
The Great Loki System


stickbUg · Fantasy
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21 Chs

My Living Hell

My life was a living hell. Before and after mana had been injected into the world. Even before people got these supernatural powers, before people acquired a status with skills and unforetold strength, and way before massive conglomerates held the entire fate of the universe in their hands… my life was horrible.

I was treated like shit. And it was by the same group from the beginning of middle school all the way to the end of high school. But, for a moment there was a warmth in my life. After my parents had died and my grandparents had essentially abandoned me, I found somebody. 

"What are you doing all the way out here?" She asked, her stunning hazel eyes buzzed over with the warmth of the gleaming sun. It poked through the nearby window as I picked up some snacks at the very back corner of the convenience store. Just a simple energy drink and potato chips. "Class has already started." 

"Shouldn't I be asking you that as well?" I bluntly replied, already done with my day and wanting to get this over with. At this point, I didn't care about skipping class. I just needed to fulfill this errand and then I can relax.

"Well… I guess you're not wrong," She lightly chuckled, slicking her long royal red hair back behind her ear. 

We had a lot in common. She made my days easier. She made me happy for what seemed to be the first time in my life. I smiled, I laughed, I cheered, and then… 

"Hestia… wake up… wake up!" I screamed, sitting right next to her as the thugs who had taken advantage of her and tortured her backed away slowly. 

"Shit… I don't think she's breathing…" 

"We gotta go. Let's run." 

"Run! Split up before the cops come!" 

As I held her limp and naked body in my arms, I cried. A swelling wave of anger rolled inside of me churning back and forth. One kid had stayed behind, his expression uncaring. He was a sickening monster who watched me, the tips of his mouth creaking up into a small grin. 

"Y-You bastard! You're the one who's been bullying her! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO SO FAR!?" I shouted, shooting out a fist, only for it to be caught. 

"Oh… it was fun… I guess." 

He shrugged. He fucking shrugged. It was a simple gesture that heaved so much disrespect over me that I couldn't help but struggle against him. I flailed and kicked at him as tears ran from my eyes and then… 


"ARHGHHHHHHHHHHH!" I let out a blood-curdling scream as the boy's expression brightened. My leg that had been snapped was grabbed by him and he twisted it even further. 

Wee Wooo Wee Wooo Wee Wooo

The blare of sirens in the distance awoke the boy from his ecstatic trance. He looked down at what he had done, his expression falling… and then rising up again. A malicious and sadistic grin spread across his tightened skin as he stuck his hand in my friend's pool of blood and smeared it on his body. He then proceeded to break both of his arms without remorse and shifted that nasty grin of his. 

I was stunned, unable to do anything as I saw him manipulate the cops with crocodile tears. They were so salty that even the best cops would have trouble detecting the boy's true intentions. 

"N-No! He did it! He did it!" I screamed as the cops immediately arrested me and the boy. Eros. That fucking bastard. 

[You have been granted The Great Loki System]

[Calculating best course of action…]

[Regression has been chosen]


Crisp black panels with a dark green outline flared with arching crescents and fluttering strings, opened up before the young teen. His eyes were hazy, unable to grasp his current situation until he noticed the outline of a fellow classmate just slighter older than him. He took the appearance of a young man despite being in his early teens. 

Short dark blue hair and silver sadistic eyes watched as his lackeys tormented and beat a kid no chubbier than a pig. His glasses had shattered, the debris stuck in his hair and eyes yet even as he screamed for help, nobody did anything. They kept their eyes front and did their best to avoid even catching a glimpse of this atrocity. 

[You have regressed 200 years]

The young teen, about sixteen years old groaned, leaning back in his seat, immediately catching the attention of one of the lackeys. He chuckled lightly and walked over, slapping him in the back of the head.

"Well, looks who's awake…" A boy with black hair and brown eyes then grabbed the young teen's long hair. "Hey, go get us something to eat before class comes… any more absences and you'll be expelled, right-" 


All of a sudden, before the lackey, could even process anything, he had flipped over the table and nearly broke his back on another desk ahead. He grunted in pain, holding his back as the young teen, slowly stood up, his eyes shifting upwards. 

"Status… are you there…?" 


[Name: Floki Valis ]

[Race: Human (Regressor)] 

[Class: None (Regressor)]

[Level: 0/10] (0/5) XP Needed


[All Stats Have Been Locked]

[Mana Heart Has Been Locked]

[Skills: [Shapeshift]


[Unable to unlock all system features until mana has been injected into the world] 


"Hey… Floki, tell me what you just did and maybe I'll consider leaving you alive," A chilling voice caused everybody in the room to freeze. A heavy sense of dread washed over the students just wanting to attend school peacefully. 

Dark blue hair. Irredeemable black eyes. Long black eyelashes. Pale white skin. A muscular, tall, and strong yet toned figure. This was the perfect recipe in the regressor's eyes to create the biggest asshole in the world. 


The dilapidated chair that the regressor sat on screeched against the tiled floor while the hum of flickering fluorescent lights echoed in everybody's ears. His pale green eyes nearly rolled back into his head with an anger so deep and fermented that he had no possible way of externalizing it. It just hung on the lens of his pupil, splitting out and enveloping his entire body in chilling, rageful, goosebumps. 

"*sigh*... I was never good at fighting, but if it is against somebody who is pre-injection… I should be fine…" 


[Reading your Diary of Remembrance…]

"My feelings of hate continued to linger, yet the reason had been revised. No longer was it because of what he had done, but what he had become." 

 - [Locked]

diary of remembrance is going to be something fun to play around with

stickbUgcreators' thoughts