
The Great Mechanical Magician

In a world where magic and science are both existing together and there is a boy who has just started his journey and wants to find his father, but he learns that his father is connected to much bigger things. so will he be able to find out his father's secrets will he be able to find him. You will find out in this story.

Cosmic_World · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Flame Deer and Magic Stone

"Wait, I was attacked by fire when I came here and this tiger doesn't have elemental power and there was another animal's blood behind it, so where is it?"

"If there is really another animal here, it will be injured if I find it and kill it, maybe I can get something useful from it, and anyway I should try to get as many resources as possible right now." So that I don't get into any more trouble for level up my both class"

With this, Aaron started probing the area around him thoroughly so that he could find any traces, only then he saw some traces of blood in front of him as before and he started following that trail of blood, as he While moving forward, the amount of blood also started increasing, due to which he guessed that the animal was somewhere nearby and it might not be in a condition to fight. After walking some distance he finally saw something.

"Found it, but which animal is it, it is not clearly visible because of the bushes around it. Oh God, please give me something useful."

The animal was about 250m from the Aaron. He was far away and at the same time he could not see the animal clearly as it was covered by bushes, so he decided to go closer to him. As he was approaching it, the animal was starts moving, which made Aaron more alert, now he was moving carefully and his sword was in his hand. After some time when he was only 20 m from that animal that was the time when that animal decides to attack Aaron and than the animal attacked Aaron and threw a fireball towards him, but Aaron was also fast, he quickly put his right arm on the ground and jumped to his right side and that fireball hit a tree behind and that tree was burnt to ashes. Done, when Aaron saw this his ground got spoiled. He can feel cold chill inside his bones.

"Shit, I had thought that if he is injured then he will not be in a condition to fight, but he is trying to roast me alive, fuck it."

Aaron was thinking all this when another fireball was coming towards him. Seeing that ball coming towards him, Aaron quickly made a water ball and tossed it towards the ball of fire. As soon as the two balls collided, the water turned into steam and the next moment there was nothing. After seeing that he is safe from fire ball Aaron quickly gripped his sword tightly and attacked that animal Aaron was not slow but still that animal quickly moved away from the attack and then moved itself about four meters away from Aaron and began to stare at him.

"This animal may be injured but it can still fight, I have to be careful with it. It is good for me that it is slow because of the injury, otherwise it would have become more difficult to fight with it, it could even get me in trouble or maybe It could have killed me but he is injured and I will not gonna to let this chance go"

When Aaron attacked the animal with his sword, he Saw that animal properly, it was a flame deer. Flame deer are mostly seen in large and deep forests, so seeing one here was a matter of surprise for Aaron. And anyway Flame Deer usually lives in herd, so it was even more surprising to be alone.

Flame deer are mostly the size of a simple deer, but they are not vegetarian like deer. His biggest speciality, which is known from his name itself, is the element of fire. They have the power of fire element and at the same time they can jump high like a deer.

They are also capable of sence anything around them in a area of certain radius and their speed is also very high, with all these bloodsuckers abilities, a herd of Flame Deer is the most dangerous thing in the forest and if they decided to turn you into their lunch than it's hard to get out of their alive even for mid ranking magician. so most of the animals and humans run away from there on seeing such a herd.

But the deer that was in front of Aaron at this time was neither with any herd, moreover he was very injured and the fire spreading around his body shows how tired he was because all around him That the temperature of the fire was very low and it was getting lower and lower. In such a situation, Aaron did not want to let go of this opportunity. He immediately prepared a water ball in his hand and threw it towards the deer, the flame deer tried to avoid him but the ball hit his leg and he fell down. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Aaron fired 10 concentrated water balls one after the other towards that deer and in the end he quickly hit his head with his sword, which caused blood to ooze more rapidly from the front of his head which was already injured. And in no time that pelam deer lost its life and the fire around it subsided.

{You have killed a flame deer, you can strengthen all types of magic skills related to fire in your magic skills by consuming the musk present in its stomach and you can create some medicine from its flash. Firestone is present in the body of this deer, you can use it to enhance your weapons. There will be some protection from the fire in that weapon of yours.

Megic LV.5 (14000/ 14000) completed.

Requirement to enter the next level of magic is completed.

There has been an increase in all the states.

The process of going to the next stage is complete.}


Name - Aaron Elrod

Race Human

Main Class 1: Magic LV. 6 (10/20000)

Attributes: Mena - 680

M.P. Recovery - 40/min.

Strength- 29

Dex- 29

Endurance- 38

Intelligent- 34

Concentration- 47

Skills: Water Burst

Fire Canon

Wind Trail

Fire Tornado- a magic that is a combination of fire and wind magic which creates a fire tornado its power depends on user's power

Basic Blue Flames- Blue flame is a type of fire and blue flame is the strongest flame among all.

Fire Manipulation- By this skill user can manipulate the fire around him power depends on user's power.

Class Talents: None

Equipment: Storage ring

White eagle's key


Main Class 2: Mechanic Lv. 4 (120/8000)

Attributes: Strength- 29

Dex- 29

Endurance- 38

Intelligence- 34

Concentration- 47

Skills: Basic Assembly (Lv.4)

Basic Enhancement (lv.4)

Class Talents: None

Equipments: white eagle's key.


Health- 530/600

Stamina- 322/720

Other Attributes: Charm- 11

Mental Strength- 48

Abilities: Alchemy (low level peak)

Other Skills:. Basic Combat (lv. 1)

Basic shooting (lv. 2)

Potential points: 16

Reputation: 0

Achievements: None


As soon as Aaron saw his status screen, he felt like jumping for joy but he controlled himself and then he took out the musk from the belly of the flame deer and put it in his bag. He started searching for the fire stone in the body of that flame deer, when it was announced in his system that this flame deer has a magic stone in its body, he was very happy. After a while, he found that fire stone in Flame Deer's lungs.

"finally After all this, I just got a magic stone, but now which weapon should I use it on. On which should I use it, on the sword or on the bow."

[So you just found a magic stone and it's a good quality fire magic stone, so what are you going to use it on]

"You're up again, and I haven't yet decided on which weapon I'm going to use it."

After a while when Aaron got his system and Aaron came to know one thing about Riya and at the same time he found it very strange that, like humans, Riya also feels tired and she also needs to sleep, although it is only for 30 to 50 minutes but still she needs to sleep and she fell asleep when Aaron was placing the giant blue tiger's body in the storage ring, and she was still asleep during the fight with the Flame Deer and had just woken up when she saw that Aaron has obtained a Fire Stone by killing a Flame Deer

[You have to think carefully about this because the Firestone you put on a weapon will be attached to it forever.]

"Right, but I will think about it later but for now I have to eat something first. Since when I am hungry and can't bear it anymore."

After that Aaron gathered the woods there and set them on fire with his magic, after that he took out that musk from his bag and started cooking it in the fire which spread its fragrance all around.