
0. Prologue


Outside the ordered universe [is] that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the centre of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes.

~HPL, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath


This story is a dream of old, dreamt ages ago by the Outer God Azathoth, the Primordial Demiurge.

Our story begins in the Myriad Heaven Upper Realm. Once a cultivation haven that hosted immortals, now it is broken and dying. Here, the heavenly dao is faint. The laws governing the realm weaken year by year. Eldritch horrors and other unsightly beings often try to break into the realm from the Outer Beyond. They have been unable to so far, but soon, they will.

In the northern part of this realm, lies the Black Wilderness. A desolate and barren wasteland, stretching out as far as the eye can see. The sky is perpetually dark as if a thick layer of smog and ash has settled over the entire area. The air is thick with an acrid stench that burns the nose and throat, making it difficult to breathe.

The ground is rocky and uneven, with jagged cliffs and steep ravines dotting the landscape. Pools of black, oily water can be found throughout the region, giving off an eerie glow in the dim light. The vegetation here is sparse, consisting mainly of twisted, gnarled trees with blackened bark and twisted branches.

The wildlife in this area is dangerous and fierce, with predators lurking behind every corner. Packs of vicious wolves roam the land, and giant spiders with razor-sharp legs skitter about in the shadows. It is said that even the plants in this area can be lethal, with their thorns and spines coated in a potent venom.

But perhaps the most terrifying aspect of the Black Wilderness is the presence of demonic creatures. These beings are twisted and distorted, with grotesque features and razor-sharp claws. They are said to be attracted to the negative emotions of humans and can cause madness and despair with their mere presence.

Despite the danger and bleakness of the Black Wilderness, it is also a place rich in dark Qi. It is said that the spirits of the dead linger here, and their hatred and grievances have made this place a haven for those cultivating demonic techniques. But such power comes at a great cost, as the darkness of the region can easily consume those who are not strong enough to resist its pull.

Overall, the Black Wilderness is a place of great danger and darkness, where only the strongest and most determined can survive.

Yog, our main character is an inner sect disciple in the Blood Moon Sect, which is located deep within the heart of the Black Wilderness. The sect's headquarters is a massive, foreboding fortress made of black stone.

The Blood Moon Sect is a place of darkness and depravity, where the pursuit of power and strength is valued above all else. Its members are ruthless and cunning, willing to do whatever it takes to advance their own agendas and gain power over others.

The disciples of the Blood Moon Sect are divided into several tiers, with those at the bottom being little more than slaves to the higher-ranked members. Those who show talent and promise are given access to the sect's most closely guarded secrets, including powerful techniques and forbidden cultivation methods that are said to grant incredible strength but come with a heavy price. As they climb the ranks, they are granted access to darker and more potent sources of Qi, which they can absorb to increase their own power.

The Blood Moon Sect's elders are core formation powerhouses, feared and respected by all who enter the fortress. They are said to have cultivated for centuries, gaining incredible strength and mastery over dark energies that most mortals cannot comprehend.

The fortress itself was not built by the Blood Moon Sect, but rather by a long-forgotten ancient sect that once dwelled in the Black Wilderness. The Blood Moon Sect took it over after it was abandoned, seeing the potential in its dark and foreboding architecture.

Despite the darkness and danger of the Blood Moon Sect, Yog sees it as a means to an end. He knows that to survive in the Myriad Heaven Upper Realm, he must become stronger and more ruthless than his enemies. For the few years that he has delved into the dark teachings of the Blood Moon Sect, he has realized the true cost of his pursuit of power. The sect's secrets come at a terrible price, and the more he learns, the more he realizes that he may have to sacrifice everything, including his own humanity, to achieve his goals.

But as the Myriad Heaven Upper Realm teeters on the brink of destruction, Yog knows that he has no choice but to continue down this path. The eldritch horrors that lurk beyond the realm's borders grow stronger every day, and soon they will break through and lay waste to everything in this realm.

In this world of darkness and chaos, Yog must become a force to be reckoned with, using every ounce of his strength and cunning to survive and thrive. The Blood Moon Sect is only the beginning of his journey, and the path ahead is fraught with danger and uncertainty. But Yog is determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.