
Chapter 424

From the fifth floor to the fourth floor, it is a different scene. This is obviously the place where the band rehearsals, practice, and recording. The classrooms can vaguely see the scene through the frosted glass'doors'. Roger is casual. Pushed open the big'door' of a practice room next to him, took the lead and walked in, Henry followed closely behind.

Walking into the practice room, you can clearly see the silver-grey soundproof wall in the light of the'milk' yellow' color, and besides the glass'door', there is a thick wooden'door' at the entrance of the'door'. Obviously It is absolutely complete sound insulation measures. In the practice room are all the musical instruments that the band needs to use, and on the other side of the shelf there are Western musical instruments such as French horns and violin. The floor is full of black'colored' connecting lines, in a mess. With a sense of randomness, you can feel the traces of people often using it here. Compared to the temporary practice room established in the warehouse behind Al Bar, this place is simply heaven.

Roger walked to the sofa opposite the band and sat down. Henry seemed too tired, and immediately found a place next to Roger. Henry seemed to wave his hand a little impatiently, "It's time for your performances now, do everything I can to convince the old guy next to me, if he is not satisfied, I will knock him on the head with a guitar." Henry said. Everyone in the practice room chuckles.

Roger didn't have time to make these quarrels with Henry. After he sat down, he blatantly looked at the band's movements, and even deliberately narrowed his smile, using a critical and strict eye to examine the band's preparation activities. This is Roger deliberately putting pressure on the band. The New York Times bragged so much before, and there was the exaggeration of the "talking" in the office on the fifth floor just now. Roger was clearly saying: I have a high regard for you. High expectations.

Everyone knows that it is not an easy task to win high evaluations under high expectations. It will be smashed if you are not careful. What's more, the band performance is an important factor in the on-the-spot play.

The band members were originally curiously looking at the dazzling array of equipment in the practice room. After hearing Henry's words, they had to withdraw their attention and began to look for their own instrument. Compared with the practice room, the next audition was only needed. Is the point.

Roger's eyes didn't cover up too much. Everyone could feel the kind of looking back, but the band members didn't seem to notice it, but Alfonso looked at his teammates a little uncertainly. Seeing the daring Pedro with excitement, I saw the concentrated expressions of Neil and Fogin, and then I saw Hugo's eyes, which was full of infinite confidence, and there was a smile on his lips.

Alfonso soon realized that they had performed nearly two hundred shows along the way. If you add the performances on the streets of Los Angeles, the number would definitely exceed two hundred. They are not a fledgling band, they have experienced it. Large and small tests, and today's performance is not a test at all, because the most critical audience in the world is not Roger Fasson or Henry Bloom, but ordinary audiences.

As a result, Alfonso's impatient mood settled down, and just like his teammates, he began to focus on tuning his own instruments. For a while, Roger and Henry became spectators instead, as if they did not exist at all. The band members were not in a hurry, but patiently and carefully adjusted their instruments. They must first sharpen their tools if they want to do their best. This is the truth.

Hugo's attention is also highly concentrated at this time. He knows that in this kind of occasion, the band often has only one chance to perform, that is, one song. In the best case, it will never exceed three songs. After all, this is an audition. It is an occasion to observe the potential and strength of the band, not a live performance. So glory to death has no warm-up time, only a chance for a song

The band chose "Don't be annoyed by the past (...in.anger, not because of the quality or arrangement of the song, but because it was this song that brought Fujin and Alfonso to the band. This song The song has a special meaning for the band, and it is also the song that the band members can resonate most.

When the steady keyboard sound cut into the main song, Roger's pupils shrank slightly. Although he had heard Henry say that the band's style was different, the keyboard player actually occupied such an important position. This still surprised Roger.

"There is boredom in your eyes, because you can't find the place where you can realize your dreams. When you say that you give up, all the efforts you put into it will disappear without a trace."

Hugo's singing echoed in the practice room, gently stroking Roger's heartstrings. The soundproofing effect in the practice room is very good, so the sound of musical instruments can easily be amplified, but because the human voice cannot be compared with the resonance of musical instruments, especially this is the resonance of the entire band's musical instruments, so the singer's The sound is easily overwhelmed by music.

But the performance at this time did not have this feeling. The band members used their own changes in priorities to control the volume of the music, and did not completely let go of their hands to perform. Although this seems to constrain the band's hands and feet, it accidentally makes the music have a kind of energy hidden in the melody 'desire', as if it could find a catharsis to burst out at any time.

And Hugo's performance is even more eye-catching. He just stood in place and sang freely. His appearance didn't seem to use much strength, but his voice traveled freely in the melody, integrating the power of the lyrics into the melody. In this way, the whole band becomes one, and the delicate emotions flow out quietly. Perhaps the audience did not hear the lyrics clearly, but the whole emotion was dragged into the world of the song unknowingly.

"So, I will start a revolution from the'bed'. Fate, because you said that my thoughts have dazzled my mind. Outside the'door' of my home, it is blooming in midsummer. When I stand by the stove, the flames reflect Blushing your face, the hope in your heart is burning like that flame."

Hugo's voice gradually increased. The sincere emotion seemed to be a 'flower' that bloomed slowly in front of Roger. The indescribable beauty made Roger lose all his language. Henry, who was sitting next to him at the moment, had reduced all his breath, as if it had disappeared. Sitting quietly in place, the feeling of laziness gradually diffused, but looking closely at Henry's eyes, it was OK. I clearly felt that the non-focused eyes had fallen into deep memories. In Hugo's interpretation, the emotions were like black and white keys on the keyboard, tinkling.

At this moment, Hugo's voice slowly rose to a critical point, and then released with the melody, "So Sally can wait..." The emotions brewing in the whole band suddenly exploded at this moment, especially The sound of "So" and "Sally" burst out like thunder, detonating the heart, all emotions filled the brain like this, and the brain was blank in an instant, "She knows that even if your awakening is too late, even if you have been awakened by everyone Abandon, her green'spring' is gradually withering, but I remember you said, don't be annoyed by the past. At least not today."

Roger marveled, he had to marvel, marvel at such a band that has always been full of magical powers, whether it is joining the keyboard, or using the guitar and bass, the band is incompatible with the current'trend' flow, but the simple chords have not been lost. The charm of the guitar, on the contrary, fills the music with a kind of surging "excitement". If the bright spots of light are generally blurred in the line of sight.

The lyrics of the band are full of infinite possibilities of sex. The simple sentence "Don't be annoyed by the past" has aroused countless reveries. The band's rebelliousness, publicity, determination, and wanton are all hidden in the melody. It is released through Hugo's warm voice, which makes people indulge in it without knowing it.

When the song was over, Roger still did not come out of the music. He just realized that the world had calmed down, and the itchy feeling in his heart made him slightly adjust his sitting posture, and coughed slightly, "You Are there any other tracks?"

"Of course." The answer was Hugo. Hugo looked back at his teammates and began to perform the second song, "Second Chance (. This song is slightly different from the first song in style. , The whole song is more rugged and strong, and the emotional catharsis is like a jet of water hitting the heart directly.

The overall style of the first song is rough and dark, with a Beatles-like lyrical'color', which is very similar to a band of British origin; the second song is actually rougher, but more rock-and-roll. , The impactful **** style shows the Hugo's high-span sound range.

In fact, the first song is more delicate, and the shock comes from the soul; the second song is more rough, the shock is directed at the eardrum. But in general, it can be regarded as alternative rock, concise and clear guitar chords, increased the use of keyboards, the singing of the lead singer is not "fancy", more relying on hard power interpretation of the song.

This style has a distinct form that is completely different from the current global popular rock and roll, but it is full of infinite possibilities of'sex'. The most important thing is that the overall strength of the band is very harmonious.

In fact, Roger noticed that when the first song was just started, the rhythm and melody were a little out of touch, and the cooperation between the bass and the drum kit was also a little off. The bass player was a quarter beat quickly, which was obviously over-excited. The most common performance, but the band quickly adjusted, and the complementarity between each other was responded to during the performance.

Roger knows that ~www.mtlnovel.com~ this kind of tacit understanding is absolutely impossible without the running-in of one or two hundred performances. This perseverance is really admirable.

In addition, the potential of the band also made Roger's eyes shine. What Roger needs is a band that is brave to break the shackles like Glory To Death. There are countless follow-up bands of Nirvana in the entire rock music market. It seems that everyone is a pirated Nirvana band, but no one can ever surpass Kot. Cobain, it seems that after the Beatles have achieved a classic, there are countless bands that want to copy the Beatles. Even the local British media like to say "the so-and-so band has the hope of becoming the successor of the Beatles", but they will always Impossible to achieve.

Therefore, Roger saw the possibility of'sex' in Glory to Death. They followed the advantages of the predecessor band, and did not deny these. For example, the first song has the shadow of the Beatles, and the second song can also be seen. The current mainstream heavy metal rock has the advantages; but they bravely broke the convention and performed their own style. This possibility of sex, coupled with the strength of the band itself, is full of infinite possibilities of sex.

Roger realized that he had dug up the treasure. Of course, to be precise, it was Henry's fierce eyesight that got it right.