), Basement Landing (1), Upper Landing (1), Chapel (1), Crypt (1), Catacombs (1), Graveyard (1), Dining Room (1), Collapsed Room (1), Kitchen (1), Coal Chute (1), Patio (1), Gardens (1), Game Room (1), Creaky Hallway (2), Bedroom (1), Attic (1), Library (1), Master Bedroom (1), Balcony (1), Mystic Elevator (1), Storeroom (1), Wine Cellar (1), Furnace Room (1), Statuary Corridor (1), Servants' Quarters (1), Stairs From Basement (1)

Monster: Ghost <Rank: E> (1)

Items: Spirit Board (1), Music Box (1), Idol (1), Grave Dirt (1), Creepy Puppet (1), Cursed Book (1)

Events: Possession (3), Funeral (1), Bloody Vision (1), The Voice (3), Groundskeeper (1), Footsteps (2), Lights Out (1), Hideous Shriek (1) *Beep*

Jake seeing the items he got started to change the rooms in the house with the new rooms and set them up to move around every midnight in there set floors making the once empty house into an old abandon morgue.

The first floor has the Entrance Hall, Foyer, Grand Staircase, Chapel, Dining Room, Collapsed Room, Kitchen, Game Room, Creaky Hallway, and Servants' Quarters room while setting the Idol in the Chapel, and Spirit Board in the Game Room.

The second floor has the Upper Landing, Creaky Hallway, Bedroom, Attic, Library, Master Bedroom, and Balcony rooms while setting the Cursed Book in the Library.

While the basement had Basement Landing, Crypt, Catacombs, Storeroom, Wine Cellar, Furnace Room, Statuary Corridor, and Stairs From Basement rooms while setting the Creepy Puppet in the Storeroom, and Grave Dirt in the Catacombs.

After setting up the rooms on their floors Jake also put the Graveyard, Patio, Coal Chute, and Gardens in the backyard while creating a fence around them to cut off the backyard from the rest of the world.

Once Jake was done sitting up the house he opened up the Monster Creator/Editor option on his system and selected the Ghost to edit.

*Beep* Ghost <Rank: E>

Name: (None)

Title: (None)

Speed: 2

Might: 2

Sanity: 1

Knowledge: 1

Description: A normal ghost, it can probably scare someone. Ghosts can only be harmed by things or words that contain spiritual power in them. *Beep*

After selecting the Ghost to edit Jake found the Ghost look like a bald old man with empty eye sockets wearing a large white nightgown, it was not very scary and it's status could be better.

Seeing how the Ghost is Jake changed what he can by changing the clothing to a worn-out business suit from the nightgown while making the body look mummify and adding large and sharp black fingernails on his hands making terrifying black claws.

Once Jake was done changing the Ghost appearance he gave it a name and title before looking at its status once more.

*Beep* Ghost (Old Man Marvin) <Rank: E>

Name: Old Man Marvin

Title: The Mortician

Speed: 2

Might: 3

Sanity: 2

Knowledge: 2

Description: Old Man Marvin, The Mortician he used to undertake the dead but now with his black claws it's time for him to undertake the living. A normal ghost, it can probably scare someone. Ghosts can only be harmed by things or words that contain spiritual power in them. *Beep*

After looking at the new status of Old Man Marvin Jake was pleased with himself before closing the screen and made his astral form disappear as he felt two people are approaching him.

Once Jake's astral form disappears the front door of the house was forcefully open with a bang and less than a moment later two men walk into the Entrance Hall.

The two men who walked into Jake are wearing clothing that made them look like common street thugs and once they entered they closed the door forcefully unknowingly locking themselves in a Haunted House.

After the two men closed the door, Jake got a notification from the system.

*Beep* Two people have walked into you, please deal with them as you see fit.

John Henderson

Title: Common Street Thug

Items: Common Street Thug Clothing, Gun, Pocket Knife, Cigarettes Box, Smartphone, $85.32

Speed: 2

Might: 3

Sanity: 4

Knowledge: 2

Description: A common street thug.

Drake Mahoney

Title: Common Street Thug, Street Dealer

Items: Common Street Thug Clothing, Gun, Pocket Knife, 2 Id of Weed, Cigarettes Box, Smartphone, $389.13

Speed: 3

Might: 3

Sanity: 4

Knowledge: 2

Description: A common street thug who deals drugs on the side. *Beep*

Seeing the two people status Jake didn't seem to be surprised that they are street thugs as in this world street thugs are commonplace so he waited to see why they are here before he does something to them.

The two street thugs seeing that the house they enter was fully decorated and that it looks like no one was living here they decided it was okay to walk around the house as they talk.

"Hey, Drake have you ever noticed this house before?" John

"No, but that could be because it doesn't stand out and the creepy air it has. Haha, I wouldn't be surprised if there are scary stories about this place being spread by some school kids." Drake

"Yea, you're right but it's still surprising that this place hasn't been vandalized or ransacked yet. Just look other there in that room to the left it looks like an old game room and it's all set up like a party is about to happen." John

After John spoke Drake moved his head to the left and saw the game room that John was talking about.

Seeing the game room Drake felt weirded out by it because as John pointed out the room was already set for people to play in it but that shouldn't be possible as no one should be living in this house from his knowledge.

*Beep* Drake Mahoney has lost 0.2 Sanity.

Host gain 2 Fear Points. *Beep*

John not noticing the unease he caused Drake walked into the game room and look around.

Drake seeing John's actions followed behind him but felt uneasy by the room some more as he felt footsteps walking behind him and when he looked back he saw nothing but another set of shoe marks beside his that didn't belong to him or John as they are wearing sports shoes and the ones on the group are from dress shoes.

*Beep* Host has used the event Footsteps.

Footsteps event will take a day to recover.

Drake Mahoney was effective by Footsteps and lost 1 Sanity.

Host gain 10 Fear Points. *Beep*

John who was looking around the game room noticed that Drake stopped walking and when he looks towards Drake he noticed that Drake was looking at the floor but when he looked at the floor where Drake was staring at he saw nothing but their footprints.

Seeing Drake wired actions John didn't put too much thought in it and guessed Drake was looking for something he might have dropped so he went back to look around the room until he noticed an Ouija Board in the center of the room on a table with six chairs surrounding it.

After finding the Ouija Board John sat on one of the chairs and called out Drake.

"Hey, Drake looks there's an Ouija Board here, hmmm, but how come it has Spirit Board is it a rip-off. Oh, now I understand what's going on here. A creepy house with a rip-off Ouija Board that appeared out of nowhere on what I could remember should be an empty lot and the fact that it hasn't been vandalized or ransacked yet despite being located in this crummy neighborhood, it could only mean we are in one of those premade movie set they moved here to film on. This house should be fake and everything in it even the dust. Do you think we can sell some of the movie props for some money?" John

Hearing John words Drake started to think what he said and it started to make sense to him why this house was creepy and why he saw those footprint appearing out of nowhere, it was all an illusion and practice effects made by this fake house that will most likely be used in a high-end horror movie.

*Beep* Drake Mahoney has gain 0.8 Sanity. *Beep*

After giving John words some more thought Drake gave him a replay.

"You're right, this should be a movie set but I don't think we'll get anything from selling the things here as most likely all the good stuff is probably store away at a different location so people like us don't come in and steal stuff when no one is here while the things left here are all probably worthless but if we can find a good fake we can probably sell it to some idiot for some money." Drake

After hearing Drake's words John nodded his head in agreement and got up from the chair he was sitting on before taking the Spirit Board from the center of the table and walking back to Drake so they can explore the house.


Ch. 2: The First Haunting (PT:01/??) (DoP: October 5, 2020)

Drake and John after leaving the Game Room started to move on to the next room that looked like a creaky hallway.

Once the two entered the hallway they noticed that two of the doors were boarded-up and without a hammer or a way to remove the boards they moved to the only other room in the hallway.

Entering the room Drake and John found themselves in a bedroom with two beds and three doors boarded-up.

Drake seeing this was weirded-out but John looking at the boarded doors couldn't care less and started to speak to Drake about his thoughts about the boarded-up doors.

"I think those boarded-up doors lead to a storage closet or another set, we should come back later with some hammers and open them." John

After speaking his mind John left the room but once he went through the door he felt something was wrong but before he knew it one of his foot sunk into the floor.

Feeling his foot sink down John panic a little and tried to left it up but in his panic, he forgot Drake was behind him and Drake not knowing John's trouble bumped into him making John lose balance leading him to fall forward and onto the ground.

As John was falling the floor started to collapse making a big hole where John fell into leaving Drake to witness his body disappear into the new hole.

*Beep* John Henderson has active the Collapse Room and fell into Statuary Corridor.

John Henderson lost 1.5 Speed.

John Henderson lost 2.0 Might.

John Henderson lost 1 Sanity.

Host has used the event Bloody Vision.

Bloody Vision event will take a day to recover.

John Henderson was effective by Bloody Vision and lost 1.8 Sanity.

Host gain 28 Fear Points. *Beep*

After John fell Drake quickly took out his phone and turn on the flashlight app and pointed to the hole and saw a sickening scene as he saw John's body on the floor with his legs bent in unnatural directions while his eyes were completely red that he can only guess it was produced by internal bleeding from the fall.

*Beep* Drake Mahoney has lost 0.8 Sanity.

Host gain 8 Fear Points.*Beep*

In a panic after seeing John state Drake took a setback to get away from the hole.

After taking a set back Drake unlocked his phone to call for help but the moment he was about to dial for help his phone suddenly turned off followed by small whispers passing through his ears giving him a fright as helpless thoughts go through his head.

*Beep* Host has used the event Lights Out.

Lights Out event will take a day to recover.

Host has used the event The Voice.

The Voice event will take a day to recover.

Drake Mahoney was effective by The Voice and lost 1 Sanity.

Host gain 10 Fear Points.*Beep*

Drake seeing his phone not work and with his friend dying along with the uneasy thoughts going through his head he felt helpless but he was still sane enough to know he should just go outside and get help from a passer-by in front of the house so he left the hallway and head back to the entrance of the house.

John who was in the Statuary Corridor was in much worse shape then Drake expects as he felt his whole body in pain, his broken legs and with vision blurred red, he felt helpless only noticing how quiet the room was getting as he hears Drake's footsteps becoming distant leaving him in silence alone and making him feel helpless and betrayed.

*Beep* John Henderson lost 2 Sanity.

Host gain 20 Fear Points.*Beep*

*Beep* John Henderson Sanity is lower than 0 Host can turn him into a Monster when John Henderson Sanity reaches -1.

John Henderson Sanity is currently -0.8. *Beep*

Jake who was watching the events play out was surprised by the notification as he didn't know that he can turn people into a Monster but then thought it wasn't that odd as his system does make Monsters so out of curiosity he chose to give John that little push and make him into a Monster.

*Beep* Host has used the event The Voice.

The Voice event will take a day to recover.

John Henderson was effective by The Voice and lost 1 Sanity.

Host gain 10 Fear Points.

John Henderson Sanity reaches -1.8, do you want to make John Henderson into a Monster?

[Y/N] *Beep*

Seeing the notification Jake choose yes right away and started to play with the Monster Creator/Editor recreating John into a monster.

As Jake was playing with the Monster Creator/Editor John started to hear voices that are driving him into madness looked at the Spirit Board, through his blurred vision, that fell with him before putting his hand on it painfully before speaking out loud into thin air as if he was speaking to someone or something.

"I want to live, I want revenge, I want to kill!!" John

As John was talking to himself Jake finished editing John's status on the Monster Creator/Editor in time to grant John wish.

*Beep* Supernatural Mad Man (John Henderson) <Rank: E>

Name: John Henderson

Title: Common Street Thug, Mad Man, Slow Walker

Items: Common Street Thug Clothing, Gun, Pocket Knife, Cigarettes Box, Smartphone, $85.32

Speed: 1

Might: 3

Insanity: 1.8

Knowledge: 2

Description: John Henderson was a common street thug who turned himself into a Supernatural Mad Man by signing a pack with dark spirits using a Spirit Board to get revenge after he sustained large injuries over his body that should have killed him. Now after signing the pack, he was healed comply only leaving him with blood-stained eyes and deformed legs from the accident. Thanks to his deformed legs he walks slowly and clumsily as he searches for people to kill in a blind rage to get revenge. Despite being unable to walk properly and being unable to run John Henderson can somehow keep in pace with his targets and can disappear into thin air like he was never there thanks to the bond he had with dark spirits. Supernatural Mad Men can't be killed by normal means or be stopped for too long and they will always return stronger in any way, shape, or, form to finish what they started. Supernatural Mad Men will become more insane every time they die and grow stronger with their insanity. *Beep*

After making John a monster Jake made the Mystic Elevator appear and made the doors opened to get John's attention.

John after getting his hands off the Spirit Board he felt power rush to his body and in his mind, all he can think about now was to find Drake and killing him.

Once he stood up he found that his legs are deformed but he still is able to walk without feeling pain while his vision seems to be tinged red making it difficult to see things clearly but he didn't mind it much as he noticed a door open nearby him by itself and it seemed to be calling him into it.

After noticing the opened door John moved clumsily to it and entered the room before the four closed and disappear like it was never there.


Ch. 3: Coming Soon

This is a side story and is part of the main story but when it connects to it is anyone's guess.

Will be updated randomly so watch out because I'm going to post them on the same Chapter page.

WizPThiefcreators' thoughts