
The weird story

There was a great house outside of Nampa said Mark, but what about the other house said Sam, what other house said Mark and then Sam said it was the worst house in the world, people say that there are zombies in the house but hey it is just a story right. (a few minutes early) Sam said how about we go camping and tell scary stories but Mark said no but they went anyways and there was no parents around to stop then. So one day Sam and Mark went to the great house and the outside of the house looked like it was in the 2018 but it was from the 2000 and so they went in the house and it had 3 storys so cool Mark said and Sam was like ok but they did not go upstairs yet because they have to explore the rest of the house and so they did in then went upstairs and it was great it look like gold from every corner and it look like you could sold this house for 1,000 dollars and so they stuck around for a bit in then the owner got home and then they got out of the house and they went back to camping for a couple hours.