

The room was very quiet; none of them spoke. A couple of minutes later, the scarred face of the old man stood up and asked him, "If we submit, what will the Gorgian family receive?"

Shadow let out a chuckle and said, "I will give you one capital city for you to rein, and the head of the Gethiod family and his son would that be enough?"

Hearing that he would give them a capital city, all the old men started discussing within themselves while Rex was deep in thought and seemed to be pondering something.

He then looks at Shadow and asks, "If we submit to you, what would we do afterwards?"

Shadow nodded and praised Rex for his intelligence. Knowing how great the benefits they could obtain from joining his kingdom, he directly asked what task he should give them.

He then started to introduce his plan and also the task of the Gorgian family. "As I said earlier, those descendants that are outstanding in the Gorgian family would swear loyalty to me, and after obtaining your allegiance, I would have you as the guardian and reporters about the situation here in Cringe City and the Cringe Kingdom."

"After that, I need you to create a secret compound and start buying slaves and adopting orphans and bring them there; just leave them to my subordinate."

After saying that, he grabs the scarred-faced old man, Rex, and two more old men with him and speeds off in the direction where Sword Slash City is.

He used all of his strength to flee towards Sword Slash City, so it only took him 3 minutes to arrive at Sword Slash City together with Rex and the others.

He then used the teleportation portal towards Eligan Fortress, arriving there immediately. He then returned to Eligan Kingdom, dazzling the old men. It seems that the old men's dreams were to actually ascend to the higher realm. They all shed tears of happiness when they found out they were in a kingdom in the higher realm.

Shadow just kept silent, looking at the emotional old men kneeling on the ground and crying.

After a couple of minutes of happiness, he went directly to the business: "This is my kingdom; it is called Eligan Kingdom. As you can see, I do not lie, so it is your turn to complete the end of our bargain; if not, then the three of you will stay here in prison."

Listening to him, Rex nodded and answered, "My Lord, please do not fret. I will gather the most outstanding youths of our Gorgian family to swear loyalty to you."

Shadow nodded and was satisfied in Rex's answer he then look at the three old men and asks "The three of you were the strongest in the gathering earlier tell me your names"

The three looked at each other and nodded, then one old man with a scholarly look and a goatee spoke, "Yerxi Gorgian, the guardian of the library."

The other looks like an experienced fighter and actually looks like a middle-aged man with white hair and a moustache: "Floyve Gorgian, one of the master swordsmen in the Gorgian family."

The last to introduce himself was the scarred-faced old man: "Bastos, I am not a descendant of the Gorgian Family, but I am a member of it. I am in charge of nearly all the army forces of the Gorgian Family."

Shadow nodded and had them explore the kingdom; he gave them a deadline of one day.

Knowing that they needed to return to the lower realm tomorrow, they look a little depressed. The condition in the higher realm is many times greater than the lower realm.

The air is pure, as are the spiritual energy and mana in the air; their density is also much greater than in the lower realm, creating a perfect place for cultivation.

The next day, Shadow brought all the members of the Gorgian family and some of his subordinates back to the lower realm and took half and a full week to return to Cringe City.

Shadow then had Rex gather all the outstanding youths of the Gorgian family and have them swear loyalty to him.

Rex nodded and had the young generation of the Gorgian family gather into the meeting room.

The youth at first did not know what was happening until their elders explained the situation to them.

Hearing that they were actually going on a subordinate rite, they were at first hesitant, especially the most outstanding youths of the batch.

Rex, seeing this, got angry, so as the three old men that had arrived at Eligan Kingdom were going to scold them, suddenly Shadow spoke in a solemn but powerful manner.

"Oh, to think that you dare deny my proposal. Do you think that if I start rampaging here in your territory, any of you can stop me?"

He then released his full aura. Of course, he only focused on the youth that gathered in the meeting room. If he truly released his powerful aura, then the guardian and all the other powerful masters of Cringe City would definitely feel it.

After a couple of minutes, all of the youths of the Gorgian family were sprawling to the ground. They then looked at Shadow, full of respect and fear.

Shadow nodded. This was the result he wanted. He then started speaking again. "A month later, the Gorgian Family shall have a family competition. I don't care if you came from a branch family or even if you did not hold the Gorgian Family name. I tell you this: as long as you are an outstanding youth of the Gorgian Family, you can enter. Those who piqued my interest and those who will be in 3rd rank and above, I will tell you this: I will be bringing you to my kingdom to the higher realm and can use 1 year to train there."

"What's more, the 2nd rank can join one of the sects I created on the higher realm, while the first rank will have the ability to recommend a person to me, and I will bring that person, along with the chosen ones, back to my kingdom."